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<title>Image Viewer (Kotlin/Wasm)</title>
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Please make sure that your runtime environment supports the latest version of Wasm GC and Exception-Handling proposals.
For more information, see <a href=""></a>.
<li>For <b>Chrome</b> and <b>Chromium-based</b> browsers (Edge, Brave etc.), it <b>should just work</b> since version 119.</li>
<li>For <b>Firefox</b> 120 it <b>should just work</b>.</li>
<li>For <b>Firefox</b> 119:
<li>Open <span class="code">about:config</span> in the browser.</li>
<li>Enable <strong>javascript.options.wasm_gc</strong>.</li>
<li>Refresh this page.</li>
<script type="application/javascript" >
const unhandledError = (event, error) => {
if (error instanceof WebAssembly.CompileError) {
// Hide a Scary Webpack Overlay which is less informative in this case.
const webpackOverlay = document.getElementById("webpack-dev-server-client-overlay");
if (webpackOverlay != null)"none";
addEventListener("error", (event) => unhandledError(event, event.error));
addEventListener("unhandledrejection", (event) => unhandledError(event, event.reason));