You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.jetbrains.compose.resources
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import org.jetbrains.compose.resources.vector.xmldom.Element
import org.jetbrains.compose.resources.vector.xmldom.NodeList
private val SimpleStringFormatRegex = Regex("""%(\d)\$[ds]""")
* Represents a string resource in the application.
* @param id The unique identifier of the resource.
* @param key The key used to retrieve the string resource.
* @param items The set of resource items associated with the string resource.
class StringResource(id: String, val key: String, items: Set<ResourceItem>): Resource(id, items)
private sealed interface StringItem {
data class Value(val text: String) : StringItem
data class Array(val items: List<String>) : StringItem
private val stringsCacheMutex = Mutex()
private val parsedStringsCache = mutableMapOf<String, Deferred<Map<String, StringItem>>>()
internal fun dropStringsCache() {
private suspend fun getParsedStrings(
path: String,
resourceReader: ResourceReader
): Map<String, StringItem> = coroutineScope {
val deferred = stringsCacheMutex.withLock {
parsedStringsCache.getOrPut(path) {
//LAZY - to free the mutex lock as fast as possible
async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
parseStringXml(path, resourceReader)
private suspend fun parseStringXml(path: String, resourceReader: ResourceReader): Map<String, StringItem> {
val nodes =
val strings = nodes.getElementsWithName("string").associate { element ->
element.getAttribute("name") to StringItem.Value(element.textContent.orEmpty())
val arrays = nodes.getElementsWithName("string-array").associate { arrayElement ->
val items = arrayElement.childNodes.getElementsWithName("item").map { element ->
arrayElement.getAttribute("name") to StringItem.Array(items)
return strings + arrays
* Retrieves a string using the specified string resource.
* @param resource The string resource to be used.
* @return The retrieved string resource.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the provided ID is not found in the resource file.
fun getString(resource: StringResource): String {
val resourceReader = LocalResourceReader.current
val str by rememberState(resource, { "" }) { loadString(resource, resourceReader) }
return str
* Loads a string using the specified string resource.
* @param resource The string resource to be used.
* @return The loaded string resource.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the provided ID is not found in the resource file.
suspend fun loadString(resource: StringResource): String = loadString(resource, DefaultResourceReader)
private suspend fun loadString(resource: StringResource, resourceReader: ResourceReader): String {
val path = resource.getPathByEnvironment()
val keyToValue = getParsedStrings(path, resourceReader)
val item = keyToValue[resource.key] as? StringItem.Value
?: error("String ID=`${resource.key}` is not found!")
return item.text
* Retrieves a formatted string using the specified string resource and arguments.
* @param resource The string resource to be used.
* @param formatArgs The arguments to be inserted into the formatted string.
* @return The formatted string resource.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the provided ID is not found in the resource file.
fun getString(resource: StringResource, vararg formatArgs: Any): String {
val resourceReader = LocalResourceReader.current
val args = { it.toString() }
val str by rememberState(resource, { "" }) { loadString(resource, args, resourceReader) }
return str
* Loads a formatted string using the specified string resource and arguments.
* @param resource The string resource to be used.
* @param formatArgs The arguments to be inserted into the formatted string.
* @return The formatted string resource.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the provided ID is not found in the resource file.
suspend fun loadString(resource: StringResource, vararg formatArgs: Any): String = loadString(
resource, { it.toString() },
private suspend fun loadString(resource: StringResource, args: List<String>, resourceReader: ResourceReader): String {
val str = loadString(resource, resourceReader)
return SimpleStringFormatRegex.replace(str) { matchResult ->
args[matchResult.groupValues[1].toInt() - 1]
* Retrieves a list of strings using the specified string array resource.
* @param resource The string resource to be used.
* @return A list of strings representing the items in the string array.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the string array with the given ID is not found.
fun getStringArray(resource: StringResource): List<String> {
val resourceReader = LocalResourceReader.current
val array by rememberState(resource, { emptyList() }) { loadStringArray(resource, resourceReader) }
return array
* Loads a list of strings using the specified string array resource.
* @param resource The string resource to be used.
* @return A list of strings representing the items in the string array.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the string array with the given ID is not found.
suspend fun loadStringArray(resource: StringResource): List<String> = loadStringArray(resource, DefaultResourceReader)
private suspend fun loadStringArray(resource: StringResource, resourceReader: ResourceReader): List<String> {
val path = resource.getPathByEnvironment()
val keyToValue = getParsedStrings(path, resourceReader)
val item = keyToValue[resource.key] as? StringItem.Array
?: error("String array ID=`${resource.key}` is not found!")
return item.items
private fun NodeList.getElementsWithName(name: String): List<Element> =
List(length) { item(it) }
.filter { it.localName == name }