// Replace paths unavailable during compilation with `null`, so they will not be shown in devtools ; (() => { const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const outDir = __dirname + "/kotlin/" const projecName = path.basename(__dirname); const mapFile = outDir + projecName + ".wasm.map" const sourcemap = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(mapFile)) const sources = sourcemap["sources"] srcLoop: for (let i in sources) { const srcFilePath = sources[i]; if (srcFilePath == null) continue; const srcFileCandidates = [ outDir + srcFilePath, outDir + srcFilePath.substring("../".length), outDir + "../" + srcFilePath, ]; for (let srcFile of srcFileCandidates) { if (fs.existsSync(srcFile)) continue srcLoop; } sources[i] = null; } fs.writeFileSync(mapFile, JSON.stringify(sourcemap)); })();