![Project in Android Studio](screenshots/studio.png) Composite build of [Compose-jb sources](https://github.com/JetBrains/androidx) ## Download submodules after downloading the main project: ``` git submodule update --init --recursive ``` Set this property to always update submodules on git checkout/pull/reset: ``` git config --global submodule.recurse true ``` ## General requirements - Java 11 (should be specified in JAVA_HOME) - [macOs/Linux] Android SDK downloaded via `./scripts/downloadAndroidSdk` - [Windows] Android SDK downloaded from Android Studio and specified in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT. Required components: - Android 12 - Build-Tools 30.0.3 - NDK 21.3.6528147 (in folder $androidSdk/ndk, not in $androidSdk/ndk/$version) - CMake (in folder $androidSdk/cmake, not in $androidSdk/cmake/$version) ## Requirements to develop in IDE - Android Studio 2021.1.1 Canary 8 (https://developer.android.com/studio/archive) - Custom Gradle 7.2 specified in `Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle` (because Android Studio will pick the wrong Gradle in the subproject instead of the Gradle in the root project) - Specified Gradle JDK 11 in `... -> Build Tools -> Gradle` - [macOs/Linux] Android SDK points to a folder, downloaded via `./scripts/downloadAndroidSdk` - Environment variables: ``` export ALLOW_PUBLIC_REPOS=1 export JAVA_TOOLS_JAR=$PWD/external/tools.jar export ANDROIDX_PROJECTS=COMPOSE ``` - Gradle properties in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties: ``` androidx.compose.multiplatformEnabled=true androidx.compose.jsCompilerTestsEnabled=true androidx.validateProjectStructure=false ``` (note that https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support build doesn't work with androidx.compose.jsCompilerTestsEnabled) ## Scripts Publish artifacts to the local directory `out/androidx/build/support_repo/org/jetbrains/compose`: ``` ./scripts/publish ``` (on Windows it doesn't build at the moment, the issue is in the line `packageInspector(project, project(":compose:ui:ui-inspection")` in `compose/frameworks/support/compose/ui/ui/build.gradle`) Publish extended icons: ``` ./scripts/publishExtendedIcons ``` Run tests for Desktop: ``` ./scripts/testDesktop ``` Run tests for Web: ``` ./scripts/testWeb ```