# Native distributions & local execution ## What is covered In this tutorial, we'll show you how to create native distributions (installers/packages) for all the supported systems. We will also demonstrate how to run an application locally with the same settings as for distributions. ## Gradle plugin `org.jetbrains.compose` Gradle plugin simplifies the packaging of applications into native distributions and running an application locally. Currently, the plugin uses [jpackage](https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/343) for packaging self-contained applications. ## Basic usage The basic unit of configuration in the plugin is an `application`. An `application` defines a shared configuration for a set of final binaries. In other words, an `application` in DSL allows you to pack a bunch of files, together with a JDK distribution, into a set of compressed binary installers in various formats (`.dmg`, `.deb`, `.msi`, `.exe`, etc). ``` kotlin import org.jetbrains.compose.compose import org.jetbrains.compose.desktop.application.dsl.TargetFormat plugins { kotlin("jvm") id("org.jetbrains.compose") } dependencies { implementation(compose.desktop.currentOS) } compose.desktop { application { mainClass = "example.MainKt" nativeDistributions { targetFormats(TargetFormat.Dmg, TargetFormat.Msi, TargetFormat.Deb) } } } ``` The plugin creates the following tasks: * `package` (e.g. `packageDmg` or `packageMsi`) are used for packaging the app into the corresponding format. Note, that there is no cross-compilation support available at the moment, so the formats can only be built using the specific OS (e.g. to build `.dmg` you have to use macOS). Tasks that are not compatible with the current OS are skipped by default. * `package` is a [lifecycle](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/more_about_tasks.html#sec:lifecycle_tasks) task, aggregating all package tasks for an application. * `packageUberJarForCurrentOS` is used to create a single jar file, containing all dependencies for current OS. The task is available starting from the M2 release. The task expects `compose.desktop.currentOS` to be used as a `compile`/`implementation`/`runtime` dependency. * `run` is used to run an app locally. You need to define a `mainClass` — an fq-name of a class, containing the `main` function. Note, that `run` starts a non-packaged JVM application with full runtime. This is faster and easier to debug, than creating a compact binary image with minified runtime. To run a final binary image, use `runDistributable` instead. * `createDistributable` is used to create a prepackaged application image a final application image without creating an installer. * `runDistributable` is used to run a prepackaged application image. Note, that the tasks are created only if the `application` block/property is used in a script. After a build, output binaries can be found in `${project.buildDir}/compose/binaries`. ## Available formats The following formats available for the supported operating systems: * macOS — `.dmg` (`TargetFormat.Dmg`), `.pkg` (`TargetFormat.Pkg`) * Windows — `.exe` (`TargetFormat.Exe`), `.msi` (`TargetFormat.Msi`) * Linux — `.deb` (`TargetFormat.Deb`), `.rpm` (`TargetFormat.Rpm`) ## Distributing Artifacts By default, Apple does not allow users to execute unsigned applications downloaded from the internet. Users attempting to run such applications will be faced with an error like this: ![](attrs-error.png) To temporarily work around this issue, users can try a couple of things (after downloading to target machine, try commands in this order, do not attempt out of order): * `xattr -cr MyFancyProgram.app` * `sudo spctl --master-disable` * Try right-clicking on the app, and select "Open", then when the dialog pops up, select "Open" again. A more correct fix is to manually sign & notarize the application: * [Apple's Guide on Signing & Notarizing Applications](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/notarizing_macos_software_before_distribution) * [JPackage Documentation on Signing MacOS Applications](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/15/jpackage/support-application-features.html#GUID-8D9F0607-91F4-4070-8823-02FCAB12238D) ## Customizing JDK version The plugin uses `jpackage`, which is available since [JDK 14](https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/14/). Make sure you meet at least one of the following requirements: * `JAVA_HOME` environment variable points to the compatible JDK version. * `javaHome` is set via DSL: ``` kotlin compose.desktop { application { javaHome = System.getenv("JDK_14") } } ``` ## Customizing output dir ``` kotlin compose.desktop { application { nativeDistributions { outputBaseDir.set(project.buildDir.resolve("customOutputDir")) } } } ``` ## Customizing launcher The following properties are available for customizing the application startup: * `mainClass` — a fully-qualified name of a class, containing the main method; * `args` — arguments for the application's main method; * `jvmArgs` — arguments for the application's JVM. ``` kotlin compose.desktop { application { mainClass = "MainKt" jvmArgs += listOf("-Xmx2G") args += listOf("-customArgument") } } ``` ## Customizing metadata The following properties are available in the `nativeDistributions` DSL block: * `packageName` — application's name (default value: Gradle project's [name](https://docs.gradle.org/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/Project.html#getName--)); * `version` — application's version (default value: Gradle project's [version](https://docs.gradle.org/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/Project.html#getVersion--)); * `description` — application's description (default value: none); * `copyright` — application's copyright (default value: none); * `vendor` — application's vendor (default value: none). ``` kotlin compose.desktop { application { nativeDistributions { packageName = "ExampleApp" version = "0.1-SNAPSHOT" description = "Compose Example App" copyright = "© 2020 My Name. All rights reserved." vendor = "Example vendor" } } } ``` ## Customizing content The plugin can configure itself, when either `org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm` or `org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform` plugins are used. * With `org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm` the plugin includes content from the `main` [source set](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_plugin.html#source_sets). * With `org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform` the plugin includes content a single [jvm target](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/mpp-dsl-reference.html#targets). The default configuration is disabled if multiple JVM targets are defined. In this case, the plugin should be configured manually, or a single target should be specified (see below). If the default configuration is ambiguous or not sufficient, the plugin can be configured: * Using a Gradle [source set](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_plugin.html#source_sets) ``` kotlin plugins { kotlin("jvm") id("org.jetbrains.compose") } val customSourceSet = sourceSets.create("customSourceSet") compose.desktop { application { from(customSourceSet) } } ``` * Using a Kotlin [JVM target](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/mpp-dsl-reference.html#targets): ``` kotlin plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") id("org.jetbrains.compose") } kotlin { jvm("customJvmTarget") {} } compose.desktop { application { from(kotlin.targets["customJvmTarget"]) } } ``` * manually: * `disableDefaultConfiguration` can be used to disable the default configuration; * `dependsOn` can be used to add task dependencies to all plugin's tasks; * `fromFiles` can be used to specify files to include; * `mainJar` file property can be specified to point to a jar, containing a main class. ``` kotlin compose.desktop { application { disableDefaultConfiguration() fromFiles(project.fileTree("libs/") { include("**/*.jar") }) mainJar.set(project.file("main.jar")) dependsOn("mainJarTask") } } ``` ## App icon The app icon needs to be provided in OS-specific formats: * `.icns` for macOS; * `.ico` for Windows; * `.png` for Linux. ``` kotlin compose.desktop { application { nativeDistributions { macOS { iconFile.set(project.file("icon.icns")) } windows { iconFile.set(project.file("icon.ico")) } linux { iconFile.set(project.file("icon.png")) } } } } ```