import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.dsl.ExperimentalWasmDsl import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.webpack.KotlinWebpackConfig plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") kotlin("plugin.compose") id("org.jetbrains.compose") } val rootDirPath = project.rootDir.path kotlin { js { moduleName = "imageviewer" browser { commonWebpackConfig { outputFileName = "imageviewer.js" } } binaries.executable() useEsModules() } @OptIn(ExperimentalWasmDsl::class) wasmJs { moduleName = "imageviewer" browser { // TODO: uncomment when is fixed (it doesn't work with configuration cache) // commonWebpackConfig { // devServer = (devServer ?: KotlinWebpackConfig.DevServer()).apply { // static = (static ?: mutableListOf()).apply { // // Serve sources to debug inside browser // add(rootDirPath) // add(rootDirPath + "/shared/") // add(rootDirPath + "/webApp/") // } // } // } } binaries.executable() } sourceSets { val jsWasmMain by creating { dependencies { implementation(project(":shared")) implementation(compose.runtime) implementation(compose.ui) implementation( implementation(compose.material) @OptIn(org.jetbrains.compose.ExperimentalComposeLibrary::class) implementation(compose.components.resources) } } val jsMain by getting { dependsOn(jsWasmMain) } val wasmJsMain by getting { dependsOn(jsWasmMain) } } }