import org.jetbrains.compose.ExperimentalComposeLibrary import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.dsl.ExperimentalWasmDsl plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") id("org.jetbrains.compose") id("maven-publish") id("") } val composeVersion = extra["compose.version"] as String kotlin { jvm("desktop") androidTarget { publishLibraryVariants("release") compilations.all { kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = "11" } } } iosX64() iosArm64() iosSimulatorArm64() js { browser { testTask(Action { enabled = false }) } } @OptIn(ExperimentalWasmDsl::class) wasmJs { browser { testTask(Action { useKarma { useChromeHeadless() useConfigDirectory(project.projectDir.resolve("karma.config.d").resolve("wasm")) } }) } binaries.executable() } macosX64() macosArm64() applyDefaultHierarchyTemplate() sourceSets { all { languageSettings { optIn("kotlin.RequiresOptIn") optIn("kotlinx.cinterop.ExperimentalForeignApi") optIn("kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalNativeApi") optIn("org.jetbrains.compose.resources.InternalResourceApi") } } // common // ┌────┴────┐ // skiko blocking // │ ┌─────┴────────┐ // ┌───┴───┬──│────────┐ │ // │ native │ jvmAndAndroid // │ ┌───┴───┐ │ ┌───┴───┐ // web ios macos desktop android val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation(compose.runtime) implementation( implementation(libs.kotlinx.coroutines.core) } } val commonTest by getting { dependencies { implementation(kotlin("test")) implementation(libs.kotlinx.coroutines.test) implementation(compose.material3) @OptIn(ExperimentalComposeLibrary::class) implementation(compose.uiTest) } } val blockingMain by creating { dependsOn(commonMain) } val blockingTest by creating { dependsOn(commonTest) } val skikoMain by creating { dependsOn(commonMain) } val skikoTest by creating { dependsOn(commonTest) } val jvmAndAndroidMain by creating { dependsOn(blockingMain) } val jvmAndAndroidTest by creating { dependsOn(blockingTest) } val desktopMain by getting { dependsOn(skikoMain) dependsOn(jvmAndAndroidMain) } val desktopTest by getting { dependsOn(skikoTest) dependsOn(jvmAndAndroidTest) dependencies { implementation(compose.desktop.currentOs) } } val androidMain by getting { dependsOn(jvmAndAndroidMain) } val androidInstrumentedTest by getting { dependsOn(jvmAndAndroidTest) dependencies { implementation(libs.androidx.test.core) implementation(libs.androidx.compose.ui.test) implementation(libs.androidx.compose.ui.test.manifest) implementation(libs.androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4) } } val androidUnitTest by getting { dependsOn(jvmAndAndroidTest) } val nativeMain by getting { dependsOn(skikoMain) dependsOn(blockingMain) } val nativeTest by getting { dependsOn(skikoTest) dependsOn(blockingTest) } val webMain by creating { dependsOn(skikoMain) } val jsMain by getting { dependsOn(webMain) } val wasmJsMain by getting { dependsOn(webMain) } val webTest by creating { dependsOn(skikoTest) } val jsTest by getting { dependsOn(webTest) } val wasmJsTest by getting { dependsOn(webTest) } } } android { compileSdk = 34 namespace = "org.jetbrains.compose.components.resources" defaultConfig { minSdk = 21 testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 } @Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") testOptions { managedDevices { devices { maybeCreate("pixel5").apply { device = "Pixel 5" apiLevel = 31 systemImageSource = "aosp" } } } } sourceSets { val commonTestResources = "src/commonTest/resources" named("androidTest") { resources.srcDir(commonTestResources) assets.srcDir("src/androidInstrumentedTest/assets") } named("test") { resources.srcDir(commonTestResources) } } } configureMavenPublication( groupId = "org.jetbrains.compose.components", artifactId = "components-resources", name = "Resources for Compose JB" ) // adding it here to make sure skiko is unpacked and available in web tests compose.experimental { web.application {} } //utility task to generate CLDRPluralRuleLists.kt file by 'CLDRPluralRules/plurals.xml' tasks.register("generatePluralRuleLists") { val projectDir = project.layout.projectDirectory pluralsFile = projectDir.file("CLDRPluralRules/plurals.xml") outputFile = projectDir.file("src/commonMain/kotlin/org/jetbrains/compose/resources/plural/CLDRPluralRuleLists.kt") samplesOutputFile = projectDir.file("src/commonTest/kotlin/org/jetbrains/compose/resources/CLDRPluralRuleLists.test.kt") } afterEvaluate { // TODO(o.k.): remove this after we refactor jsAndWasmMain source set in skiko to get rid of broken "common" js-interop tasks.configureEach { if (name == "compileWebMainKotlinMetadata") enabled = false } }