# Chat example app Example can run on Android, iOS, desktop or in a browser. *Prerequisites*: to run on iOS and Android, you should have "Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile" plugin installed either in Android Studio or in AppCode with [installed CocoaPods](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/native-cocoapods.html). ## How to run Choose a run configuration for an appropriate target in IDE and run it. ![run-configurations.png](run-configurations.png) To run on iOS device, please correct `iosApp/Configuration/TeamId.xcconfig` with your Apple Team ID. Alternatively, you may setup signing within XCode opening `iosApp/iosApp.xcworkspace` and then using "Signing & Capabilities" tab of `iosApp` target. Then choose **iosApp** configuration in IDE and run it. ## Run on desktop via Gradle `./gradlew desktopApp:run` ## Run JS in browser with WebAssembly Skia via Gradle `./gradlew jsApp:jsBrowserDevelopmentRun` ### Run MacOS via Gradle: - on Intel CPU: `./gradlew :shared:runDebugExecutableMacosX64` - on Apple Silicon: `./gradlew :shared:runDebugExecutableMacosArm64` ## SwiftUI interop This example shows how you can set up an interop between SwiftUI and Compose. Pay attention to the file [ComposeViewControllerToSwiftUI.swift](iosApp%2FiosApp%2FComposeViewControllerToSwiftUI.swift). This file help to add Compose inside SwiftUI hierarchy.