data class SnippetData( val file: File, val lineNumber: Int, val content: String, var tempDir: File? = null ) fun findSnippets(dirs: List): List { val snippets = mutableListOf() dirs.forEach { dirName -> rootProject .projectDir .parentFile .resolve(dirName) .listFiles() .filter {".md") } .forEach { file -> val currentSnippet = kotlin.text.StringBuilder() var snippetStart = 0 var lineNumber = 0 file.forEachLine { line -> lineNumber++ if (line == "```kotlin") snippetStart = lineNumber + 1 else if (line == "```" && snippetStart != 0) { snippets.add(SnippetData(file, snippetStart, currentSnippet.toString())) snippetStart = 0 currentSnippet.clear() } else { if (snippetStart != 0) { currentSnippet.appendln(line) } } } } } return snippets } fun cloneTemplate(index: Int, content: String): File { val tempDir = file("${project.buildDir.absolutePath}/temp/cloned-$index") tempDir.deleteRecursively() tempDir.mkdirs() file("${projectDir.parentFile.parentFile.absolutePath}/templates/desktop-template").copyRecursively(tempDir) // tempDir.deleteOnExit() File("$tempDir/src/main/kotlin/main.kt").printWriter().use { out -> out.println(content) } return tempDir } fun checkDirs(dirs: List) { val snippets = findSnippets(dirs) snippets.forEachIndexed { index, snippet -> println("process snippet $index at ${snippet.file}:${snippet.lineNumber}") snippet.tempDir = cloneTemplate(index, snippet.content) val isWin = System.getProperty("").startsWith("Win") val procBuilder = if (isWin) { ProcessBuilder("gradlew.bat", "build") } else { ProcessBuilder("bash", "./gradlew", "build") } val proc = procBuilder .directory(snippet.tempDir) .redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE) .redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE) .start() proc.waitFor(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES) if (proc.exitValue() != 0) { println(proc.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()) println(proc.errorStream.bufferedReader().readText()) throw GradleException("Error in snippet at ${snippet.file}:${snippet.lineNumber}") } } } // NOTICE: currently we use a bit hacky approach, when "```kotlin" marks code that shall be checked, while "``` kotlin" // with whitespace marks code that shall not be checked. tasks.register("check") { doLast { val dirs = project .projectDir .parentFile .listFiles() .filter { it.isDirectory &&[0].isUpperCase() } .map { } checkDirs(dirs) } }