### Use Compose(web) in React app [see ComposeInReactApp.kt](src/jsMain/kotlin/ComposeInReactApp.kt) `useCompose(...)` is a custom React effect to render a content using Compose. It's not a part of any library. ### Use React in Compose(web) app `UseReactEffect(...)` is a custom Compose effect to render a content using React. It's not a part of any library. [see ReactInComposeApp.kt](src/jsMain/kotlin/ReactInComposeApp.kt) ### How to use existing React components: It requires adding `external` declarations. For example: [ReactYoutubePlayer.kt](src/jsMain/kotlin/ReactYoutubePlayer.kt) Here is a good tutorial - [Using packages from NPM](https://play.kotlinlang.org/hands-on/Building%20Web%20Applications%20with%20React%20and%20Kotlin%20JS/07_Using_Packages_From_NPM) ### Running web application * To run, launch command: `./gradlew :jsBrowserRun` * Or choose **browser** configuration in IDE and run it. ![browser-run-configuration.png](browser-run-configuration.png)