import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJvmCompile plugins { id("java") id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version "1.4.32" id("org.jetbrains.intellij") version "0.7.2" id("org.jetbrains.changelog") version "1.1.2" } fun properties(key: String) = project.findProperty(key).toString() group = "org.jetbrains.compose.desktop.ide" version = properties("deploy.version") repositories { mavenCentral() jcenter() } intellij { pluginName = "Compose for Desktop IDE Support" type = "IC" downloadSources = true updateSinceUntilBuild = true version = "203.7717.56" setPlugins( "java", "com.intellij.gradle", "org.jetbrains.kotlin:203-1.4.32-release-IJ7148.5" ) } tasks.buildSearchableOptions { // temporary workaround enabled = false } tasks { // Set the compatibility versions to 1.8 withType { sourceCompatibility = "1.8" targetCompatibility = "1.8" } withType { kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8" } publishPlugin { token(System.getenv("IDE_PLUGIN_PUBLISH_TOKEN")) channels("Alpha") } }