import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.AbstractTestTask import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestExceptionFormat import org.jetbrains.compose.gradle.kotlinKarmaConfig import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.kotlinExtension import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.pm20.util.targets plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") apply false } val COMPOSE_WEB_VERSION: String = extra["compose.version"] as String val COMPOSE_REPO_USERNAME: String? by project val COMPOSE_REPO_KEY: String? by project val COMPOSE_WEB_BUILD_WITH_SAMPLES ="compose.web.buildSamples")!!.toString().toBoolean() kotlinKarmaConfig.rootDir = rootProject.rootDir.toString() apply() fun Project.isSampleProject() = == "examples" tasks.register("printBundleSize") { dependsOn( subprojects.filter { it.isSampleProject() }.map { ":examples:${}:printBundleSize" } ) } // see rootProject.plugins.withType { rootProject.the().nodeVersion = "16.13.1" } subprojects { apply(plugin = "maven-publish") val projectName = name group = "org.jetbrains.compose.html" version = COMPOSE_WEB_VERSION if (( != "html-widgets") && ( != "html-integration-widgets")) { afterEvaluate { if (plugins.hasPlugin("org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform")) { project.kotlinExtension.targets.forEach { target -> target.compilations.forEach { compilation -> compilation.kotlinOptions { allWarningsAsErrors = false // see freeCompilerArgs += "-opt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn" } } } } } } tasks.withType() { kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "11" } pluginManager.withPlugin("maven-publish") { configure { repositories { maven { name = "internal" url = uri("") credentials { username = COMPOSE_REPO_USERNAME ?: "" password = COMPOSE_REPO_KEY ?: "" } } } publications.all { this as MavenPublication pom { name.set("JetBrains Compose Multiplatform HTML library") description.set("JetBrains Compose Multiplatform HTML library") url.set("") licenses { license { name.set("Apache-2.0") url.set("") } } developers { developer { id.set("JetBrains") name.set("JetBrains Compose Team") organization.set("JetBrains") organizationUrl.set("") } } scm { connection.set("scm:git://") developerConnection.set("scm:git://") url.set("") } } } publications { val oldArtifactId = when (projectName) { "html-core" -> "web-core" "html-svg" -> "web-svg" "html-test-utils" -> "test-utils" "html-benchmark-core" -> "web-benchmark-core" "internal-html-core-runtime" -> "internal-web-core-runtime" "html-integration-core" -> "web-integration-core" "compose-compiler-integration" -> "compose-compiler-integration" "compose-compiler-integration-lib" -> "compose-compiler-integration-lib" else -> null } // TODO Remove this publishing in Compose 1.7. The package was migrated in 1.4. if (oldArtifactId != null) { create("relocation") { pom { // Old artifact coordinates groupId = "org.jetbrains.compose.web" artifactId = oldArtifactId distributionManagement { relocation { // New artifact coordinates groupId.set("org.jetbrains.compose.html") artifactId.set(projectName) } } } } } } } } pluginManager.withPlugin("kotlin-multiplatform") { val printTestBundleSize by tasks.registering { dependsOn(tasks.named("jsTest")) doLast { val bundlePath = buildDir.resolve( "compileSync/test/testDevelopmentExecutable/kotlin/${}-${}-test.js" ) if (bundlePath.exists()) { val size = bundlePath.length() println("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='testBundleSize::${}' value='$size']") } } } afterEvaluate { tasks.named("jsTest") { finalizedBy(printTestBundleSize) } } } if (isSampleProject()) { val printBundleSize by tasks.registering { dependsOn(tasks.named("jsBrowserDistribution")) doLast { val jsFile = buildDir.resolve("distributions/${}.js") val size = jsFile.length() println("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='bundleSize::${}' value='$size']") } } afterEvaluate { tasks.named("build") { finalizedBy(printBundleSize) } } } if (COMPOSE_WEB_BUILD_WITH_SAMPLES) { println("substituting published artifacts with projects ones in project $name") configurations.all { resolutionStrategy.dependencySubstitution { substitute(module("org.jetbrains.compose.html:html-core")).apply { with(project(":html-core")) } } } } repositories { gradlePluginPortal() mavenLocal() mavenCentral() maven { url = uri("") } maven { url = uri("") } maven { url = uri("") } google() } tasks.withType { testLogging { events("FAILED") exceptionFormat = TestExceptionFormat.FULL showStandardStreams = true showStackTraces = true } } }