org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m android.useAndroidX=true kotlin.version=1.9.22 agp.version=7.3.0 # a version of compose libraries. In this project the only dependency is compose-runtime. compose.version=1.6.0-rc03 # a group id for compose-runtime. Keep it as a parameter to easily change it on CI. compose.runtime.groupId=org.jetbrains.compose.runtime kotlinx.coroutines.version=1.8.0 #empty by default - a default version will be used #compose.kotlinCompilerPluginVersion=23.12.18 compose.kotlinCompilerPluginVersion= # default|failingJs - see enum class CasesToRun tests.casesToRun=default # comma separated names of test cases known to fail (either compilation or while running) with k/js. #tests.failing.kjs=rememberAnonymousObj # TODO: we should test with both K2 and K1 #kotlin.experimental.tryK2=true