# Imageviewer An example of image gallery for remote server image viewing, based on Compose Multiplatform UI library (desktop, android and iOS). ## How to run Choose a run configuration for an appropriate target in IDE and run it. ![run-configurations.png](screenshots/run-configurations.png) To run on iOS device, please correct `TEAM_ID` value in `iosApp/Configuration/Config.xcconfig` with your Apple Team ID. Alternatively, you may setup signing within XCode opening `iosApp/iosApp.xcworkspace` and then using "Signing & Capabilities" tab of `iosApp` target. Then choose **iosApp** configuration in IDE and run it. ## Run on desktop via Gradle `./gradlew desktopApp:run` ### Building native desktop distribution ``` ./gradlew :desktop:packageDistributionForCurrentOS # outputs are written to desktop/build/compose/binaries ``` ### Running Android application - Get a [Google Maps API key](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-sdk/get-api-key) - Add to `local.properties` file located in the root directory (create if it doesn't exist): - `MAPS_API_KEY=YOUR_KEY` where `YOUR_KEY` is your key from previous step; - `sdk.dir=YOUR_SDK_PATH` where `YOUR_SDK_PATH` is a path to Android SDK in your system. - Open project in IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio and run `androidApp` configuration.