# Falling Balls game Game can run on Android, iOS, desktop or in a browser. *Prerequisites*: to run on iOS and Android, you should have "Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile" plugin installed either in Android Studio or in AppCode with [installed CocoaPods](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/native-cocoapods.html). ## How to run Choose a run configuration for an appropriate target in IDE and run it. ![run-configurations.png](run-configurations.png) To run on iOS device, please correct `iosApp/Configuration/TeamId.xcconfig` with your Apple Team ID. Alternatively, you may setup signing within XCode opening `iosApp/FallingBalls.xcworkspace` and then using "Signing & Capabilities" tab of `FallingBalls` target. See also how to prepare XCode section below. Then choose **iosApp** configuration in IDE and run it (may also be referred as `FallingBalls` in the Run Configurations or `iosApp_` for Android studio). ## Run on desktop via Gradle `./gradlew desktopApp:run` ## Run JS in browser with WebAssembly Skia via Gradle `./gradlew jsApp:jsBrowserDevelopmentRun` ## Prepare Xcode to launch on iOS device 1) **Add your Apple ID.** Xcode -> Preferences... -> Accounts ![apple-id.png](apple-id.png) 2) **Create certificates with XCode in temporary project.** You can create a certificate in Xcode. Create a new iOS app in Xcode. File -> New -> Project Choose iOS, App: ![ios-app.png](ios-app.png) 3) **In next dialog set any product name and choose your teamID.** 4) **Run project on iOS Device.** Xcode prompts you to install the certificate. Require password from login.keychain 5) **Done** After a successful launch on the device - you can delete this temporary project. Certificates will remain in login.keychain ## Run native on MacOS Choose **shared[macosX64]** or **shared[macosArm64]** configuration in IDE and run it.