package org.jetbrains.compose.resources import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask import org.gradle.api.file.DirectoryProperty import org.gradle.api.provider.Property import org.gradle.api.tasks.* import import java.nio.file.Path import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory import /** * This task should be FAST and SAFE! Because it is being run during IDE import. */ abstract class GenerateResClassTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val packageName: Property @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) abstract val resDir: DirectoryProperty @get:OutputDirectory abstract val codeDir: DirectoryProperty init { this.onlyIf { resDir.asFile.get().exists() } } @TaskAction fun generate() { try { val rootResDir = resDir.get().asFile"Generate resources for $rootResDir") //get first level dirs val dirs = rootResDir.listFiles { f -> f.isDirectory }.orEmpty() //type -> id -> resource item val resources: Map>> = dirs .flatMap { dir -> dir.listFiles { f -> !f.isDirectory } .orEmpty() .mapNotNull { it.fileToResourceItems(rootResDir.parentFile.toPath()) } .flatten() } .groupBy { it.type } .mapValues { (_, items) -> items.groupBy { } } val kotlinDir = codeDir.get().asFile kotlinDir.deleteRecursively() kotlinDir.mkdirs() getResFileSpec(resources, packageName.get()).writeTo(kotlinDir) } catch (e: Exception) { //message must contain two ':' symbols to be parsed by IDE UI! logger.error("e: GenerateResClassTask was failed:", e) } } private fun File.fileToResourceItems( relativeTo: Path ): List? { val file = this if (file.isDirectory) return null val dirName = ?: return null val typeAndQualifiers = dirName.lowercase().split("-") if (typeAndQualifiers.isEmpty()) return null val typeString = typeAndQualifiers.first().lowercase() val qualifiers = typeAndQualifiers.takeLast(typeAndQualifiers.size - 1).map { it.lowercase() }.toSet() val path = file.toPath().relativeTo(relativeTo) return if (typeString == "values" &&"strings.xml", true)) { val stringIds = getStringIds(file) { strId -> ResourceItem(ResourceType.STRING, qualifiers, strId.lowercase(), path) } } else { val type = try { ResourceType.fromString(typeString) } catch (e: Exception) { logger.error("e: Error: $path", e) return null } listOf(ResourceItem(type, qualifiers, file.nameWithoutExtension.lowercase(), path)) } } private val stringTypeNames = listOf("string", "string-array") private fun getStringIds(stringsXml: File): Set { val doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(stringsXml) val items = doc.getElementsByTagName("resources").item(0).childNodes val ids = List(items.length) { items.item(it) } .filter { it.nodeName in stringTypeNames } .map { it.attributes.getNamedItem("name").nodeValue } return ids.toSet() } }