* Improve error messages when checking tasks
Previously some errors in checkRuntime task
were reported as a nested exception.
By default, Gradle shows only top-level
error message of an exception, which
made some errors confusing.
For example, when javac was missing from JDK,
Gradle only showed "Could not infer Java runtime version for Java home directory".
The part that said javac was missing was only shown,
when Gradle was run with --stacktrace argument.
This is suboptimal UX, so this commit refactors
checkRuntime to make error messages more descriptive.
* Handle JDK 1.8 correctly
* Prebuild jdk version probe
* Update Gradle used in tooling subprojects
* Update Kotlin in Compose Gradle plugin
* Decrease verbosity of Gradle plugin tests
* Disable mac sign test
* Add workflow to test Gradle plugin
* Fix custom jdk tests on Linux
* Make Compose Gradle plugin build compatible with Configuration cache
* Print tests summary
* Remove unused code
* Refactor tests configuration
* Turn off parallel execution
* Try adding windows runner
* Turn off fail fast
* Fix Windows test issues
* Adjust default proguard rules
The following rule is needed to fix tests on Windows:
-dontwarn org.graalvm.compiler.core.aarch64.AArch64NodeMatchRules_MatchStatementSet*
Other rules are just to make builds less noisy.
Kotlin's `*.internal` packages often contain
bytecode, which triggers ProGuard's notes.
However, these notes are not actionable for
most users, so we can ignore notes by default.
* Minor: add cleanDirs util
* Generate constant for gradle plugin version
* Unpack icons using task instead of lazy property
* Introduce K/N Desktop packaging for Mac
They pollute templates/examples.
Now, all paths where we need to change the version are hardcoded in the script.
./replace.sh 1.0.0-rc6
This script is planned to run on CI
In the future I will add support for changing Kotlin version
* Update Gradle plugin publishing plugin
0.17.0 increases the maximum length
of plugin version strings to 50 characters
* Update website on plugin portal
* Replace usage of 'de.fuerstenau.buildconfig'
with a custom replacement, because the plugin
does not support Gradle 7.0+ and
there has not been any commit activity in 5 years
* Update 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' to 7.0.0
The build `0.4.0-build182` upgrades
`kotlinx-collections-immutable` library
(which is used by the compose runtime) to 0.3.4,
which was published to maven central,
so most usages of sunsetting jcenter repo
can be removed now.