- Move cleaning up build directory from packComposeUikitApplicationForXCode Gradle task to registerConnectedDeviceTasks as the first one runs during xcode build and could delete files placed by xcode in parallel before (such as Info.plist).
- Remove workaround of running xcodebuild twice as the original problem the most probably was provoded by incorrect build directory cleanup
- Remove sources from xcodegen configuratiom as we do not need them in the resulting .app
* Fix Todo example
In 1.1.1 we remove Dispatcher.Main from dependencies, because Compose can be embedded into different platform with their own Dispatcher.Main (IDEA, for example).
Because of that, end applications should include it explicitly if they want to use it.
* Refactor
IDEA doesn't provide backward compatibility policy, and breaking changes can happen in any version, without prior deprecation:
~~Because of that, we can't remove `plugin.until.build`, and have to build Compose plugin for each new version of IDEA separately~~ (see Update)
~~Update 1:
I removed plugin.until.build anyway. In most cases there won't be a broken plugin. And if it will be broken, we will know it during IDEA EAP. Considering this, better when users don't wait the new version, and use already available one.~~
Update 2:
If we omit plugin.until.build, then it has default value +8. Returned, but made the default value big enough.
What we should do after that commit, is make sure, that we don't forget to check this compatibility. And ship a new stable version for every new stable IDEA.
The ideal way is to run `runPluginVerifier` on CI for the latest version, which will fail the build, if our plugin isn't compatible.
But for some reason, there is no EAP for IDEA 2022.3 here:
JS target supports a lower version (1.7.10), because we have a bug in Koltin 1.7.20
Compose 1.2.0 will support:
1.7.20 and 1.7.10 for Android and Desktop
1.7.10 for JS
We will release the new patchset (1.2.1) with 1.7.2X support for JS later
- move intellij-plugin-with-experimental-shared-base into experimental examples (it still on Compose 1.0.0)
- remove usage of deprecated DesktopTheme
- add `[examples](experimental/examples)` to the main page