* Update Gradle used in tooling subprojects
* Update Kotlin in Compose Gradle plugin
* Decrease verbosity of Gradle plugin tests
* Disable mac sign test
* Add workflow to test Gradle plugin
* Fix custom jdk tests on Linux
* Make Compose Gradle plugin build compatible with Configuration cache
* Print tests summary
* Remove unused code
* Refactor tests configuration
* Turn off parallel execution
* Try adding windows runner
* Turn off fail fast
* Fix Windows test issues
* Adjust default proguard rules
The following rule is needed to fix tests on Windows:
-dontwarn org.graalvm.compiler.core.aarch64.AArch64NodeMatchRules_MatchStatementSet*
Other rules are just to make builds less noisy.
Kotlin's `*.internal` packages often contain
bytecode, which triggers ProGuard's notes.
However, these notes are not actionable for
most users, so we can ignore notes by default.
* Minor: add cleanDirs util
* Generate constant for gradle plugin version
* Unpack icons using task instead of lazy property
* Introduce K/N Desktop packaging for Mac
They pollute templates/examples.
Now, all paths where we need to change the version are hardcoded in the script.
./replace.sh 1.0.0-rc6
This script is planned to run on CI
In the future I will add support for changing Kotlin version
* Update Gradle plugin publishing plugin
0.17.0 increases the maximum length
of plugin version strings to 50 characters
* Update website on plugin portal
* Replace usage of 'de.fuerstenau.buildconfig'
with a custom replacement, because the plugin
does not support Gradle 7.0+ and
there has not been any commit activity in 5 years
* Update 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' to 7.0.0
The build `0.4.0-build182` upgrades
`kotlinx-collections-immutable` library
(which is used by the compose runtime) to 0.3.4,
which was published to maven central,
so most usages of sunsetting jcenter repo
can be removed now.