* Activate preview toolwindow on receiving preview configuration
* Don't show preview toolwindow until a preview is requested
* Add icon to preview toolwindow
When users run/package application we will configure Compose to work as standalone application.
It means we will override some global Swing properties in Compose initialization function:
- sets system property `apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar` to true
- sets system property `sun.java2d.uiScale`/`sun.java2d.uiScale.enabled` automatically on Linux
- sets UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName())
When users don't use those tasks (when they use Compose in an existing Swing application, or in an IDEA plugin),
this property will not be set, and so we will not override Swing globals.
* Replace usage of 'de.fuerstenau.buildconfig'
with a custom replacement, because the plugin
does not support Gradle 7.0+ and
there has not been any commit activity in 5 years
* Update 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' to 7.0.0
`./gradlew check -PCHECK_TARGET=all` - `all` is the default, so can be omitted
`./gradlew check -PCHECK_TARGET=desktop`
`./gradlew check -PCHECK_TARGET=web`
Co-authored-by: Oleksandr Karpovich <oleksandr.karpovich@jetbrains.com>
- add run configurations for IDEA / Android Studio
- configure CI to use those scripts to build everything: 0.0.0-newci-316 (with desktop/web components)
* web: Add more tests for the event handlers
* web: Inputs refactoring (wip)
* web: Add `Options` for `addEventListener`
* web: Add basic methods and properties to the SyntheticInputEvent to align it with `org.w3c.dom.events.Event`
* web: Add a test for `capture = true` Event Listener Option
* web: Update PR to make contain only relevant changes + add specific functions for Inputs
* web: Update PR to align with master after rebase
Co-authored-by: Oleksandr Karpovich <oleksandr.karpovich@jetbrains.com>