Should fix
Dependency '' requires libraries and applications that depend on it to compile against version 35 or later of the Android APIs.
- update all examples to Kotlin 2.0
- migrate to using kotlin("plugin.compose") for Compose compiler
- remove deprecated Compose Web gradle API usages
- added a workaround for in
Jetsnack example
- `./gradlew build` in every example
- run some examples in simulators (or desktop, browser)
The intermediate `iosMain` source was previously removed here: And it
worked fine.
According to the doc
> If you want to have additional source sets that the default hierarchy
template doesn't provide, for example, one that shares code between a
macOS and a JVM target, adjust the hierarchy by reapplying the template
explicitly with applyDefaultHierarchyTemplate() and configuring
additional source sets manually as usual with dependsOn()
Now we have an additional custom source set named 'jsWasmMain',
therefore we need to have `applyDefaultHierarchyTemplate()`.
Fix regression after
`./gradlew compileReleaseKotlinAndroid` in `imageviewer` fails with:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':shared:compileReleaseKotlinAndroid'.
> Inconsistent JVM-target compatibility detected for tasks 'compileReleaseJavaWithJavac' (1.8) and 'compileReleaseKotlinAndroid' (17).
(JAVA_HOME points to JDK 17)
According to we should:
1. [use JDK 17 for API 34](
2. [use toolchain](
We recommend that you always specify the Java toolchain, and either ensure that the specified JDK is installed, or add a toolchain resolver to your build.
As we don't want to force people to have JDK 17 on their machine, we apply toolchain resolver that is recommended by Gradle:
id("org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention") version("0.4.0")
## Test
1. Remove JDK 17 from the computer, remove `jvmToolchain(17)`
2. Run `./gradlew assembleDebug`
3. It should fail with:
> Could not create task ':androidApp:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
> Failed to calculate the value of task ':androidApp:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' property 'javaCompiler'.
> No matching toolchains found for requested specification: {languageVersion=17, vendor=any, implementation=vendor-specific} for WINDOWS on x86_64.
> No locally installed toolchains match and toolchain download repositories have not been configured.
4. restore `jvmToolchain(17)`
5. Run `./gradlew assembleDebug` again
6. It should succeed
## Issues
* Simplify resource management for iOS
Introduces new a new task 'sync<FRAMEWORK_CLASSIFIER>ComposeIosResources',
which collects resources from all source sets, included in iOS targets.
With this change:
* CocoaPods integration does not require any configuration or calling 'pod install' after changing resources.
* Important: existing projects need to remove 'extraSpecAttributes["resources"] = ...' from build scripts, and rerun `./gradlew podInstall` once!
* Without CocoaPods, the resource directory should be added to XCode build phases once.
* Design changes; move to material3
* Use animations to move between different images
* More design changes, rounded corners and animations
* Introduce square gallery view, start with granularizing state management
* Introduce square gallery view, start with granularizing state management
* Make PreviewImage not depend on the whole gallery state
* Move in initialization logic from composition into launched effect
* Highlight currently selected image
* Hoist state for FullscreenImage TopAppBar
Move from Custom Implementation to Material App Bar, use color scheme from main page
Extract hardcoded colors to ImageViewerColors
* Provide floating action buttons with nicer colors
* Provide keyboard events via SharedFlow (remove passing around MutableState in the composable hierarchy as it may potentially violate UDF)
Commonize IOScope initialization
* Provide German translation in shared R-strings
* Move from immutable data classes to Compose-aware State Holders.
* Fix gradlew formatting issue?
* Regenerate gradle wrapper after Android Studio autoformatting debacle
* Resolve rememberCoroutineScope issue
* Provide mock name for remaining picture in repo
* Restore TEAM_ID in project.pbxproj
* Use emptyFlow as default to simplify nullability handling for external events
* Remove extraneous newline and unnecessary print statement
* Provide German translation in XML format
Consistently rename title to "My Memories"
* Remove commented-out code, cleanup rendundant modifiers
Make Title Bar use callbacks instead of accessing ViewModel directly
Add toggle & icon for list and grid view