- [macOs/Linux] Android SDK downloaded via `./scripts/downloadAndroidSdk`
- [Windows] Android SDK downloaded from Android Studio and specified in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT. Required components:
- Android 11
- Android 12
- Build-Tools 30.0.3
- NDK 21.3.6528147 (in folder $androidSdk/ndk, not in $androidSdk/ndk/$version)
- CMake (in folder $androidSdk/cmake, not in $androidSdk/cmake/$version)
## Requirements to develop in IDE
- Android Studio Arctic Fox
- Android Studio 2021.1.1 Canary 8 (https://developer.android.com/studio/archive)
- Custom Gradle 7.1 specified in `Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle` (because Android Studio will pick the wrong Gradle in the subproject instead of the Gradle in the root project)