Updated example of building using the CLI to Kotlin 1.9.23 and Compose 1.6.1 (#4488)
This PR updates the experimental CLI example to the latest Kotlin and
Compose Multiplatform releases.
The default platform used was also updated to Mac arm64.
Co-authored-by: Christian Melchior <christian.melchior@jetbrains.com>
# to know which Skiko version corresponds to Compose version, search "skiko" in https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/public/p/compose/dev/org/jetbrains/compose/ui/ui-graphics-desktop/1.1.0-alpha04/ui-graphics-desktop-1.1.0-alpha04.pom (replace 1.0.0-alpha04 by needed version)
# Define which platform the code is running on. This is required to load the correct native code.
# The Compose compiler must be compatible with the selected version of Kotlin.
# See https://www.jetbrains.com/help/kotlin-multiplatform-dev/compose-compatibility-and-versioning.html#use-a-developer-version-of-compose-multiplatform-compiler
# for which version of the compiler to use.
# See https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/releases for available versions of Compose
# To know which Skiko version corresponds to the used Compose version, search after "skiko" in