- [macOs/Linux] Android SDK downloaded via `./scripts/downloadAndroidSdk`
- [macOs/Linux] Android SDK downloaded via `./compose/frameworks/support/jpdeps/android-sdk/downloadAndroidSdk`
- [Windows] Android SDK downloaded from Android Studio and specified in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT. Required components:
- [Windows] Android SDK downloaded from Android Studio and specified in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
- Android 12
- Build-Tools 30.0.3
- NDK 21.3.6528147 (in folder $androidSdk/ndk, not in $androidSdk/ndk/$version)
- CMake (in folder $androidSdk/cmake, not in $androidSdk/cmake/$version)
## Developing in IDE
## Developing in IDE
1. Download Android Studio from [the official site](https://developer.android.com/studio/archive) (it is mandatory to use the version, written [here](https://github.com/JetBrains/androidx/blob/jb-main/gradle/libs.versions.toml#L11)). As an alternative you can use IDEA, which is compatible with [this AGP version](https://github.com/JetBrains/androidx/blob/jb-main/gradle/libs.versions.toml#L5), or you can disable Android plugin in IDEA plugins, to develop non-Android targets.
1. Download Android Studio from [the official site](https://developer.android.com/studio/archive) (it is mandatory to use the version, written [here](https://github.com/JetBrains/androidx/blob/jb-main/gradle/libs.versions.toml#L11)). As an alternative you can use IDEA, which is compatible with [this AGP version](https://github.com/JetBrains/androidx/blob/jb-main/gradle/libs.versions.toml#L5), or you can disable Android plugin in IDEA plugins, to develop non-Android targets.
2. Set environment variables in the global script (`~/.zshrc` for macOs), or in the terminal, before starting IDE also from this terminal:
2. Open `compose/frameworks/support` folder in Android Studio or in IDEA.
4. [macOs/Linux] Specify Android SDK pointed to a folder, downloaded via `./compose/frameworks/support/jpdeps/android-sdk/downloadAndroidSdk`
export JAVA_TOOLS_JAR=$PWD/external/tools.jar
export JAVA_HOME=<JDK_home> // it should point to Java 11 and contain /include/jvmti.h
3. Set gradle properties in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties:
# note that https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support build doesn't work with jetbrains.compose.jsCompilerTestsEnabled)
4. Open `compose` folder in Android Studio (not `compose/frameworks/support`)
5. Download a custom Gradle 7.2 and specify it in `Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle` (because Android Studio will pick the wrong Gradle in the subproject instead of the Gradle in the root project)