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Update Navigation tutorial (#624)

Arkadii Ivanov 3 years ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 52


@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class Root(
private val router =
router<Configuration, Content>(
initialConfiguration = Configuration.List, // Starting with List
componentFactory = ::createChild // The Router calls this function, providing the child Configuration and ComponentContext
childFactory = ::createChild // The Router calls this function, providing the child Configuration and ComponentContext
val routerState = router.state
@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ class Root(
fun RootUi(root: Root) {
Children(root.routerState) { child, _ ->
Children(root.routerState) { child ->
@ -326,47 +326,38 @@ By using this pattern, the navigation logic is kept and managed inside `@Composa
This pattern should be chosen if you prefer to use Compose for more than just UI, and none of the first pattern's points apply.
Decompose does not provide an out-of-the-box `Navigator` for pure `@Composable` world. But it is pretty easy to write your own with it. You can experiment and come up with your own API.
Decompose does not provide any out-of-the-box `@Composable` navigation API. But it is pretty easy to write your own with it. You can experiment and come up with your own API.
Please refer to the following article for an implementation of the `Navigator`: "[A comprehensive hundred-line navigation for Jetpack/Desktop Compose](". It also explains some additional features, like back button handling, transition animations, etc.
Please refer to the following article for implementation details: "[A comprehensive hundred-line navigation for Jetpack/Desktop Compose](". It also explains some additional features, like back button handling, transition animations, etc.
### A very basic example:
``` kotlin
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.Navigator
import com.arkivanov.decompose.Router
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.statekeeper.Parcelable
fun <C : Parcelable> Navigator(
initialConfiguration: C,
content: @Composable Navigator<C>.(C) -> Unit
) {
val router = router<C>()
Children(router.state) { _, configuration ->
private fun <C : Parcelable> router(): Router<C, C> =
TODO("See the article mentioned above for an implementation")
inline fun <reified C : Parcelable> rememberRouter(
noinline initialConfiguration: () -> C
): Router<C, Any> =
TODO("See the article mentioned above for the implementation")
First of all we need the `Router` from the Decompose library. Once we have it, all we need to do is to use the `Children` function. The `Children` function listens for the `Router` state changes, and renders the currently active child using the provided callback. The article mentioned above explains the implementation details.
Using the `Navigator`:
Using the `Router`:
``` kotlin
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import com.arkivanov.composenavigatorexample.navigator.rememberRouter
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.pop
import com.arkivanov.decompose.push
fun ItemList(
database: Database,
@ -398,21 +389,26 @@ fun ItemDetails(
fun Root(database: Database) {
initialConfiguration = Configuration.List // Starting with List
) { configuration ->
when (configuration) {
// Create and remember the Router
val router =
initialConfiguration = { Configuration.List } // Start with the List screen
// Render children
Children(routerState = router.state) { screen ->
when (val configuration = screen.configuration) {
is Configuration.List ->
database = database, // Supply dependencies
onItemClick = { push(Configuration.Details(itemId = it)) } // Push Details on item click
onItemClick = { router.push(Configuration.Details(itemId = it)) } // Push Details on item click
is Configuration.Details ->
itemId = configuration.itemId, // Safely pass arguments
database = database, // Supply dependencies
onBackClick = ::pop // Go back to List
onBackClick = router::pop // Go back to List
}.let {} // Ensure exhaustiveness
