@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class GetRootPsiElementTest : LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase() {
private val getRootElement = GetRootPsiElement ( )
fun `when a name reference expression is selected , but root is a property , the property should be returned as root element ` ( ) {
fun `when a name reference expression is selected , but root is a property , the property should be returned` ( ) {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory ( project )
@Language ( " Kotlin " )
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class GetRootPsiElementTest : LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase() {
// v
Box ( ) {
} // Name Reference Expression
""" .trimIndent().trim()
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class GetRootPsiElementTest : LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase() {
fun `when a name reference expression is selected, with a delegated property with dot qualified expression as root, property should be returned` ( ) {
fun `when a name reference expression with dot reference expression is selected, with a delegated property as root, property should be returned` ( ) {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory ( project )
@Language ( " Kotlin " )
@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ class GetRootPsiElementTest : LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase() {
val referenceExpression = dotQualifiedExpression . lastChild . firstChild as KtNameReferenceExpression
TestCase . assertEquals ( " animateFloat " , referenceExpression . text )
TestCase . assertEquals (
@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ class GetRootPsiElementTest : LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase() {
fun `when a name reference expression is selected, with a property and dot qualified expression as root, property should be returned` ( ) {
fun `when a name reference expression with dot reference expression is selected, with a property and dot qualified expression as root, property should be returned` ( ) {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory ( project )
@Language ( " Kotlin " )
@ -207,4 +206,102 @@ class GetRootPsiElementTest : LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase() {
getRootElement . invoke ( referenceExpression )
fun `when a dot qualified expression is selected, with a delegated property as root, property should be returned` ( ) {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory ( project )
@Language ( " Kotlin " )
val template = """
val repeatingAnimation = rememberInfiniteTransition ( )
val offset by repeatingAnimation . animateFloat (
0f ,
- 20f ,
infiniteRepeatable (
repeatMode = RepeatMode . Reverse ,
animation = tween (
durationMillis = 1000 ,
easing = LinearEasing
""" .trimIndent().trim()
val file = ktPsiFactory . createFile ( template )
val property = file . lastChild as KtProperty
val dotQualifiedExpression = property . lastChild . lastChild as KtDotQualifiedExpression
TestCase . assertEquals (
repeatingAnimation . animateFloat (
0f ,
- 20f ,
infiniteRepeatable (
repeatMode = RepeatMode . Reverse ,
animation = tween (
durationMillis = 1000 ,
easing = LinearEasing
""" .trimIndent().trim(), dotQualifiedExpression.text
TestCase . assertEquals (
property ,
getRootElement . invoke ( dotQualifiedExpression )
fun `when a dot qualified expression is selected, with a property as root, property should be returned` ( ) {
val ktPsiFactory = KtPsiFactory ( project )
@Language ( " Kotlin " )
val template = """
val repeatingAnimation = rememberInfiniteTransition ( )
val offset = repeatingAnimation . animateFloat (
0f ,
- 20f ,
infiniteRepeatable (
repeatMode = RepeatMode . Reverse ,
animation = tween (
durationMillis = 1000 ,
easing = LinearEasing
""" .trimIndent().trim()
val file = ktPsiFactory . createFile ( template )
val property = file . lastChild as KtProperty
val dotQualifiedExpression = property . lastChild as KtDotQualifiedExpression
TestCase . assertEquals (
repeatingAnimation . animateFloat (
0f ,
- 20f ,
infiniteRepeatable (
repeatMode = RepeatMode . Reverse ,
animation = tween (
durationMillis = 1000 ,
easing = LinearEasing
""" .trimIndent().trim(), dotQualifiedExpression.text
TestCase . assertEquals (
property ,
getRootElement . invoke ( dotQualifiedExpression )