Browse Source

Revert "Commonize CSS interfaces and remove polyfill dependency"

This reverts commit 8e2176b029.
Shagen Ogandzhanian 3 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 107
  3. 155
  4. 129
  5. 10
  6. 24
  7. 544
  8. 28
  9. 15
  10. 171
  11. 9
  12. 18
  13. 2
  14. 7
  15. 145
  16. 51
  17. 9
  18. 20


@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ kotlin {
val jsMain by getting { val jsMain by getting {
dependencies { dependencies {
implementation(kotlin("stdlib-js")) implementation(kotlin("stdlib-js"))
implementation(npm("css-typed-om", "0.4.0"))
} }
} }


@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
abstract class CSSNumericValueKT : CSSNumericValue
private class CSSUnitValueKT(
override val value: Number,
override val unit: String
) : CSSNumericValueKT(),
override fun toString(): String = "$value$unit"
object CSSKT: CSSTypedOM {
override fun number(value: Number): CSSnumberValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "number")
override fun percent(value: Number): CSSpercentValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "percent")
// <length>
override fun em(value: Number): CSSemValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "em")
override fun ex(value: Number): CSSexValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "ex")
override fun ch(value: Number): CSSchValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "ch")
override fun ic(value: Number): CSSicValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "ic")
override fun rem(value: Number): CSSremValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "rem")
override fun lh(value: Number): CSSlhValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "lh")
override fun rlh(value: Number): CSSrlhValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "rlh")
override fun vw(value: Number): CSSvwValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "vw")
override fun vh(value: Number): CSSvhValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "vh")
override fun vi(value: Number): CSSviValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "vi")
override fun vb(value: Number): CSSvbValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "vb")
override fun vmin(value: Number): CSSvminValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "vmin")
override fun vmax(value: Number): CSSvmaxValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "vmax")
override fun cm(value: Number): CSScmValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "cm")
override fun mm(value: Number): CSSmmValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "mm")
override fun Q(value: Number): CSSQValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "Qer")
override fun pt(value: Number): CSSptValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "pt")
override fun pc(value: Number): CSSpcValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "pc")
override fun px(value: Number): CSSpxValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "px")
// <angle>
override fun deg(value: Number): CSSdegValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "deg")
override fun grad(value: Number): CSSgradValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "grad")
override fun rad(value: Number): CSSradValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "rad")
override fun turn(value: Number): CSSturnValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "turn")
// <time>
override fun s(value: Number): CSSsValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "s")
override fun ms(value: Number): CSSmsValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "ms")
// <frequency> {}
override fun Hz(value: Number): CSSHzValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "Hz")
override fun kHz(value: Number): CSSkHzValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "kHz")
// <resolution>
override fun dpi(value: Number): CSSdpiValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "dpi")
override fun dpcm(value: Number): CSSdpcmValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "dpcm")
override fun dppx(value: Number): CSSdppxValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "dppx")
// <flex>
override fun fr(value: Number): CSSfrValue = CSSUnitValueKT(value, "fr")


@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
import kotlin.js.JsName
expect interface CSSStyleValue
expect interface CSSKeywordValue : CSSStyleValue {
val value: String
companion object {
operator fun invoke(value: String): CSSKeywordValue
open class CSSKeywordValueKT(override val value: String) : CSSKeywordValue
// type StylePropertyValue = string | number | CSSStyleValue
expect interface StylePropertyValue {
interface String: StylePropertyValue
interface Number: StylePropertyValue
interface StyleValue: StylePropertyValue
companion object {
operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.String): String
operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.Number): Number
operator fun invoke(value: CSSStyleValue): StyleValue
// type CSSNumeric = number | CSSNumericValue
expect interface CSSNumeric {
interface Number: CSSNumeric
interface NumericValue: CSSNumeric
companion object {
operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.Number): Number
operator fun invoke(value: CSSNumericValue): NumericValue
enum class CSSMathOperator(val value: String) {
expect interface CSSMathValue : CSSNumericValue {
val strOperator: String
expect val CSSMathValue.operator: CSSMathOperator
expect class CSSNumericArray {
fun forEach(handler: (CSSNumericValue) -> Unit)
val length: Int
operator fun get(index: Int): CSSNumericValue
expect interface CSSMathSum : CSSMathValue {
val values: CSSNumericArray
expect interface CSSNumericType {
val length: Number
val angle: Number
val time: Number
val frequency: Number
val resolution: Number
val flex: Number
val percent: Number
val strPercentHint: String
enum class CSSNumericBaseType(val value: String) {
expect val CSSNumericType.percentHint: CSSNumericBaseType
expect interface CSSNumericValue : CSSStyleValue
expect interface CSSUnitValue : CSSNumericValue {
val value: Number
val unit: String
expect interface CSSTypedOM {
fun number(value: Number): CSSnumberValue
fun percent(value: Number): CSSpercentValue
// <length>
fun em(value: Number): CSSemValue
fun ex(value: Number): CSSexValue
fun ch(value: Number): CSSchValue
fun ic(value: Number): CSSicValue
fun rem(value: Number): CSSremValue
fun lh(value: Number): CSSlhValue
fun rlh(value: Number): CSSrlhValue
fun vw(value: Number): CSSvwValue
fun vh(value: Number): CSSvhValue
fun vi(value: Number): CSSviValue
fun vb(value: Number): CSSvbValue
fun vmin(value: Number): CSSvminValue
fun vmax(value: Number): CSSvmaxValue
fun cm(value: Number): CSScmValue
fun mm(value: Number): CSSmmValue
fun Q(value: Number): CSSQValue
fun pt(value: Number): CSSptValue
fun pc(value: Number): CSSpcValue
fun px(value: Number): CSSpxValue
// <angle>
fun deg(value: Number): CSSdegValue
fun grad(value: Number): CSSgradValue
fun rad(value: Number): CSSradValue
fun turn(value: Number): CSSturnValue
// <time>
fun s(value: Number): CSSsValue
fun ms(value: Number): CSSmsValue
// <frequency>
fun Hz(value: Number): CSSHzValue
fun kHz(value: Number): CSSkHzValue
// <resolution>
fun dpi(value: Number): CSSdpiValue
fun dpcm(value: Number): CSSdpcmValue
fun dppx(value: Number): CSSdppxValue
// <flex>
fun fr(value: Number): CSSfrValue
expect val CSS: CSSTypedOM


@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
// fake interfaces to distinguish units
expect interface CSSSizeValue : CSSUnitValue
expect interface CSSnumberValue : CSSUnitValue
expect interface CSSRelValue : CSSSizeValue
expect interface CSSpercentValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSemValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSexValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSchValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSicValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSremValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSlhValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSrlhValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSvwValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSvhValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSviValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSvbValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSvminValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSvmaxValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSScmValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSmmValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSQValue : CSSRelValue
expect interface CSSAbsValue : CSSSizeValue
expect interface CSSptValue : CSSAbsValue
expect interface CSSpcValue : CSSAbsValue
expect interface CSSpxValue : CSSAbsValue
expect interface CSSangleValue : CSSUnitValue
expect interface CSSdegValue : CSSangleValue
expect interface CSSgradValue : CSSangleValue
expect interface CSSradValue : CSSangleValue
expect interface CSSturnValue : CSSangleValue
expect interface CSSTimeValue : CSSUnitValue
expect interface CSSsValue : CSSTimeValue
expect interface CSSmsValue : CSSTimeValue
expect interface CSSFrequencyValue : CSSUnitValue
expect interface CSSHzValue : CSSFrequencyValue
expect interface CSSkHzValue : CSSFrequencyValue
expect interface CSSResolutionValue : CSSUnitValue
expect interface CSSdpiValue : CSSResolutionValue
expect interface CSSdpcmValue : CSSResolutionValue
expect interface CSSdppxValue : CSSResolutionValue
expect interface CSSFlexValue : CSSUnitValue
expect interface CSSfrValue : CSSFlexValue
inline val Number.number
get(): CSSUnitValue = CSS.number(this)
inline val Number.percent
get(): CSSpercentValue = CSS.percent(this)
inline val Number.em
get(): CSSemValue = CSS.em(this)
inline val Number.ex
get(): CSSexValue = CSS.ex(this)
inline val
get(): CSSchValue =
inline val Number.ic
get(): CSSicValue = CSS.ic(this)
inline val Number.rem
get(): CSSremValue = CSS.rem(this)
inline val Number.lh
get(): CSSlhValue = CSS.lh(this)
inline val Number.rlh
get(): CSSrlhValue = CSS.rlh(this)
inline val Number.vw
get(): CSSvwValue = CSS.vw(this)
inline val Number.vh
get(): CSSvhValue = CSS.vh(this)
inline val
get(): CSSviValue =
inline val Number.vb
get(): CSSvbValue = CSS.vb(this)
inline val Number.vmin
get(): CSSvminValue = CSS.vmin(this)
inline val Number.vmax
get(): CSSvmaxValue = CSS.vmax(this)
inline val
get(): CSScmValue =
inline val
get(): CSSmmValue =
inline val Number.Q
get(): CSSQValue = CSS.Q(this)
inline val
get(): CSSptValue =
inline val Number.pc
get(): CSSpcValue = CSS.pc(this)
inline val Number.px
get(): CSSpxValue = CSS.px(this)
inline val Number.deg
get(): CSSdegValue = CSS.deg(this)
inline val Number.grad
get(): CSSgradValue = CSS.grad(this)
inline val Number.rad
get(): CSSradValue = CSS.rad(this)
inline val Number.turn
get(): CSSturnValue = CSS.turn(this)
inline val Number.s
get(): CSSsValue = CSS.s(this)
inline val
get(): CSSmsValue =
inline val Number.Hz
get(): CSSHzValue = CSS.Hz(this)
inline val Number.kHz
get(): CSSkHzValue = CSS.kHz(this)
inline val Number.dpi
get(): CSSdpiValue = CSS.dpi(this)
inline val Number.dpcm
get(): CSSdpcmValue = CSS.dpcm(this)
inline val Number.dppx
get(): CSSdppxValue = CSS.dppx(this)
inline val
get(): CSSfrValue =


@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
interface CSSAutoValue : CSSKeywordValue
expect val auto: CSSAutoValue


@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
expect interface CSSSizeOrAutoValue : CSSStyleValue, StylePropertyValue {
interface Size : CSSSizeOrAutoValue
interface Auto : CSSSizeOrAutoValue
companion object {
operator fun invoke(value: CSSSizeValue): Size
operator fun invoke(value: CSSAutoValue): Auto
enum class Direction {
override fun toString(): String =
typealias LanguageCode = String


@ -1,199 +1,347 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
@file:Suppress("UNUSED", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE") @file:Suppress("UNUSED", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
import org.w3c.dom.HTMLElement import kotlinx.browser.window
import org.w3c.dom.css.* import org.w3c.dom.DOMMatrix
import org.w3c.dom.DOMMatrixReadOnly
import org.w3c.dom.Element
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRuleList
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleRule
import org.w3c.dom.css.ElementCSSInlineStyle
import org.w3c.dom.css.StyleSheet import org.w3c.dom.css.StyleSheet
actual external interface CSSStyleValue inline val StyleSheet.cssRules
get() = this.asDynamic().cssRules.unsafeCast<CSSRuleList>()
external interface CSSKeywordValueJS : CSSStyleValue { inline fun StyleSheet.deleteRule(index: Int) {
val value: String this.asDynamic().deleteRule(index)
} }
@JsName("CSSKeywordValueActual") inline val CSSStyleRule.styleMap
actual interface CSSKeywordValue : CSSKeywordValueJS, CSSStyleValue { get() = this.asDynamic().styleMap.unsafeCast<StylePropertyMap>()
actual override val value: String
actual companion object { inline operator fun CSSRuleList.get(index: Int): CSSRule {
actual inline operator fun invoke(value: String): CSSKeywordValue = return this.asDynamic()[index].unsafeCast<CSSRule>()
CSSKeywordValueKT(value) }
fun StyleSheet.insertRule(cssRule: String, index: Int? = null): Int {
return if (index != null) {
this.asDynamic().insertRule(cssRule, index).unsafeCast<Int>()
} else {
} }
} }
actual interface StylePropertyValue { val ElementCSSInlineStyle.attributeStyleMap
actual interface String: StylePropertyValue get() = this.asDynamic().attributeStyleMap.unsafeCast<StylePropertyMap>()
actual interface Number: StylePropertyValue
actual interface StyleValue: StylePropertyValue, CSSStyleValue
actual companion object {
actual inline operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.String): String = value.unsafeCast<String>()
actual inline operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.Number): Number = value.unsafeCast<Number>() external interface CSSStyleValue {
// toString() : string
actual inline operator fun invoke(value: CSSStyleValue): StyleValue = value.unsafeCast<StyleValue>() @JsName("CSSStyleValue")
open external class CSSStyleValueJS : CSSStyleValue {
companion object {
fun parse(property: String, cssText: String): CSSStyleValue
fun parseAll(property: String, cssText: String): Array<CSSStyleValue>
} }
} }
// type CSSNumeric = number | CSSNumericValue external class CSSVariableReferenceValue(
actual interface CSSNumeric { variable: String,
actual interface Number : CSSNumeric fallback: CSSUnparsedValue? = definedExternally
actual interface NumericValue : CSSNumeric, CSSNumericValue ) {
actual companion object { val variable: String
actual inline operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.Number): Number = value.unsafeCast<Number>() val fallback: CSSUnparsedValue?
actual inline operator fun invoke(value: CSSNumericValue): NumericValue = value.unsafeCast<NumericValue>() // type CSSUnparsedSegment = String | CSSVariableReferenceValue
interface CSSUnparsedSegment {
companion object {
operator fun invoke(value: String) = value.unsafeCast<CSSUnparsedSegment>()
operator fun invoke(value: CSSVariableReferenceValue) =
} }
} }
actual external interface CSSMathValue : CSSNumericValue { fun CSSUnparsedSegment.asString() = this.asDynamic() as? String
@JsName("operator") fun CSSUnparsedSegment.asCSSVariableReferenceValue() =
actual val strOperator: String this.asDynamic() as? CSSVariableReferenceValue
actual val CSSMathValue.operator: CSSMathOperator
get() = CSSMathOperator.valueOf(this.strOperator)
actual external class CSSNumericArray {
actual fun forEach(handler: (CSSNumericValue) -> Unit)
actual val length: Int
actual operator fun get(index: Int): CSSNumericValue
actual external interface CSSMathSum : CSSMathValue {
actual val values: CSSNumericArray
actual interface CSSNumericType {
actual val length: Number
actual val angle: Number
actual val time: Number
actual val frequency: Number
actual val resolution: Number
actual val flex: Number
actual val percent: Number
actual val strPercentHint: String
actual val CSSNumericType.percentHint: CSSNumericBaseType
get() = CSSNumericBaseType.valueOf(this.strPercentHint)
actual external interface CSSNumericValue : CSSStyleValue
actual external interface CSSUnitValue : CSSNumericValue {
actual val value: Number
actual val unit: String
actual external interface CSSTypedOM {
actual fun number(value: Number): CSSnumberValue
actual fun percent(value: Number): CSSpercentValue
actual fun em(value: Number): CSSemValue
actual fun ex(value: Number): CSSexValue
actual fun ch(value: Number): CSSchValue
actual fun ic(value: Number): CSSicValue
actual fun rem(value: Number): CSSremValue
actual fun lh(value: Number): CSSlhValue
actual fun rlh(value: Number): CSSrlhValue
actual fun vw(value: Number): CSSvwValue
actual fun vh(value: Number): CSSvhValue
actual fun vi(value: Number): CSSviValue
actual fun vb(value: Number): CSSvbValue
actual fun vmin(value: Number): CSSvminValue
actual fun vmax(value: Number): CSSvmaxValue
actual fun cm(value: Number): CSScmValue
actual fun mm(value: Number): CSSmmValue
actual fun Q(value: Number): CSSQValue
actual fun pt(value: Number): CSSptValue
actual fun pc(value: Number): CSSpcValue
actual fun px(value: Number): CSSpxValue
actual fun deg(value: Number): CSSdegValue
actual fun grad(value: Number): CSSgradValue
actual fun rad(value: Number): CSSradValue
actual fun turn(value: Number): CSSturnValue
actual fun s(value: Number): CSSsValue
actual fun ms(value: Number): CSSmsValue
actual fun Hz(value: Number): CSSHzValue
actual fun kHz(value: Number): CSSkHzValue
actual fun dpi(value: Number): CSSdpiValue
actual fun dpcm(value: Number): CSSdpcmValue
actual fun dppx(value: Number): CSSdppxValue
actual fun fr(value: Number): CSSfrValue
class StylePropertyMapKT(private val style: CSSStyleDeclaration, private val clearFn: () -> Unit): StylePropertyMap {
override fun set(property: String, value: StylePropertyValue) {
style.setProperty(property, value.toString())
override fun append(property: String, value: StylePropertyValue) { external class CSSUnparsedValue(members: Array<CSSUnparsedSegment>) : CSSStyleValue {
val oldValues = style.getPropertyValue(property) // TODO: [Symbol.iterator]() : IterableIterator<CSSUnparsedSegment>
if (oldValues == undefined) { fun forEach(handler: (CSSUnparsedSegment) -> Unit)
style.setProperty(property, value.toString()) val length: Int
} else {
val newValues = listOf(oldValues, value)
style.setProperty(property, newValues.joinToString(", "))
override fun delete(property: String) { // readonly [index: number]: CSSUnparsedSegment
style.removeProperty(property) operator fun get(index: Int): CSSUnparsedSegment
} operator fun set(index: Int, value: CSSUnparsedSegment)
override fun clear() { external interface CSSKeywordValue : CSSStyleValue {
clearFn() val value: String
} }
override fun has(property: String): Boolean { @JsName("CSSKeywordValue")
return style.getPropertyValue(property) as String? != null external class CSSKeywordValueJS(value: String) : CSSKeywordValue {
} override val value: String
} }
fun Any.polyfillStylePropertyMap(jsFieldName: String, style: CSSStyleDeclaration, clearFn: () -> Unit): StylePropertyMap { // type CSSNumberish = number | CSSNumericValue
val styleMap = this.asDynamic()[jsFieldName] interface CSSNumberish {
if (styleMap == undefined) { companion object {
val newStyleMap = StylePropertyMapKT(style, clearFn).also { operator fun invoke(value: Number) = value.unsafeCast<CSSNumberish>()
this.asDynamic()[jsFieldName] = it operator fun invoke(value: CSSNumericValue) =
} value.unsafeCast<CSSNumberish>()
this.asDynamic()[jsFieldName] = newStyleMap
return newStyleMap
} }
return styleMap.unsafeCast<StylePropertyMap>()
} }
fun CSSNumberish.asNumber() = this.asDynamic() as? Number
fun CSSNumberish.asCSSNumericValue(): CSSNumericValue? = this.asDynamic() as? CSSNumericValueJS
// declare enum CSSNumericBaseType {
// 'length',
// 'angle',
// 'time',
// 'frequency',
// 'resolution',
// 'flex',
// 'percent',
// }
enum class CSSNumericBaseType(val value: String) {
inline val StyleSheet.cssRules external interface CSSNumericType {
get() = this.asDynamic().cssRules.unsafeCast<CSSRuleList>() val length: Number
val angle: Number
val time: Number
val frequency: Number
val resolution: Number
val flex: Number
val percent: Number
// percentHint: CSSNumericBaseType
val CSSNumericType.percentHint
get() = CSSNumericBaseType.valueOf(this.asDynamic().percentHint)
// set(value) { this.asDynamic().percentHint = value.value }
inline fun StyleSheet.deleteRule(index: Int) { external interface CSSNumericValue : CSSStyleValue {
this.asDynamic().deleteRule(index) fun add(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
fun sub(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
fun mul(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
fun div(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
fun min(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
fun max(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
fun equals(vararg values: CSSNumberish): Boolean
fun to(unit: String): CSSUnitValue
fun toSum(vararg units: String): CSSMathSum
fun type(): CSSNumericType
} }
fun StyleSheet.insertRule(cssRule: String, index: Int? = null): Int { abstract external class CSSNumericValueJS : CSSNumericValue {
return if (index != null) { override fun add(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
this.asDynamic().insertRule(cssRule, index).unsafeCast<Int>() override fun sub(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
} else { override fun mul(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
this.asDynamic().insertRule(cssRule).unsafeCast<Int>() override fun div(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
override fun min(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
override fun max(vararg values: CSSNumberish): CSSNumericValue
override fun equals(vararg values: CSSNumberish): Boolean
override fun to(unit: String): CSSUnitValue
override fun toSum(vararg units: String): CSSMathSum
override fun type(): CSSNumericType
companion object {
fun parse(cssText: String): CSSNumericValue
} }
} }
external interface CSSUnitValue : CSSNumericValue {
val value: Number
val unit: String
inline operator fun CSSRuleList.get(index: Int): CSSRule { external interface CSSTypedUnitValue<T> : CSSNumericValue {
return this.asDynamic()[index].unsafeCast<CSSRule>() val value: Number
val unit: T
external class CSSUnitValueJS(value: Number, unit: String) : CSSNumericValueJS, CSSUnitValue {
override val value: Number
override val unit: String
// declare enum CSSMathOperator {
// 'sum',
// 'product',
// 'negate',
// 'invert',
// 'min',
// 'max',
// 'clamp',
// }
enum class CSSMathOperator(val value: String) {
open external class CSSMathValue : CSSNumericValueJS {
// readonly operator: CSSMathOperator
} }
val CSSMathValue.operator
get() = CSSMathOperator.valueOf(this.asDynamic().operator)
// set(value) { this.asDynamic().operator = value.value }
external interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { external class CSSMathSum(vararg args: CSSNumberish) : CSSMathValue {
val values: CSSNumericArray
external class CSSMathProduct(vararg args: CSSNumberish) : CSSMathValue {
val values: CSSNumericArray
external class CSSMathNegate(arg: CSSNumberish) : CSSMathValue {
val value: CSSNumericValue
external class CSSMathInvert(arg: CSSNumberish) : CSSMathValue {
val value: CSSNumericValue
external class CSSMathMin(vararg args: CSSNumberish) : CSSMathValue {
val values: CSSNumericArray
external class CSSMathMax(vararg args: CSSNumberish) : CSSMathValue {
val values: CSSNumericArray
// TODO(yavanosta) : conflict with base class properties
// Since there is no support for this class in any browser, it's better
// wait for the implementation.
// declare class CSSMathClamp extends CSSMathValue {
// constructor(min: CSSNumberish, val: CSSNumberish, max: CSSNumberish)
// readonly min: CSSNumericValue
// readonly val: CSSNumericValue
// readonly max: CSSNumericValue
// }
external class CSSNumericArray {
// TODO: [Symbol.iterator]() : IterableIterator<CSSNumericValue>
fun forEach(handler: (CSSNumericValue) -> Unit)
val length: Int
// readonly [index: number]: CSSNumericValue
operator fun get(index: Int): CSSNumericValue
external class CSSTransformValue(transforms: Array<CSSTransformComponent>) : CSSStyleValue {
// [Symbol.iterator]() : IterableIterator<CSSTransformComponent>
fun forEach(handler: (CSSTransformComponent) -> Unit)
val length: Int
// [index: number]: CSSTransformComponent
operator fun get(index: Int): CSSTransformComponent
operator fun set(index: Int, value: CSSTransformComponent)
val is2D: Boolean
fun toMatrix(): DOMMatrix
open external class CSSTransformComponent {
val is2D: Boolean
fun toMatrix(): DOMMatrix
// toString() : string
external class CSSTranslate(
x: CSSNumericValue,
y: CSSNumericValue,
z: CSSNumericValue? = definedExternally
) : CSSTransformComponent {
val x: CSSNumericValue
val y: CSSNumericValue
val z: CSSNumericValue
external class CSSRotate(angle: CSSNumericValue) : CSSTransformComponent {
constructor(x: CSSNumberish, y: CSSNumberish, z: CSSNumberish, angle: CSSNumericValue)
val x: CSSNumberish
val y: CSSNumberish
val z: CSSNumberish
val angle: CSSNumericValue
external class CSSScale(
x: CSSNumberish,
y: CSSNumberish,
z: CSSNumberish? = definedExternally
) : CSSTransformComponent {
val x: CSSNumberish
val y: CSSNumberish
val z: CSSNumberish
external class CSSSkew(ax: CSSNumericValue, ay: CSSNumericValue) : CSSTransformComponent {
val ax: CSSNumericValue
val ay: CSSNumericValue
external class CSSSkewX(ax: CSSNumericValue) : CSSTransformComponent {
val ax: CSSNumericValue
external class CSSSkewY(ay: CSSNumericValue) : CSSTransformComponent {
val ay: CSSNumericValue
/* Note that skew(x,y) is *not* the same as skewX(x) skewY(y),
thus the separate interfaces for all three. */
external class CSSPerspective(length: CSSNumericValue) : CSSTransformComponent {
val length: CSSNumericValue
external class CSSMatrixComponent(
matrix: DOMMatrixReadOnly,
options: CSSMatrixComponentOptions? = definedExternally
) : CSSTransformComponent {
val matrix: DOMMatrix
external interface CSSMatrixComponentOptions {
val is2D: Boolean
external class CSSImageValue : CSSStyleValue
open external class StylePropertyMapReadOnly {
// TODO: [Symbol.iterator]() : IterableIterator<[string, CSSStyleValue[]]>
fun get(property: String): CSSStyleValue? // CSSStyleValue | undefined
fun getAll(property: String): Array<CSSStyleValue>
fun has(property: String): Boolean fun has(property: String): Boolean
val size: Number
} }
fun StylePropertyMapReadOnly.forEach(handler: (String, Array<CSSStyleValue>) -> Unit) { fun StylePropertyMapReadOnly.forEach(handler: (String, Array<CSSStyleValue>) -> Unit) {
@ -205,24 +353,82 @@ fun StylePropertyMapReadOnly.forEach(handler: (String, Array<CSSStyleValue>) ->
} }
} }
external interface StylePropertyMap : StylePropertyMapReadOnly { // CSSStyleValue | string
fun set(property: String, value: StylePropertyValue) interface StylePropertyValue {
fun append(property: String, value: StylePropertyValue) companion object {
fun delete(property: String) operator fun invoke(value: String) = value.unsafeCast<StylePropertyValue>()
fun clear() operator fun invoke(value: Number) = value.unsafeCast<StylePropertyValue>()
operator fun invoke(value: CSSStyleValue) = value.unsafeCast<StylePropertyValue>()
} }
@JsName("CSS") fun StylePropertyValue.asString() = this.asDynamic() as? String
external val CSSJS: CSSTypedOM fun StylePropertyValue.asNumber() = this.asDynamic() as? Number
fun StylePropertyValue.asCSSStyleValue(): CSSStyleValue? = this.asDynamic() as? CSSStyleValueJS
const val useNativeCSSTypedOM = true external class StylePropertyMap : StylePropertyMapReadOnly {
fun set(property: String, vararg values: StylePropertyValue)
actual val CSS: CSSTypedOM = if (useNativeCSSTypedOM && CSSJS != undefined && CSSJS.asDynamic().px != undefined) { fun append(property: String, vararg values: StylePropertyValue)
CSSJS fun delete(property: String)
} else CSSKT fun clear()
val CSSStyleRule.styleMap: StylePropertyMap inline fun Element.computedStyleMap(): StylePropertyMapReadOnly =
get() = polyfillStylePropertyMap(if (useNativeCSSTypedOM) "styleMap" else "styleMapKT", { cssText = "" } this.asDynamic().computedStyleMap().unsafeCast<StylePropertyMapReadOnly>()
external class CSS {
companion object {
fun number(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun percent(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
// <length>
fun em(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun ex(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun ch(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun ic(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun rem(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun lh(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun rlh(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun vw(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun vh(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun vi(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun vb(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun vmin(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun vmax(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun cm(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun mm(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun Q(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
// function _in(value: Number) : CSSUnitValue
// export
// { _in as in }
fun pt(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun pc(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun px(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
// <angle>
fun deg(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun grad(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun rad(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun turn(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
// <time>
fun s(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun ms(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
// <frequency>
fun Hz(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun kHz(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
// <resolution>
fun dpi(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun dpcm(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
fun dppx(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
// <flex>
fun fr(value: Number): CSSUnitValue
val HTMLElement.attributeStyleMap: StylePropertyMap @Suppress("unused")
get() = polyfillStylePropertyMap(if (useNativeCSSTypedOM) "attributeStyleMap" else "attributeStyleMapKT", { removeAttribute("style") } val cssTypedOMPolyfill = CSSTypedOMPolyfill.default(window)


@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
interface CSSAutoValue : CSSKeywordValue
val auto = CSSKeywordValueJS("auto").unsafeCast<CSSAutoValue>()
fun asCSSAutoValue(value: dynamic) = (value as? CSSKeywordValueJS).unsafeCast<CSSAutoValue>()
// type CSSSizeOrAutoValue = CSSSizeValue | CSSAutoValue
interface CSSSizeOrAutoValue : CSSStyleValue, StylePropertyValue {
companion object {
operator fun invoke(value: CSSSizeValue) = value.unsafeCast<CSSSizeOrAutoValue>()
operator fun invoke(value: CSSAutoValue) = value.unsafeCast<CSSSizeOrAutoValue>()
fun CSSSizeOrAutoValue.asCSSSizeValue() = this.asDynamic() as? CSSUnitValueJS
fun CSSSizeOrAutoValue.asCSSAutoValue(): CSSAutoValue = asCSSAutoValue(this.asDynamic())
enum class Direction {
override fun toString(): String =
typealias LanguageCode = String


@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
import org.w3c.dom.Window
abstract external class CSSTypedOMPolyfill {
companion object {
fun default(window: Window)
fun StylePropertyMap.clear() {
throw AssertionError("StylePropertyMap::clear isn't polyfilled")


@ -2,53 +2,126 @@
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
external interface CSSSizeValue : CSSUnitValue
// fake interfaces to distinguish units // fake interfaces to distinguish units
actual external interface CSSSizeValue : CSSUnitValue external interface CSSRelValue : CSSSizeValue
external interface CSSpercentValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSnumberValue : CSSUnitValue external interface CSSemValue : CSSRelValue
external interface CSSexValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSRelValue : CSSSizeValue external interface CSSchValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSpercentValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSicValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSemValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSremValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSexValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSlhValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSchValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSrlhValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSicValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSvwValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSremValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSvhValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSlhValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSviValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSrlhValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSvbValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSvwValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSvminValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSvhValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSvmaxValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSviValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSScmValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSvbValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSmmValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSvminValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSQValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSSvmaxValue : CSSRelValue
actual external interface CSScmValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSAbsValue : CSSSizeValue
actual external interface CSSmmValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSptValue : CSSAbsValue
actual external interface CSSQValue : CSSRelValue external interface CSSpcValue : CSSAbsValue
external interface CSSpxValue : CSSAbsValue
actual external interface CSSAbsValue : CSSSizeValue
actual external interface CSSptValue : CSSAbsValue external interface CSSangleValue : CSSUnitValue
actual external interface CSSpcValue : CSSAbsValue external interface CSSdegValue : CSSangleValue
actual external interface CSSpxValue : CSSAbsValue external interface CSSgradValue : CSSangleValue
external interface CSSradValue : CSSangleValue
actual external interface CSSangleValue : CSSUnitValue external interface CSSturnValue : CSSangleValue
actual external interface CSSdegValue : CSSangleValue
actual external interface CSSgradValue : CSSangleValue external interface CSSTimeValue : CSSUnitValue
actual external interface CSSradValue : CSSangleValue external interface CSSsValue : CSSTimeValue
actual external interface CSSturnValue : CSSangleValue external interface CSSmsValue : CSSTimeValue
actual external interface CSSTimeValue : CSSUnitValue external interface CSSFrequencyValue : CSSUnitValue
actual external interface CSSsValue : CSSTimeValue external interface CSSHzValue : CSSFrequencyValue
actual external interface CSSmsValue : CSSTimeValue external interface CSSkHzValue : CSSFrequencyValue
actual external interface CSSFrequencyValue : CSSUnitValue external interface CSSResolutionValue : CSSUnitValue
actual external interface CSSHzValue : CSSFrequencyValue external interface CSSdpiValue : CSSResolutionValue
actual external interface CSSkHzValue : CSSFrequencyValue external interface CSSdpcmValue : CSSResolutionValue
external interface CSSdppxValue : CSSResolutionValue
actual external interface CSSResolutionValue : CSSUnitValue
actual external interface CSSdpiValue : CSSResolutionValue external interface CSSFlexValue : CSSUnitValue
actual external interface CSSdpcmValue : CSSResolutionValue external interface CSSfrValue : CSSFlexValue
actual external interface CSSdppxValue : CSSResolutionValue
val Number.number
actual external interface CSSFlexValue : CSSUnitValue get(): CSSUnitValue = CSS.number(this)
actual external interface CSSfrValue : CSSFlexValue
val Number.percent
get(): CSSpercentValue = CSS.percent(this).unsafeCast<CSSpercentValue>()
val Number.em
get(): CSSemValue = CSS.em(this).unsafeCast<CSSemValue>()
val Number.ex
get(): CSSexValue = CSS.ex(this).unsafeCast<CSSexValue>()
get(): CSSchValue =<CSSchValue>()
val Number.ic
get(): CSSicValue = CSS.ic(this).unsafeCast<CSSicValue>()
val Number.rem
get(): CSSremValue = CSS.rem(this).unsafeCast<CSSremValue>()
val Number.lh
get(): CSSlhValue = CSS.lh(this).unsafeCast<CSSlhValue>()
val Number.rlh
get(): CSSrlhValue = CSS.rlh(this).unsafeCast<CSSrlhValue>()
val Number.vw
get(): CSSvwValue = CSS.vw(this).unsafeCast<CSSvwValue>()
val Number.vh
get(): CSSvhValue = CSS.vh(this).unsafeCast<CSSvhValue>()
get(): CSSviValue =<CSSviValue>()
val Number.vb
get(): CSSvbValue = CSS.vb(this).unsafeCast<CSSvbValue>()
val Number.vmin
get(): CSSvminValue = CSS.vmin(this).unsafeCast<CSSvminValue>()
val Number.vmax
get(): CSSvmaxValue = CSS.vmax(this).unsafeCast<CSSvmaxValue>()
get(): CSScmValue =<CSScmValue>()
get(): CSSmmValue =<CSSmmValue>()
val Number.Q
get(): CSSQValue = CSS.Q(this).unsafeCast<CSSQValue>()
get(): CSSptValue =<CSSptValue>()
val Number.pc
get(): CSSpcValue = CSS.pc(this).unsafeCast<CSSpcValue>()
val Number.px
get(): CSSpxValue = CSS.px(this).unsafeCast<CSSpxValue>()
val Number.deg
get(): CSSdegValue = CSS.deg(this).unsafeCast<CSSdegValue>()
val Number.grad
get(): CSSgradValue = CSS.grad(this).unsafeCast<CSSgradValue>()
val Number.rad
get(): CSSradValue = CSS.rad(this).unsafeCast<CSSradValue>()
val Number.turn
get(): CSSturnValue = CSS.turn(this).unsafeCast<CSSturnValue>()
val Number.s
get(): CSSsValue = CSS.s(this).unsafeCast<CSSsValue>()
get(): CSSmsValue =<CSSmsValue>()
val Number.Hz
get(): CSSHzValue = CSS.Hz(this).unsafeCast<CSSHzValue>()
val Number.kHz
get(): CSSkHzValue = CSS.kHz(this).unsafeCast<CSSkHzValue>()
val Number.dpi
get(): CSSdpiValue = CSS.dpi(this).unsafeCast<CSSdpiValue>()
val Number.dpcm
get(): CSSdpcmValue = CSS.dpcm(this).unsafeCast<CSSdpcmValue>()
val Number.dppx
get(): CSSdppxValue = CSS.dppx(this).unsafeCast<CSSdppxValue>()
get(): CSSfrValue =<CSSfrValue>()


@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
actual inline val auto: CSSAutoValue
get() = CSSKeywordValue("auto").unsafeCast<CSSAutoValue>()


@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
actual interface CSSSizeOrAutoValue : CSSStyleValue, StylePropertyValue {
actual interface Size : CSSSizeOrAutoValue
actual interface Auto : CSSSizeOrAutoValue
actual companion object {
actual inline operator fun invoke(value: CSSSizeValue): Size = value.unsafeCast<Size>()
actual inline operator fun invoke(value: CSSAutoValue): Auto = value.unsafeCast<Auto>()


@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ package org.jetbrains.compose.web.dom
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.attributes.AttrsBuilder import org.jetbrains.compose.web.attributes.AttrsBuilder
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.attributes.Tag import org.jetbrains.compose.web.attributes.Tag
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.css.*
import org.w3c.dom.HTMLStyleElement import org.w3c.dom.HTMLStyleElement
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSGroupingRule import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSGroupingRule
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleDeclaration import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleDeclaration
import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleRule import org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleRule
import org.w3c.dom.css.StyleSheet import org.w3c.dom.css.StyleSheet
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.css.*
/** /**
* Use this function to mount the <style> tag into the DOM tree. * Use this function to mount the <style> tag into the DOM tree.


@ -133,15 +133,14 @@ class StaticComposableTests {
} }
assertEquals("border: 1px solid red;", (root.children[0] as HTMLElement).style.cssText) assertEquals("border: 1px solid red;", (root.children[0] as HTMLElement).style.cssText)
root.children[1]?.let { root.children[1]?.let { el ->
val el = it.unsafeCast<HTMLElement>()
assertEquals( assertEquals(
"green", "green","border-color") el.asDynamic().attributeStyleMap.get("border-color").toString(),
) )
assertEquals( assertEquals(
"3px", "3px","border-width"), el.asDynamic().attributeStyleMap.get("border-width").toString(),
) )
} }
} }


@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
actual interface CSSStyleValue
actual interface CSSKeywordValue : CSSStyleValue {
actual val value: String
actual companion object {
actual operator fun invoke(value: String): CSSKeywordValue = CSSKeywordValueKT(value)
actual interface StylePropertyValue {
actual interface String : StylePropertyValue
actual interface Number : StylePropertyValue
actual interface StyleValue : StylePropertyValue
actual companion object {
actual operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.String): String = StylePropertyValueJVM(value)
actual operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.Number): Number = StylePropertyValueJVM(value)
actual operator fun invoke(value: CSSStyleValue): StyleValue = StylePropertyValueJVM(value)
sealed class StylePropertyValueJVM: StylePropertyValue {
data class String(val value: kotlin.String): StylePropertyValueJVM(), StylePropertyValue.String
data class Number(val value: kotlin.Number): StylePropertyValueJVM(), StylePropertyValue.Number
data class StyleValue(val value: CSSStyleValue): StylePropertyValueJVM(), StylePropertyValue.StyleValue
companion object {
operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.String) = String(value)
operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.Number) = Number(value)
operator fun invoke(value: CSSStyleValue) = StyleValue(value)
// type CSSNumeric = number | CSSNumericValue
actual interface CSSNumeric {
actual interface Number : CSSNumeric
actual interface NumericValue : CSSNumeric
actual companion object {
actual operator fun invoke(value: kotlin.Number): Number {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
actual operator fun invoke(value: CSSNumericValue): NumericValue {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
actual val CSSMathValue.operator: CSSMathOperator
get() = TODO("Not yet implemented")
actual class CSSNumericArray {
actual fun forEach(handler: (CSSNumericValue) -> Unit) {
actual val length: Int
get() = TODO("Not yet implemented")
actual operator fun get(index: Int): CSSNumericValue {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
actual interface CSSMathSum : CSSMathValue {
actual val values: CSSNumericArray
actual val CSSNumericType.percentHint: CSSNumericBaseType
get() = TODO("Not yet implemented")
actual interface CSSMathValue : CSSNumericValue {
actual val strOperator: String
actual interface CSSNumericType {
actual val length: Number
actual val angle: Number
actual val time: Number
actual val frequency: Number
actual val resolution: Number
actual val flex: Number
actual val percent: Number
actual val strPercentHint: String
actual interface CSSNumericValue : CSSStyleValue
actual interface CSSUnitValue : CSSNumericValue {
actual val value: Number
actual val unit: String
actual interface CSSTypedOM {
actual fun number(value: Number): CSSnumberValue
actual fun percent(value: Number): CSSpercentValue
actual fun em(value: Number): CSSemValue
actual fun ex(value: Number): CSSexValue
actual fun ch(value: Number): CSSchValue
actual fun ic(value: Number): CSSicValue
actual fun rem(value: Number): CSSremValue
actual fun lh(value: Number): CSSlhValue
actual fun rlh(value: Number): CSSrlhValue
actual fun vw(value: Number): CSSvwValue
actual fun vh(value: Number): CSSvhValue
actual fun vi(value: Number): CSSviValue
actual fun vb(value: Number): CSSvbValue
actual fun vmin(value: Number): CSSvminValue
actual fun vmax(value: Number): CSSvmaxValue
actual fun cm(value: Number): CSScmValue
actual fun mm(value: Number): CSSmmValue
actual fun Q(value: Number): CSSQValue
actual fun pt(value: Number): CSSptValue
actual fun pc(value: Number): CSSpcValue
actual fun px(value: Number): CSSpxValue
actual fun deg(value: Number): CSSdegValue
actual fun grad(value: Number): CSSgradValue
actual fun rad(value: Number): CSSradValue
actual fun turn(value: Number): CSSturnValue
actual fun s(value: Number): CSSsValue
actual fun ms(value: Number): CSSmsValue
actual fun Hz(value: Number): CSSHzValue
actual fun kHz(value: Number): CSSkHzValue
actual fun dpi(value: Number): CSSdpiValue
actual fun dpcm(value: Number): CSSdpcmValue
actual fun dppx(value: Number): CSSdppxValue
actual fun fr(value: Number): CSSfrValue
actual val CSS: CSSTypedOM
get() = TODO("Not yet implemented")


@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
// fake interfaces to distinguish units
actual interface CSSSizeValue : CSSUnitValue
actual interface CSSnumberValue : CSSUnitValue
actual interface CSSRelValue : CSSSizeValue
actual interface CSSpercentValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSQValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSemValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSexValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSchValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSicValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSremValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSlhValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSrlhValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSvwValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSvhValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSviValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSvbValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSvminValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSvmaxValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSScmValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSmmValue : CSSRelValue
actual interface CSSAbsValue : CSSSizeValue
actual interface CSSptValue : CSSAbsValue
actual interface CSSpcValue : CSSAbsValue
actual interface CSSpxValue : CSSAbsValue
actual interface CSSangleValue : CSSUnitValue
actual interface CSSdegValue : CSSangleValue
actual interface CSSgradValue : CSSangleValue
actual interface CSSradValue : CSSangleValue
actual interface CSSturnValue : CSSangleValue
actual interface CSSTimeValue : CSSUnitValue
actual interface CSSsValue : CSSTimeValue
actual interface CSSmsValue : CSSTimeValue
actual interface CSSFrequencyValue : CSSUnitValue
actual interface CSSHzValue : CSSFrequencyValue
actual interface CSSkHzValue : CSSFrequencyValue
actual interface CSSResolutionValue : CSSUnitValue
actual interface CSSdpiValue : CSSResolutionValue
actual interface CSSdpcmValue : CSSResolutionValue
actual interface CSSdppxValue : CSSResolutionValue
actual interface CSSFlexValue : CSSUnitValue
actual interface CSSfrValue : CSSFlexValue


@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
actual val auto: CSSAutoValue
get() = object : CSSKeywordValueKT("auto"), CSSAutoValue {}


@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose.web.css
actual interface CSSSizeOrAutoValue : CSSStyleValue, StylePropertyValue {
actual interface Size : CSSSizeOrAutoValue
actual interface Auto : CSSSizeOrAutoValue
actual companion object {
actual operator fun invoke(value: CSSSizeValue): Size {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
actual operator fun invoke(value: CSSAutoValue): Auto {
TODO("Not yet implemented")