From b4deec5ee9231ae0b1d786045ba24540c038fa6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Igor Demin Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:44:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] CHANGELOG 1.6.0 (#4377) Co-authored-by: Ivan Matkov --- | 157 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 157 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 9c1f3e03b0..d78ecde54c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,3 +1,160 @@ +# 1.6.0 (February 2024) + +_Changes since 1.5.12_ + +## Highlights +#### Common +- Resource library improvements ([an example project]( + - [Compile-time checking of resources through a generated `Res` class]( + - [Introduce top level `composeResources` dir with `drawable`, `font`, `files`, `values/strings.xml` support]( + - [Support for various screen densities, multiple languages and regions, and light and dark themes]( +- [Experimental support is available for tests in common code]( +- [Support Kotlin 2.0.0-Beta4]( + +#### iOS, Desktop, Web +- [Support `LineHeightStyle.Trim`]( +- [Add a way to use fonts installed on the system]( +- [Add support for text decoration line styles via PlatformTextStyle]( + +#### iOS +- Native-like caret behaviour by long/single taps in textfields([1](, [2]( +- [Basic accessibility support]( +- [Popups/Dialogs can now be displayed outside a ViewController over native components]( +- [Allow selecting `Text` in `SelectionContainer` by double and triple tap]( + +#### Web +- [Compose for Web (Wasm) artifacts are available in Maven Central]( _**Warning**: Kotlin 1.9.21 has [an issue]( with web target. Use Kotlin 1.9.22._ + +#### Desktop +- [Proper clipping of `SwingPanel` interop]( _(under an experimental flag, see the link)_ +- [Popups/Dialogs can now be displayed outside the main window or panel and over native components]( _(under an experimental flag, see the link)_ + +## Breaking changes + +#### Common +- Resource library (`compose.components.resources`) changes + - resources from `*Main\resources` should be moved to `*Main\composeResources\drawable`, `commonMain\composeResources\font` or `*Main\composeResources\files` depending on the resource type + - `painterResource("resource.xml")` should be replaced by `painterResource(Res.drawable.resource)` +- `google()` maven repository is now required. Add this to `build.gradle.kts`: + ``` + repositories { + ... + google() + } + ``` + If the project doesn't have it, there will be an error `Could not find androidx.annotation:annotation:...` or `Could not find org.jetbrains.compose.collection-internal:collection`. +- [Text with `lineHeight` set is trimmed by default]( +- [Text with `fontSize` set without `lineHeight` inside `MaterialTheme` has different line height]( + +#### iOS/Desktop/Web +- [Deprecate `public ComposeScene` in favour of `@InternalComposeUiApi MultiLayerComposeScene`]( +- [Hide deprecated DropdownMenu overloads]( + +#### Desktop +- [Remove deprecated APIs in `TooltipArea` and `PointerEvent`]( + +## Features + +#### Common +- [Publish new platforms for `runtime-saveable`]( + +#### iOS +- [Adjust overscroll effect params to match iOS animations]( +- [Add ability to change opacity for compose view]( +- [Introduce `@Composable fun UIKitViewController`]( +- [Remove iOS experimental flag in]( + +#### Desktop +- [Support select till the end of the file / till the start of the file keyboard actions on Windows]( +- [Add LinuxArm64 target to Compose runtime]( +- [Add dedicated feature flags class for desktop]( + +#### Web +- [Change the embedded font to Roboto Regular]( + +#### HTML library +- [Add opportunity to use custom prefixes in `StyleSheet`]( +- [Add `sub`, `sup` and `blockquote` elements]( + +#### Gradle Plugin +- [Add `ui-tooling-preview` alias]( +- [Add `compose.uiTest` dependency]( +- [Add `compose.components.uiUtil` dependency]( + +## Fixes + +#### iOS/Desktop/Web +- [Fix "DropdownMenu performs onDismissRequest twice"]( +- [Use a large rectangle for the picture bounds in RenderNodeLayer.drawLayer to prevent clipping]( +- [Fix closing scene during scroll animation]( +- [Fix "Using `painterResource(:DrawableResource)` outside desktop Window can produce `UnsatisfiedLinkError`"]( +- [Fix "Rect::makeLTRB expected l <= r" crashes]( +- [Fix "`TextLayoutResult#getLineForVerticalPosition` returns wrong value + slow performance"]( +- [Run all effects before sending synthetic events]( +- [`Font` constructor with lazy data loading]( +- [Optimise `TextLayoutResult#getLineForOffset`]( +- [Fix "SwingPanel/UIKitView doesn't apply Modifier.offset if it's after Modifier.size"]( +- [DatePicker. Fix empty row]( +- [DatePicker. Fix selection of the current day]( +- [Fix `LayoutCoordinates.localToWindow` coordinates conversion for non-full Compose components]( + +#### iOS +- [Fixed unexpected fling animation over scrolling content]( +- [Fix UIKitView z-order]( +- [Fix missing case for loading `SystemFont` on iOS]( +- [Fix selection container crash]( +- [Fix `WindowInfo.containerSize` without `platformLayers` flag]( +- [Disable encoding on separate thread for iOS]( +- [Synchronise IME insets with iOS keyboard]( + +#### Desktop +- [Protect against `MouseInfo.getPointerInfo()` returning null in `WindowDraggableArea`]( +- [Support Rtl in `SplitPane`]( +- [Fix a native crash on `makeGL`]( +- [Add Arial and Consolas as backup fonts on Linux and mention font name when one fails to load]( +- [Fix "BasicTextField NPE-crash on JBR 17.0.9 on Linux when clicked"]( +- [Fix blurry app icon in the system application switcher]( +- [Insert a new line on `NumPadEnter`]( +- [Don't restart the drag gesture when the `onDrag(matcher=` changes]( +- [Fix "BasicTextField NPE-crash on JBR 17.0.9 on Linux when clicked"]( +- [Fix "Resizing window on desktop sometimes triggers onClick handlers of Composables"]( +- [Fix "`ComposePanel` doesn't calculate its preferredSize correctly when it's called before doLayout"]( +- [Fix input methods on JBR, disable input methods when we lose focus]( +- [Fix "BasicTextField could not input any Chinese character when using JBR"]( +- [Take into account `enabled` in `scrollable` for mouse input]( +- [Fix NPE for getComponentAfter/Before in ComposePanel]( +- [Transparency support for D3D]( _(previously it supported via fallback on OpenGL)_ + +#### Web +- [Add a `SystemThemeObserver` implementation for wasmJs]( +- [Fix keyboard events with meta key on wasm/js targets]( +- [Added WASM to `components.uiToolingPreview` library]( +- [Fix "The cursor is invisible in compose web"]( +- [Use an alternative implementation of `Image.toBitmap`]( + +#### Gradle Plugin +- [Fix failing when `org.jetbrains.compose` is applied from a script plugin]( + +## Dependencies +This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries: +- [Compiler 1.5.8]( +- [Runtime 1.6.1]( +- [UI 1.6.1]( +- [Foundation 1.6.1]( +- [Material 1.6.1]( +- [Material3 1.2.0]( + +See [the announce]( of Jetpack Compose 1.6. Notes: +- `Changes to default font padding` affects only Android target. +- `Added support for selection by mouse, including text.` concerns only Android. Other targets supported it before 1.6. +- Some of the features are not ported yet (they will be ported in the next versions): + - [BasicTextField2]( + - [Support for nonlinear font scaling]( + - [Multipaltform Drag and drop]( It works only for Android right now. For desktop there is the old API `Modifier.onExternalDrag` + - [MultiParagraph.fillBoundingBoxes]( + +See [the announce]( of Material 1.2. + # 1.6.0-rc03 (February 2024) _Changes since 1.6.0-rc02_