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4 years ago
### Compose Uber Jar
Merges all `org.jetbrains.compose*` artifacts into one uber jar `compose-full.jar`.
### Building
Specify a version of compose artifacts to merge:
* by providing version directly via `compose.version` property
(e.g. `./gradlew -Pcompose.version=0.1.0-build49 ...`);
* or by providing a path to file containing a version via `compose.version.file` property
(e.g. `./gradlew -Pcompose.version.file=version.txt ...`);
* `compose.version.file` has a higher priority than `compose.version`.
Build a jar locally by running:
./gradlew shadowJar
The jar will be available at `build/libs/compose-full.jar`
### Publishing
./gradlew publishToComposeRepo
4 years ago