An overview of highlights for this release is also available in the Compose Multiplatform documentation: [What's new in 1.6.0](
- Resource library improvements ([an example project](
- [Compile-time checking of resources through a generated `Res` class](
- [Introduce top level `composeResources` dir with `drawable`, `font`, `files`, `values/strings.xml` support](
- [Support for various screen densities, multiple languages and regions, and light and dark themes](
- [Experimental support is available for tests in common code](
- [Add a way to use fonts installed on the system](
- [Add support for text decoration line styles via PlatformTextStyle](
#### iOS
- Native-like caret behaviour by long/single taps in textfields([1](, [2](
- [`Popup`s/`Dialog`s can now be displayed outside a `ViewController` over native components](
- [Allow selecting `Text` in `SelectionContainer` by double and triple tap](
#### Web
- [Compose for Web (Wasm) artifacts are available in Maven Central]( <sub>_**Warning**: Kotlin 1.9.21 has [an issue]( with web target. Use Kotlin 1.9.22._</sub>
#### Desktop
- [Proper clipping of `SwingPanel` interop]( <sub>_(under an experimental flag, see the link)_</sub>
- [`Popup`s/`Dialog`s can now be displayed outside the main window or panel and over native components]( <sub>_(under an experimental flag, see the link)_</sub>
- resources from `*Main\resources` should be moved to `*Main\composeResources\drawable`, `commonMain\composeResources\font` or `*Main\composeResources\files` depending on the resource type
-`painterResource("resource.xml")` should be replaced by `painterResource(Res.drawable.resource)`
-`google()` maven repository is now required. Add this to `build.gradle.kts`:
repositories {
If the project doesn't have it, there will be an error `Could not find androidx.annotation:annotation:...` or `Could not find org.jetbrains.compose.collection-internal:collection`.
- [Text with `lineHeight` set is trimmed by default](
- [Text with `fontSize` set without `lineHeight` inside `MaterialTheme` has different line height](
#### iOS/Desktop/Web
- [Deprecate `public ComposeScene` in favour of `@InternalComposeUiApi MultiLayerComposeScene`](
- Separate platform views for `Popup`s/`Dialog`s that are enabled by default, unable to draw anything out of their own bounds (for example, a shadow of the topmost container). It will be fixed in a future version, but if you're relying on this behavior, you can switch back to the old behavior by setting the `platformLayers` parameter to `false`:
- Libraries which depend on earlier Compose Multiplatform version are not compatible with 1.6.0 anymore. This is because decoys generation was disabled. Projects which apply Compose Compiler plugin manually need to remove this argument: `plugin:androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin:generateDecoys=true`.
- [Publish new platforms for `runtime-saveable`](
#### iOS
- [Adjust overscroll effect params to match iOS animations](
- [Add ability to change opacity for compose view](
- [Introduce `@Composable fun UIKitViewController`](
- [Remove iOS experimental flag in](
#### Desktop
- [Support select till the end of the file / till the start of the file keyboard actions on Windows](
- [Add LinuxArm64 target to Compose runtime](
- [Add dedicated feature flags class for desktop](
#### Web
- [Change the embedded font to Roboto Regular](
#### HTML library
- [Add opportunity to use custom prefixes in `StyleSheet`](
- [Add `sub`, `sup` and `blockquote` elements](
- [Use a large rectangle for the picture bounds in RenderNodeLayer.drawLayer to prevent clipping](
- [Fix closing scene during scroll animation](
- [Fix "Using `painterResource(:DrawableResource)` outside desktop Window can produce `UnsatisfiedLinkError`"](
- [Fix "Rect::makeLTRB expected l <= r" crashes](
- [Fix "`TextLayoutResult#getLineForVerticalPosition` returns wrong value + slow performance"](
- [Run all effects before sending synthetic events](
- [`Font` constructor with lazy data loading](
- [Fix "SwingPanel/UIKitView doesn't apply Modifier.offset if it's after Modifier.size"](
- [Fix `WindowInfo.containerSize` without `platformLayers` flag](
- [Disable encoding on separate thread for iOS](
- [Synchronise IME insets with iOS keyboard](
#### Desktop
- [Protect against `MouseInfo.getPointerInfo()` returning null in `WindowDraggableArea`](
- [Support Rtl in `SplitPane`](
- [Fix a native crash on `makeGL`](
- [Add Arial and Consolas as backup fonts on Linux and mention font name when one fails to load](
- [Fix blurry app icon in the system application switcher](
- [Insert a new line on `NumPadEnter`](
- [Don't restart the drag gesture when the `onDrag(matcher=` changes](
- [Fix "Resizing window on desktop sometimes triggers onClick handlers of Composables"](
- [Fix "`ComposePanel` doesn't calculate its preferredSize correctly when it's called before doLayout"](
- [Fix input methods on JBR, disable input methods when we lose focus](
- [Fix "BasicTextField could not input any Chinese character when using JBR"](
- [Take into account `enabled` in `scrollable` for mouse input](
- [Fix NPE for getComponentAfter/Before in ComposePanel](
- [Transparency support for D3D]( <sub>_(previously it supported via fallback on OpenGL)_</sub>
#### Web
- [Add a `SystemThemeObserver` implementation for wasmJs](
- [Fix keyboard events with meta key on wasm/js targets](
- [Added WASM to `components.uiToolingPreview` library](
- [Fix "The cursor is invisible in compose web"](
- [Use an alternative implementation of `Image.toBitmap`](
#### Gradle Plugin
- [Fix failing when `org.jetbrains.compose` is applied from a script plugin](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
See [the announce]( of Jetpack Compose 1.6. Notes:
-`Changes to default font padding` affects only Android target.
-`Added support for selection by mouse, including text.` concerns only Android. Other targets supported it before 1.6.
- Some of the features are not ported yet (they will be ported in the next versions):
- [Support for nonlinear font scaling](
- [Multipaltform Drag and drop]( It works only for Android right now. For desktop there is the old API `Modifier.onExternalDrag`
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Resources. Don't return a cached value when pass new args]( <sub>Common</sub>
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix crash "ComposeUIViewController.view should be attached to window]( <sub>iOS</sub>
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix App crashes when Compose SwfitUI View container removed from hierarchy]( <sub>iOS</sub>
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix Keyboard disappears on IME action]( <sub>iOS</sub>
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix `SelectionContainer` occasionally crashes on iOS]( <sub>iOS</sub>
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix crash after open/close dropdown on iOS]( <sub>iOS</sub>
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix Password popup disappears only on the second focused TextField]( <sub>iOS</sub>
> To quickly change your code to a new state, replace this:
> ```
> import <modulePackage>.generated.resources.Res
> ```
> by this:
> ```
> import <modulePackage>.generated.resources.*
> ```
> and perform "Code - Optimize Imports" to apply the project code style. If code style doesn't allow wildcrads, `import <modulePackage>.generated.resources.*` will be replaced by explicit imports.
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix "AlertDialog doesn't work with ProvidableCompositionLocal"](
## Resource library
### Fixes
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix resource accessors compilation when there are huge number of resource files](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
It happens because some library depends on `1.6.0-beta02` which isn't binary compatible with `1.6.0-rc01`.
To find this library, call `./gradlew shared:dependencies` (replace `shared` by your main module). Downgrade this library or ask the library author to upgrade it to `1.6.0-rc01`.
### Could not find androidx.annotation:annotation:...
It happens because `1.6.0` depends on [collection]( and [annnotation]( libraries that are available only in the Google Maven repository.
- [Use a large rectangle for the picture bounds in RenderNodeLayer.drawLayer to prevent clipping](
- [Fix closing scene during scroll animation](
- [Fix "Using `painterResource(:DrawableResource)` outside desktop Window can produce `UnsatisfiedLinkError`"](
- [Fix "Rect::makeLTRB expected l <= r" crashes](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix scene size after sending the app to background or changing orientation with open modal](
## Desktop
### Fixes
- [Protect against `MouseInfo.getPointerInfo()` returning null in `WindowDraggableArea`](
- [Support Rtl in `SplitPane`](
- [Fix a native crash on `makeGL`](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix "Skiko RenderException" when creating `ComposePanel`](
## Web
### Fixes
- [Add a `SystemThemeObserver` implementation for wasmJs](
- [Fix keyboard events with meta key on wasm/js targets](
- [Added WASM to `components.uiToolingPreview` library](
- [Fix "The cursor is invisible in compose web"](
## Gradle Plugin
### Fixes
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Relocate a bundled `KotlinPoet` to the internal package](
## Resource library
### Fixes
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Add a type name to the resource initializers](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Don't make resource IDs lowercased](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Clean code-gen directory if there was deleted a dependency on the res library](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Register all hierarchical compose resources in android compilation](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix fonts duplication in android app](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
- [Popups/Dialogs can now be displayed outside a ViewController over native components on iOS by default]( <sub>_iOS_</sub>
- [Allow selecting `Text` in `SelectionContainer` by double and triple tap]( <sub>_iOS_</sub>
- [Add support for text decoration line styles via PlatformTextStyle]( <sub>_iOS, desktop, web_</sub>
- Bugfixes in the resource library (see below for the details)
## iOS/desktop/web
### Fixes
- [Fix "`TextLayoutResult#getLineForVerticalPosition` returns wrong value + slow performance"](
- [Run all effects before sending synthetic events](
- _(prerelease bug)_ [Fix the pointer icon in `SelectionContainer`](
## iOS
### Features
- [Adjust overscroll effect params to match iOS animations](
- [Add ability to change opacity for compose view](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix "textfield with visual transformation crashes after single tap"](
- [Add Arial and Consolas as backup fonts on Linux and mention font name when one fails to load](
### Breaking changes and deprecated API
- [Remove deprecated APIs in `TooltipArea` and `PointerEvent`](
## HTML library
### Features
- [Add opportunity to use custom prefixes in `StyleSheet`](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Configure Android resources after AGP is applied and ignore hidden files in resources](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Generate Res class if there is no common composeResource dir](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Support Res class generation in JVM only compose projects](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Support Compose resources for iOS tests](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix sub-module gradle properties for res class generation](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Fix Native xml parser](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Generate initializer functions in the Res file to avoid the `MethodTooLargeException`](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Improve handling of special characters in string resources](
- _(prerelease fix)_ [Add a `ttf` font to the resources demo app](
- [Compile-time checking of resources through a generated `Res` class](
- [Introduce top level `composeResources` dir with `drawable`, `font`, `files`, `values/strings.xml` support](
- [Support for various screen densities, multiple languages and regions, and light and dark themes](
- [Experimental support is available for tests in common code](
- [Compose for Web (Wasm) artifacts are available in Maven Central]( **Warning**: Kotlin 1.9.21 has [an issue]( with web target. Use Kotlin 1.9.22.
- [Desktop. Proper clipping of `SwingPanel` interop]( _(under an experimental flag, see the link)_
- Popups/Dialogs can now be displayed outside the main window or panel over native components on iOS and desktop _(under experimental flags, see the links)_
- [Add a way to use fonts installed on the system]( _(desktop/web in this version, iOS in the next version, Android isn't supported)_
### Breaking changes
- [Text with `lineHeight` set is trimmed by default](
- [Text with `fontSize` set without `lineHeight` inside `MaterialTheme` has different line height](
- resources from `*Main\resources` should be moved to `*Main\composeResources\drawable`, `commonMain\composeResources\font` or `*Main\composeResources\files` depending on the resource type
-`painterResource("resource.xml")` should be replaced by `painterResource(Res.drawable.resource)`
## Known issues
-`compose.components.resources` library doesn't work yet if you apply `kotlin("jvm")` Gradle plugin. For now, it only works with `kotlin("multiplatform")`
- [Fix "SwingPanel/UIKitView doesn't apply Modifier.offset if it's after Modifier.size"](
- [DatePicker. Fix selection of the current day](
- [Fix `LayoutCoordinates.localToWindow` coordinates conversion for non-full Compose components](
### Breaking changes and deprecated API
- [Deprecate `public ComposeScene` in favour of `@InternalComposeUiApi MultiLayerComposeScene`](
- [Introduce `@Composable fun UIKitViewController`](
- [Remove iOS experimental flag in](
### Fixes
- [Disable encoding on separate thread for iOS](
- [Synchronise IME insets with iOS keyboard](
## Desktop
### Features
- [Support select till the end of the file / till the start of the file keyboard actions on Windows](
- [Add LinuxArm64 target to Compose runtime](
- [Add dedicated feature flags class for desktop](
### Fixes
- [Fix blurry app icon in the system application switcher](
- [Insert a new line on `NumPadEnter`](
- [Don't restart the drag gesture when the `onDrag(matcher=` changes](
- [Fix "BasicTextField NPE-crash on JBR 17.0.9 on Linux when clicked"](
- [Fix "Resizing window on desktop sometimes triggers onClick handlers of Composables"](
- [Fix "`ComposePanel` doesn't calculate its preferredSize correctly when it's called before doLayout"](
- [Fix input methods on JBR, disable input methods when we lose focus](
- [Fix "BasicTextField could not input any Chinese character when using JBR"](
- [Take into account `enabled` in `scrollable` for mouse input](
- [Fix NPE for getComponentAfter/Before in ComposePanel](
- [Transparency support for D3D]( _(previously it supported via fallback on OpenGL)_
## Web
### Features
- [Change the embedded font to Roboto Regular](
### Fixes
- [Use an alternative implementation of `Image.toBitmap`](
## HTML library
### Features
- [Add `sub`, `sup` and `blockquote` elements](
* [Implement `defaultTimePickerLayoutType` based on screen orientation](
* [Add an option to disable insets in `Popup`/`Dialog`](
* [Commonize insets `Modifier`'s \(additionally to `WindowInsets.*`\)](
### Fixes
* [`ExposedDropdownMenuBox.onExpandedChange` was not recomposed](
* [Override `RootLayout` insets only in case of `usePlatformInsets`](
* [Don't send synthetic Move events before Press/Release for touch](
## iOS
### Breaking changes
* [Having `kotlin.native.cacheKind = none` will result in a build error.](
### Features
* [Compilation speed up due to enabling compiler caches for Kotlin 1.9.20+](
* [Added crossfade animation during orientation change when used within UIKit hierarchy](
* [Compose Multiplatform should warn when `CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone` is not configured properly](
* [Fast delete mode on software keyboard. When you hold a backspace, “turbo mode” is enabled after deleting the first 21 symbols. In turbo mode each tick deletes two words.](
* [On a long scrollable TextFields, If it’s scrolled up to caret position while typing. Then it stopped on the line above the line with a caret.](
* [`OutlinedTextField` label is clipped](
* [Black screens with `UIKitView` after navigating away and navigating back](
* [Long text field overscroll effect not clipped correctly](
* [First screen is recomposed twice](
* [Bug with selection handle](
* [Ignore unpressed events during velocity calculation](
* [Crash with Asian languages in `TextField`](
## Desktop
### Features
* Improve accessibility support
* [Implement `Role.DropdownList` via `AccessibleRole.COMBO_BOX`](
* [Fix Compose `Role.Tab` to correctly translate to Java's `AccessibleRole.PAGE_TAB`](
* [Implement support for `SemanticsProperties.ProgressBarRangeInfo`](
### Fixes
* [`LocalLayoutDirection` isn't propagated into `DialogWindow`](
* [CompositionLocals given in application scope are not take into account in window scope (such as `LocalLayoutDirection`)](
* [Fix accessibility issue with actions in popups](
* [Apply custom Dialog's scrim blend mode only when window is transparent](
* [Can't type in `TextField` placed in `ModalBottomSheet`](
* [Accessibility not reporting changes](
* [Crash "LayoutNode should be attached to an owner exception"](
* [Window loses its focus after recomposition of another window](
* [Report semantic `ProgressBarRangeInfo` changes for accessibility](
* [Fix NPE for getComponentAfter/Before in ComposePanel](
* [Take into account `enabled` in `scrollable` for mouse input](
* [Improve accessibility on Windows](
* [Fix Chinese characters input when using JBR](
## Gradle Plugin
### Features
* [Add API to not apply the Compose Compiler plugin](
### Fixes
* [Increase Kotlinx Serialization version used by the Compose Gradle Plugin](
* [Switch to notarytool for notarization](
* [Fix configuration cache for `syncComposeResourcesForIos`](
* [Implement `Role.DropdownList` via `AccessibleRole.COMBO_BOX`](
* [Fix Compose `Role.Tab` to correctly translate to Java's `AccessibleRole.PAGE_TAB`](
* [Implement support for `SemanticsProperties.ProgressBarRangeInfo`](
### Fixes
* [Can't type in `TextField` placed in `ModalBottomSheet`](
## Gradle Plugin
### Features
* [Add API to not apply the Compose Compiler plugin](
### Fixes
* [Switch to notarytool for notarization](
* [Having `kotlin.native.cacheKind = none` will result in a build error.](
### Features
* [Compilation speed up due to enabling compiler caches for Kotlin 1.9.20+](
* [Added crossfade animation during orientation change when used within UIKit hierarchy](
* [Compose Multiplatform should warn when `CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone` is not configured properly](
* [Fast delete mode on software keyboard. When you hold a backspace, “turbo mode” is enabled after deleting the first 21 symbols. In turbo mode each tick deletes two words.](
* [On a long scrollable TextFields, If it’s scrolled up to caret position while typing. Then it stopped on the line above the line with a caret.](
* [Implement iOS native feel scrolls for large text fields](
### Fixes
* [Rendering synchronization of multiple `UIKitView`s within a screen](
* [Today's date is not highlighted with a circle in the material3 datePicker on iOS](
* [Fix text-to-speech crash in iOS 16.0.*](
* [Compose window is shown before the first frame is rendered](
* [iOS TextField, Compound emojis are being treated as many symbols](
* [Use `CADisplayLink.targetTimestamp` value as the time for animation frames](
* [iOS. Improved performance on 120 hz devices](
## Desktop
### Fixes
* [`LocalLayoutDirection` isn't propagated into `DialogWindow`](
* [CompositionLocals given in application scope are not take into account in window scope (such as `LocalLayoutDirection`)](
* [Fix accessibility issue with actions in popups](
* [Apply custom Dialog's scrim blend mode only when window is transparent](
## Gradle Plugin
### Fixes
* [Increase Kotlinx Serialization version used by the Compose Gradle Plugin](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
- [`Dialog` API is available to use from common source set](
- [`Popup` API is available to use from common source set](
- [`WindowInsets` API is available to use from common source set](
- [A warning if `compose.kotlinCompilerPlugin` is set to `androidx.compose.compiler.compiler`](
- [`androidx.compose.material.DropdownMenu` is available to use from common source set](
- [`androidx.compose.material3.DropdownMenu` is available to use from common source set](
- [`androidx.compose.material.AlertDialog` is available to use from common source set](
- [`androidx.compose.material3.AlertDialog` is available to use from common source set](
- material3. Support [`DatePicker`](, [`DatePickerDialog`]( and `TimePicker`
### Fixes
- [`Popup`. Fix overriding `pressOwner` on multitouch](
- [Fix sending multiple touches in tests](
- [Fix memory leak in `ComposeUIViewController`](
- [Manage Kotlin native cache kind automatically based on Kotlin version]( (`kotlin.native.cacheKind=none` is no longer needed)
- [Limit max `Dialog` and `Popup` size by safe area on iOS](
- [`TextField`, Korean characters are not normally entered](
- [`ColorMatrix` value range for 5th column was incorrect on Skiko backed platforms](
- [`isSystemDarkTheme` now automatically react to the system theme changes](
### API Changes
- Resource management was reimplemented. Follow [the guide in the PR]( to support new feautures
- [`CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone` added to the template's `Info.plist` to support 120Hz](
- [`ComposeUIViewController`. Dispose composition on `viewDidDisappear`](
## Desktop
### Features
- [Swing interop. Experimental off-screen rendering on graphics]( (hardware accelerated only on macOs at the moment)
- [Swing interop. `ComposePanel` that can be disposed manually](
- [Add semantic properties to `DialogWindow`, `Popup` and `Dialog`](
- [Use `Segoe UI` as sans serif font on Windows](
- [Wait until compose is idle before returning from `DesktopTestOwner.getRoots()`](
- [When the test main clock is advanced, call `ComposeScene.render` with the current test time](
- [Add timestamps to batched test input events, and advance the test clock accordingly when sending them](
- [Tests support semanatic nodes inside `Window` and `DialogWindow`](
### API Changes
- [Rename desktop's `Dialog` to `DialogWindow`](
## Web
### Features
- [Let `ComposeWindow` accept a custom canvas id (html canvas element id)](
- [Make `CanvasBasedWindow` apply default styles, set title](
### Fixes
- [Workaround `ComposeWindow` multiple event listeners on resize](
- [Fix `Modifier.pointerHoverIcon` for browser apps](
- [Fux `RoundedCornerShape` with zero corners](
- [Fix `ScrollConfig` in web target](
- Implemented low-level functions to avoid random crashes:
- [Implement cache key in `PlatformFont`](
- [implement platform detection to apply correct `KeyMapping` and `FontFamiliesMapping`](
- [Implement `PlatformLocale` and `StringDelegate` for k/wasm](
- [Add missing `getAndIncrement` in `AtomicLong` implementation for web](
## HTML library
### Features
- [Make HTML `TestUtils` wait functions cancellable](
## Gradle Plugin
### Features
- [Add `runtimeSaveable` to Dependencies in compose gradle plugin](
### API Changes
- [Raise error when Homebrew JDK is used for packaging](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
- [`androidx.compose.material.DropdownMenu` is available to use from common source set](
- [`androidx.compose.material3.DropdownMenu` is available to use from common source set](
- [`androidx.compose.material.AlertDialog` is available to use from common source set](
- [`androidx.compose.material3.AlertDialog` is available to use from common source set](
- material3. Support [`DatePicker`](, [`DatePickerDialog`]( and `TimePicker`
### API Changes
- [Change the default layout behavior of `AlertDialog`](
## iOS
### Features
- [Support singleLine and `KeyboardAction`](
### Fixes
- [Fix memory leak in `ComposeUIViewController`](
- [Manage Kotlin native cache kind automatically based on Kotlin version]( (`kotlin.native.cacheKind=none` is no longer needed)
- [Limit max `Dialog` and `Popup` size by safe area on iOS](
- [`TextField`, Korean characters are not normally entered](
- [`ColorMatrix` value range for 5th column was incorrect on Skiko backed platforms](
- [`isSystemDarkTheme` now automatically react to the system theme changes](
### API Changes
- [`ComposeUIViewController`. Dispose composition on `viewDidDisappear`](
## Web
### Features
- [Make `CanvasBasedWindow` apply default styles, set title](
## Gradle Plugin
### Features
- [Add `runtimeSaveable` to Dependencies in compose gradle plugin](
### API Changes
- [Raise error when Homebrew JDK is used for packaging](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
- [`Dialog` API is available to use from common source set](
- [`Popup` API is available to use from common source set](
- [`WindowInsets` API is available to use from common source set](
- [A warning if `compose.kotlinCompilerPlugin` is set to `androidx.compose.compiler.compiler`](
### Fixes
- [`Popup`. Fix overriding `pressOwner` on multitouch](
- [Fix sending multiple touches in tests](
- Resource management was reimplemented. Follow [the guide in the PR]( to support new features
- [`CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone` added to the template's `Info.plist` to support 120Hz](
- [Swing interop. Experimental off-screen rendering on graphics]( (hardware accelerated only on macOs at the moment)
- [Swing interop. `ComposePanel` that can be disposed manually](
- [Add semantic properties to `DialogWindow`, `Popup` and `Dialog`](
- [Use `Segoe UI` as sans serif font on Windows](
- [Wait until compose is idle before returning from `DesktopTestOwner.getRoots()`](
- [When the test main clock is advanced, call `ComposeScene.render` with the current test time](
- [Add timestamps to batched test input events, and advance the test clock accordingly when sending them](
- [Tests support semanatic nodes inside `Window` and `DialogWindow`](
### API Changes
- [Rename desktop's `Dialog` to `DialogWindow`](
## Web
### Features
- [Let `ComposeWindow` accept a custom canvas id (html canvas element id)](
- [Workaround `ComposeWindow` multiple event listeners on resize](
- [Fix `Modifier.pointerHoverIcon` for browser apps](
- [Fux `RoundedCornerShape` with zero corners](
- [Fix `ScrollConfig` in web target](
- Implemented low-level functions to avoid random crashes:
- [Implement cache key in `PlatformFont`](
- [implement platform detection to apply correct `KeyMapping` and `FontFamiliesMapping`](
- [Implement `PlatformLocale` and `StringDelegate` for k/wasm](
- [Add missing `getAndIncrement` in `AtomicLong` implementation for web](
## HTML library
### Features
- [Make HTML `TestUtils` wait functions cancellable](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
- [Using Indication as a parameter in extension function doesn't compile on iOS](
- [Compile error when using delegated property with @Composable getters in objects](
- [Using a public property extensions inside a class or object with a @Composable backing delegate fails to link for iOS targets](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
- [After each ComposeScene.render phase, send apply notifications and perform the corresponding changes](
- [Fix awaitDragStartOnSlop to detect slop-passing on both axes](
## Desktop
### Fixes
- [Fix `DesktopDropdownMenuPositionProvider` to align with the correct horizontal side of the window](
- [Propagate LocalLayoutDirection into PopupLayout](
- [Added support for Kotlin `1.8.20`](
### Features
- [Support perspective projection and `cameraDistance` parameter in `graphicsLayer`](
- [Support `brush` parameter in `TextStyle` for complex coloring](
- [Support `drawStyle` parameter in `TextStyle` for drawing outlined text](
- [Support `blendMode` parameter when drawing text on Canvas](
- [Support compositing strategy on `graphicsLayer`](
- [Add `minLines` parameter to `BasicTextField`](
- [Support `painterResource` function in common source set](
### Fixes
- [Actually remember provider in `rememberComponentRectPositionProvider`](
- [Fix merging multiple selection areas inside `SelectionContainer`](
- [Fix crash on selecting text if layout result is invalid](
- [Fix error on call an `expect`/`actual` function with default arguments and a Composable argument](
- [Support external drag and drop](
- [Animate scroll initiated by mouse wheel input](
- [Remove AWT dependency in `rememberCursorPositionProvider`](
- Major scrollbar overhaul
- [Scrollbar now works correctly in lazy lists when items vary in size](
- [Scrollbar now works correctly with lazy list `contentPadding`](
- [Scrollbar now works correctly in lazy list with spacing between items](
- [Scrollbar now works correctly if the size of the scrollbar doesn't match the size of the widget it scrolls](
- [Pressing the scrollbar track now works correctly](
- [Added scrollbar support for lazy grids and text fields](
### Fixes
- [Fix using a custom shape for an `AlertDialog`](
- [Fix `AlertDialog` width to match the maximum of its content](
- [Change `ContextMenuArea` to emit a single element, rather than two elements](
- [Use state hoisting instead of global mouse position to determine where context menus, dropdown menus and tooltips should be displayed](
- [Limit error dialog width in case of long error message](
- [Fix window flashing background with unspecified size](
- [Fix crash `SplitPane` with a modifier](
- [Packaging native distributions now requires at least JDK 17](
### Features
- [Provide relative path to jpackage --main-jar](
- [Provide some entitlements on macOS by default](
### Fixes
- [Unzip wix to build directory](
- [Make accidentally exposed to public `ParagraphLayouter` class `internal` as designed](
- [`` is introduced in order to allow scrollbars of a size different from the scrolled widget](
## Dependencies
This version of Compose Multiplatform is based on the next Jetpack Compose libraries:
- [Toggle a toggleable component on Space key](
- [Make Slider change the value with onKeyEvent for: all arrows, PgDn, PdUp, Home, End buttons](
- [Navigate drop down menu items using up and down arrows](
- [Ability to override text context menu globally](
- [Context menu implementation for integrating into Swing applications](
- [Show a new window/dialog on the same display](
- [Change default Font on MacOs to San Francisco](
- Support [performKeyInput](, [performMouseInput, performTextInput]( in tests.
- Focus switches seamlessly between Swing and Compose components using [SwingPanel]( or [ComposePanel](
- [Documentation for how to package apps using Conveyor](
- [LayoutDirection is detected from the system settings](
- [Fix RTL selection in a multiline text](
- [Fix cursor visual position at BiDi transition](
- [Fix the cursor position after the '\n' character in RTL](
- [In placeAutoMirrored for RTL, calculate the placement position using the placeable width respecting the constraints](
- [Placing the root content properly for RTL layout](
- TextField
- [Fix the cursor position when clicking at a position after a line-break](
- [Fix selection with End, Home](
- [Fix the cursor height on a new empty line](
- [Fix DesktopMenu and DesktopAlertDialog to invoke dismiss callback once](
- [Fix a large icon in macOs menu](
- [Fix hover in LazyColumn](
- [Fix pointerHoverIcon: update icon when it's changed conditionally](
- [Fix focusable parameter for Window and Dialog](
- [Fix 2 SplitPanel minor bugs](
- [Fix `java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot open system clipboard` crash](
- [Fix `System.setProperty("skiko.renderApi", "SOFTWARE"` on macOS](
Also, usage of `Dispatchers.Swing` or `Dispatchers.Main` inside internals of Compose is implementation details, and can be changed in the future. If you need to avoid race conditions with Compose UI, you can obtain appropriate coroutine scope via `rememberCoroutineScope`:
- All bugfixes/features between Jetpack Compose 1.1.0-beta02 and 1.1.0 (see the release notes for each module [here](
### Fixes
- Fixes for TextField ([1](, [2](, [3](, [4](
- [Fix exception when we initialize a window with visible = false, undecorated = true](
- [Fix crash in ImageComposeScene](
- [Fixes for situations, when hover state doesn't disappear during scrolling](
- Fixes for Slider/Scrollbar dragging ([1](, [2](
- [Fixed a case where [event.modifiersEx] does not provide info about the pressed mouse button (AWT)](
- Fix [TextField crashes after selecting the text and then deactivating the text field](
- [Fix consuming events by mouse clickable](
- [Hide top-level dialog from the taskbar](
### API changes
- [The first frame of the window draws offscreen now]( If your application has too long start, measure your first frame, and move the heavy logic to background or to the next frames. You can measure the first frame with this snippet:
private var time by mutableStateOf(System.nanoTime())
private var frame by mutableStateOf(0)
fun main() = singleWindowApplication {
if (frame == 0) {
} else if (frame == 1) {
val duration = ((System.nanoTime() - time) / 1E6).toLong()
println("First frame millis: $duration")
- [`PointerEvent.awtEvent`, `KeyEvent.awtEvent` are deprecated](, use `PointerEvent.awtEventOrNull`, `KeyEvent.awtEventOrNull` instead. The event can be null, if it isn't sent by AWT (for example, Compose can send synthetic Move events on relayout)
- [All clickable/draggable components no longer react to right clicks by default](
- [Show the default error dialog when an error occurs](
- [ContextMenu, AlertDialog, DropdownMenu close on Esc key by default](
- [Application by default calls exitProcess after its Composable is disposed](
### API changes
- [Introduced experimental onPointerEvent (will replace mouseScrollFilter/pointerMoveFilter in the future)](
- [Introduced PointerEventType.Scroll, which can be used in common code](
- [MouseEvent.mouseEvent and KeyEvent.nativeKeyEvent are replaced by MouseEvent.awtEvent and KeyEvent.awtEvent](
- [Experimental overload for loading resources painterResource(String, ResourceLoader)](
## Web
### API changes
- compose.web.widgets is deprecated
- All CSSSelectors can't be instantiated via constructor now (they're private). [Please use functions provided in SelectorsScope instead](
- [Some functions were made internal (either not related to compose-web or not intended for usage in apps): buildCSS , StylePropertyList.nativeEquals , variableValue , buildCSSStyleRule , buildKeyframes , jsObject , CSSKeyframesRule.appendRule](
- CSSMediaRule: functions feature and combine were made extensions functions on GenericStyleSheetBuilder. This makes them consistent with the rest of functions which create CSSMediaQuery.MediaFeature instances
- Desktop, Web, and Android artifacts publish at the same time with the same version
## Desktop
### Features
- [Context menu support in selectable text](
- [Cursor change behavior in text and pointer icon API](
- Support @Preview annotation in desktopMain sourceSet's (when the Compose MPP plugin is installed in IDEA)
- [New features for Composable menu (icons, shortcuts, mnemonics, radiob buttons, checkboxes](
- [Added a complete list of HTML color aliases](
- [Introduce support for CSS Grid API](
- [Deprecate Color.RGB, Color.HSL etc. functions in favor of top-level rgb, hsl an so on](
- [negate CSSNumeric value directly](
### API breaking changes
- [boolean like attributes don't have any parameters anymore](
- [removed input type specific event listeners](
- [replaced maxWidth/minWidth media queries with prefixed names](
- [Remove CSSVariables context and introduce specialized methods for adding String- and Number-valued CSS variables](
- [inline style builder was moved into AttributeBuilder scope](
- Use [Metal renderer for macOS by default](
- [Expose a swing mouse event in Modifier.pointerInput](
- Improved [keyboard support in TextField](
- Avoid forcing discrete GPU on multi-GPU MacOS machines in [Skiko]( and [native distributions](
- [Make DropdownMenu focusable by default](
- [Scrollbar. get rid of itemCount and averageItemSize from rememberScrollbarAdapte](
- [Support scrollbars for LazyColumn with reverseLayout = true](
- Fix [Dragging window to another display makes Icon show up incorrectly](
- Fix ["Padding must be non-negative" after resizing window with Slider and Box](
- Breaking change [old Dialog/Menubar/Tray are moved to androidx.compose.ui.window.v1](
- Support [SVG](
- Support [vsync](, [sync composition with rendering frames](
- Support [DirectX on Windows by default](
- Support [software rendering fallback](
- Implement [signing and notarization for macOS](
- Improve Swing interoperability support [Swing component in Compose hierarchy](
- Support using [Compose in IntelliJ plugins](
- Skiko native binaries are now signed on macOS (x64 and arm)
- Fix [Ambients are not transferred across pop ups](
- Fix [Laggy UI on Linux](
- Fix [Using AndroidX Compose specific dependencies for Android target](