* Script for creating a changelog. Call:
* ```
* kotlin changelog.main.kts release/1.6.0 1.6.0-rc02
* ```
* where:
* release/1.6.0 - the commit of the version
* 1.6.0-rc02 - the name of the version
* It modifies CHANGELOG.md and adds new changes between the last version in CHANGELOG.md and the specified version.
* Changelog entries are generated from reading Release Notes in GitHub PR's.
* ## How to run Kotlin scripts
* Option 1 - via Command line
* 1. Download https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/releases/tag/v1.9.22 and add `bin` to PATH
* Option 2 - via IntelliJ:
* 1. Right click on the script
* 2. More Run/Debug
* 3. Modify Run Configuration...
* 4. Add Program arguments
* 5. Clear all "Before launch" tasks (you can edit the system-wide template as well)
* 6. OK
import com.google.gson.Gson
import java.io.File
import java.io.IOException
import java.net.URL
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
//region ========================================== CONSTANTS =========================================
// Sections from the template https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md?plain=1
// Changelog should contain only these categories
val standardSections = listOf(
"Known Issues",
"Breaking Changes",
val standardSubsections = listOf(
"Multiple Platforms",
"Gradle Plugin",
val changelogFile = __FILE__.resolve("../../CHANGELOG.md")
val argsKeyless = args
.filter { !it.contains("=") }
val argsKeyToValue = args
.filter { it.contains("=") }
.associate { it.substringBefore("=") to it.substringAfter("=") }
val versionCommit = argsKeyless.getOrNull(0) ?: "HEAD"
val versionName = argsKeyless.getOrNull(1) ?: versionCommit
val token = argsKeyToValue["token"]
println("Note. The script supports optional arguments: kotlin changelog.main.kts [versionCommit] [versionName] [token=githubToken]")
if (token == null) {
println("To increase the rate limit, specify token (https://github.com/settings/tokens)")
val currentChangelog = changelogFile.readText()
val previousChangelog =
if (currentChangelog.startsWith("# $versionName ")) {
val nextChangelogIndex = currentChangelog.indexOf("\n# ")
} else {
val previousVersion = previousChangelog.substringAfter("# ").substringBefore(" (")
println("Generating changelog between $previousVersion and $versionName")
val newChangelog = getChangelog("v$previousVersion", versionCommit, previousVersion, versionName)
newChangelog + previousChangelog
println("CHANGELOG.md changed")
fun getChangelog(firstCommit: String, lastCommit: String, firstVersion: String, lastVersion: String): String {
val entries = entriesForRepo("JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core", firstCommit, lastCommit) +
entriesForRepo("JetBrains/compose-multiplatform", firstCommit, lastCommit)
return buildString {
appendLine("# $lastVersion (${currentChangelogDate()})")
appendLine("_Changes since ${firstVersion}_")
.sortedBy { it.sectionOrder() }
.groupBy { it.sectionName() }
.forEach { (section, sectionEntries) ->
appendLine("## $section")
.sortedBy { it.subsectionOrder() }
.groupBy { it.subsectionName() }
.forEach { (subsection, subsectionEntries) ->
appendLine("### $subsection")
subsectionEntries.forEach {
## Dependencies
- Gradle Plugin `org.jetbrains.compose`, version `$lastVersion`. Based on Jetpack Compose libraries:
- [Runtime REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/compose-runtime#REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER)
- [UI REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/compose-ui#REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER)
- [Foundation REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/compose-foundation#REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER)
- [Material REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/compose-material#REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER)
- [Material3 REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/compose-material3#REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER)
- Lifecycle libraries `org.jetbrains.androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-*:RELEASE_PLACEHOLDER`. Based on [Jetpack Lifecycle REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/lifecycle#REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER)
- Navigation libraries `org.jetbrains.androidx.navigation:navigation-*:RELEASE_PLACEHOLDER`. Based on [Jetpack Navigation REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/navigation#REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER)
- Material3 Adaptive libraries `org.jetbrains.compose.material3.adaptive:adaptive*:RELEASE_PLACEHOLDER`. Based on [Jetpack Material3 Adaptive REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/compose-material3-adaptive#REDIRECT_PLACEHOLDER)
val nonstandardSections = entries.mapNotNull { it.section }.toSet() - standardSections
val nonstandardSubsections = entries.mapNotNull { it.subsection }.toSet() - standardSubsections
if (nonstandardSections.isNotEmpty()) {
println("WARNING! Changelog contains nonstandard sections. Please change them to the standard ones, or enhance the list in the PR template. List:\n${nonstandardSections.joinToString("\n")}")
if (nonstandardSubsections.isNotEmpty()) {
println("WARNING! Changelog contains nonstandard subsections. Please change them to the standard ones, or enhance the list in the PR template. List:\n${nonstandardSubsections.joinToString("\n")}")
* September 2024
fun currentChangelogDate() = LocalDate.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMMM yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH))
* Formats:
* - A new approach to implementation of `platformLayers`. Now extra layers (such as Dialogs and Popups) drawing is merged into a single screen size canvas.
* to:
* - [A new approach to implementation of `platformLayers`](link). Now extra layers (such as Dialogs and Popups) drawing is merged into a single screen size canvas.
fun ChangelogEntry.format(): String {
return if (link != null) {
val linkStartIndex = maxOf(
message.indexOfFirst { !it.isWhitespace() && it != '-' }.ifNegative { 0 },
message.endIndexOf("_(prerelease fix)_ ").ifNegative { 0 },
message.endIndexOf("(prerelease fix) ").ifNegative { 0 },
val linkLastIndex = message.indexOfAny(listOf(". ", " (")).ifNegative { message.length }
val beforeLink = message.substring(0, linkStartIndex)
val inLink = message.substring(linkStartIndex, linkLastIndex).removeLinks()
val afterLink = message.substring(linkLastIndex, message.length)
} else {
fun Int.ifNegative(value: () -> Int): Int = if (this < 0) value() else this
fun String.endIndexOf(value: String): Int = indexOf(value).let {
if (it >= 0) {
it + value.length
} else {
* Converts:
* Message (title)[some link], message
* to:
* Message title, message
fun String.removeLinks(): String = replace(Regex("\\[([^)]*)\\]\\([^\\]]*\\)"), "$1")
* Extract by format https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md?plain=1
fun GitHubPullEntry.extractReleaseNotes(link: String): List<ChangelogEntry> {
// extract body inside "## Release Notes"
val relNoteBody = run {
val after = body?.substringAfter("## Release Notes", "")?.ifBlank { null }
?: body?.substringAfter("## Release notes", "")?.ifBlank { null } ?: body?.substringAfter(
"## RelNote",
)?.ifBlank { null }
val before = after?.substringBefore("\n## ", "")?.ifBlank { null } ?: after?.substringBefore("\n# ", "")
?.ifBlank { null } ?: after
val list = mutableListOf<ChangelogEntry>()
var section: String? = null
var subsection: String? = null
for (line in relNoteBody.orEmpty().split("\n")) {
// parse "### Section - Subsection"
if (line.startsWith("### ")) {
val s = line.removePrefix("### ")
section = s.substringBefore("-", "").trim().normalizeSectionName().ifEmpty { null }
subsection = s.substringAfter("-", "").trim().normalizeSubsectionName().ifEmpty { null }
} else if (section != null && line.isNotBlank()) {
val isTopLevel = line.startsWith("-")
val trimmedLine = line.trimEnd().removeSuffix(".")
link.takeIf { isTopLevel }
return list
* @param repo Example:
* JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core
fun entriesForRepo(repo: String, firstCommit: String, lastCommit: String): List<ChangelogEntry> {
val pulls = (1..5)
.flatMap {
val pullNumberToPull = pulls.associateBy { it.number }
val pullTitleToPull = pulls.associateBy { it.title }
fun prForCommit(commit: GitHubCompareResponse.CommitEntry): GitHubPullEntry? {
val (repoTitle, repoNumber) = repoTitleAndNumberForCommit(commit)
return repoNumber?.let(pullNumberToPull::get) ?: pullTitleToPull[repoTitle]
fun changelogEntriesFor(
pullRequest: GitHubPullEntry?
): List<ChangelogEntry> {
return if (pullRequest != null) {
val prTitle = pullRequest.title
val prNumber = pullRequest.number
val prLink = "https://github.com/$repo/pull/$prNumber"
val prList = pullRequest.extractReleaseNotes(prLink)
val changelogMessage = "- $prTitle"
prList.ifEmpty {
listOf(ChangelogEntry(changelogMessage, null, null, prLink))
} else {
class CommitsResult(val commits: List<GitHubCompareResponse.CommitEntry>, val mergeBaseSha: String)
fun fetchCommits(firsCommitSha: String, lastCommitSha: String): CommitsResult {
lateinit var mergeBaseCommit: String
val commits = fetchPagedUntilEmpty { page ->
val result =
mergeBaseCommit = result.merge_base_commit.sha
return CommitsResult(commits, mergeBaseCommit)
val main = fetchCommits(firstCommit, lastCommit)
val previous = fetchCommits(main.mergeBaseSha, firstCommit)
val pullRequests = main.commits.mapNotNull { prForCommit(it) }.toSet()
val previousVersionPullRequests = previous.commits.mapNotNull { prForCommit(it) }.toSet()
return (pullRequests - previousVersionPullRequests).flatMap { changelogEntriesFor(it) }
* Extract the PR number from the commit.
fun repoTitleAndNumberForCommit(commit: GitHubCompareResponse.CommitEntry): Pair<String, Int?> {
val commitTitle = commit.commit.message.substringBefore("\n")
// check title similar to `Fix import android flavors with compose resources (#4319)`
val title = commitTitle.substringBeforeLast(" (#")
val number = commitTitle.substringAfterLast(" (#").substringBefore(")").toIntOrNull()
return title to number
data class ChangelogEntry(
val message: String,
val section: String?,
val subsection: String?,
val link: String?,
fun ChangelogEntry.sectionOrder(): Int = section?.let(standardSections::indexOf) ?: standardSections.size
fun ChangelogEntry.subsectionOrder(): Int = subsection?.let(standardSubsections::indexOf) ?: standardSubsections.size
fun ChangelogEntry.sectionName(): String = section ?: "Unknown"
fun ChangelogEntry.subsectionName(): String = subsection ?: "Unknown"
fun String.normalizeSectionName() = standardSections.find { it.lowercase() == this.lowercase() } ?: this
fun String.normalizeSubsectionName() = standardSubsections.find { it.lowercase() == this.lowercase() } ?: this
// example https://api.github.com/repos/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core/compare/v1.6.0-rc02...release/1.6.0
data class GitHubCompareResponse(val commits: List<CommitEntry>, val merge_base_commit: CommitEntry) {
data class CommitEntry(val sha: String, val commit: Commit)
data class Commit(val message: String)
// example https://api.github.com/repos/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core/pulls?state=closed
data class GitHubPullEntry(val number: Int, val title: String, val body: String?, val labels: List<Label>) {
class Label(val name: String)
//region ========================================== UTILS =========================================
// from https://stackoverflow.com/a/41495542
fun String.runCommand(workingDir: File = File(".")) {
ProcessBuilder(*split(" ").toTypedArray())
.waitFor(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
fun String.execCommand(workingDir: File = File(".")): String? {
try {
val parts = this.split("\\s".toRegex())
val proc = ProcessBuilder(*parts.toTypedArray())
proc.waitFor(60, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
return proc.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()
} catch (e: IOException) {
return null
inline fun <reified T> request(
url: String
): T = exponentialRetry {
println("Request $url")
val connection = URL(url).openConnection()
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Compose-Multiplatform-Script")
if (token != null) {
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer $token")
connection.getInputStream().use {
fun <T> exponentialRetry(block: () -> T): T {
val exception = IOException()
val retriesMinutes = listOf(1, 5, 15, 30, 60)
for (retriesMinute in retriesMinutes) {
try {
return block()
} catch (e: IOException) {
println("Retry in $retriesMinute minutes")
Thread.sleep(retriesMinute.toLong() * 60 * 1000)
throw exception
inline fun <T> fetchPagedUntilEmpty(fetch: (page: Int) -> List<T>): MutableList<T> {
val all = mutableListOf<T>()
var page = 1
do {
val result = fetch(page++)
} while (result.isNotEmpty())
return all