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# Building the UI with Compose Web
**The API is experimental, and breaking changes can be expected**
## Introduction
In this tutorial we will look at several examples that use the Composable DOM DSL to describe the user interface for your web application.
### Entry point
Compose for Web needs an HTML node that will be a root of its composition. Inside this root node, Compose then manages its own DOM tree.
renderComposable(rootElementId = "root") {
// content goes here
### HTML tags in Compose DOM DSL
While the DOM DSL for Compose for Web doesn't provide a Composable for every HTML tag yet, the most used HTML tags can be used directly out of a box.
Let's have a look at the Composable for a `Div` tag (most other tags have the same signature):
attrs = {
// specify attributes here
style = {
// specify inline style here
) {
// div content goes here
For convenience, some tags like `Input`, `A`, `Form`, or `Img` allow you to specify some extra parameters in the signature that are specific to the respective HTML tag. For example, let’s look at the `Input` tag:
type = InputType.Text, // All InputTypes supported
value = "", // sets the input value
attrs = {},
style = {}
We can use the `type` parameter which is provided for our convenience, or can use the `attrs` block to specify the input type:
Input(attrs = { type(InputType.Text) })
### Text
The `Text` allows you to add text content to an HTML tag. Besides, the text content it represents, it does not have any parameters:
Text("Arbitrary text")
If you want to apply styles to text, it needs to be wrapped in a container with a style applied, like a `Span` or `P`:
style = { color("red") } // inline style
) {
Text("Red text")
This corresponds to the following HTML code:
<span style="color: red;">Red text</span>
### Attributes
The `attrs` parameter (which we’ve already seen in some of the previous examples) allows us to specify element's attributes and properties.
The most flexible way to define attributes is by using the `attr` function, which allows you to specify the attribute name and its value.
attrs = {
attr(attr = "custom_attr", value = "its_value")
) { /* content */ }
However, with this approach, Compose for Web is not able to validate that the attribute exists on the HTML element, or is valid. This is why we also provide a set of helper functions for common attributes.
#### Common attributes
Here are some examples of common attributes that are available for most Composables representing HTML tags:
attrs = {
classes("cl1", "cl2")
#### Element specific attributes
Depending on the element you are working with, you may also have access to some specific attributes – attributes that are only meaningful for this particular tag. For example, the `A` tag provides some specific attributes, that are specific to hyperlinks:
attrs = {
) {}
Some other elements that provide specific attributes include:
- Button
- Form
- Input
- Option
- Select
- OptGroup
- TextArea
- Img
To discover all attributes that are available in your current scope, you can use your IDE’s autocomplete feature. As we evolve these APIs, we also plan to add detailed documentation for them.
#### Events
You can declare event listeners in the `attrs` block:
attrs = {
onClick { println("Button clicked") }
) { Text("Button") }
There are more examples about events handling here - [Events Handling](../Events_Handling/
### Style
There are ways to set the style for a component:
- Using inline styles
- Using stylesheets
You can declare inline styles via the `style` block of a component:
style = {
// custom property
property("font-family", value("Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"))
) { /* content goes here */ }
You can find a more detailed overview of the style DSL, as well as additional examples here - [Style DSL](../Style_Dsl/