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* Copyright 2020-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.compose
import groovy.lang.Closure
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.MavenArtifactRepository
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware
import org.jetbrains.compose.desktop.DesktopExtension
import org.jetbrains.compose.desktop.application.internal.configureDesktop
import org.jetbrains.compose.desktop.preview.internal.initializePreview
import org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.dsl.ExperimentalExtension
import org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.internal.configureExperimentalTargetsFlagsCheck
import org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.internal.configureExperimental
import org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.internal.configureNativeCompilerCaching
import org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.uikit.internal.resources.configureSyncTask
import org.jetbrains.compose.internal.KOTLIN_MPP_PLUGIN_ID
import org.jetbrains.compose.internal.mppExt
import org.jetbrains.compose.internal.mppExtOrNull
Fix reporting configuration problems with configuration cache (#3596) Sometimes we need to report warnings during the configuration phase. For example, when Androidx Compose Compiler is used with non-JVM targets (e.g. iOS/js), we want to warn users that using non-JB compiler with non-JVM targets is not supported. The default way of reporting warnings in Gradle is using a logger. For example we could write something like: ``` abstract class ComposePlugin : Plugin<Project> { override fun apply(project: Project) { if (project.hasNonJvmTargets() && project.usesNonJBComposeCompiler()) { project.logger.warn("...") } } } ``` This approach has a few issues: 1. When the Configuration Cache is enabled, project's configuration might get skipped altogether, and the warning won't be printed. 2. If a project contains multiple Gradle modules (subprojects), the warning might be printed multiple times. That might be OK for some warnings. But repeating exactly the same warning 10s or 100s is unnecessary. The only way to share the state between Gradle modules, while preserving compatibility with the Configuration Cache, is to define Gradle Build Service. In 1.5.0 we used Gradle Build Service mechanism for both warnings. However, I did not know that: * only the service's parameters are persisted in the Configuration Cache. The service itself is not persisted. * if a service instance is materialized during the configuration phase, then all changes made to its parameters will not be visible to that particular instance (but they will be visible to the next instance). So the only way to report diagnostics with configuration cache without repetition is to define a service that is not materialized during the configuration phase (i.e. serviceProvider.get() is not called), add to add warnings to a set property of the service. This change implements that. Resolves #3595
9 months ago
import org.jetbrains.compose.internal.service.ConfigurationProblemReporterService
import org.jetbrains.compose.internal.service.GradlePropertySnapshotService
import org.jetbrains.compose.internal.utils.currentTarget
import org.jetbrains.compose.web.WebExtension
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinDependencyHandler
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.getKotlinPluginVersion
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinCompile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJsCompile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
internal val composeVersion get() = ComposeBuildConfig.composeVersion
Fix reporting configuration problems with configuration cache (#3596) Sometimes we need to report warnings during the configuration phase. For example, when Androidx Compose Compiler is used with non-JVM targets (e.g. iOS/js), we want to warn users that using non-JB compiler with non-JVM targets is not supported. The default way of reporting warnings in Gradle is using a logger. For example we could write something like: ``` abstract class ComposePlugin : Plugin<Project> { override fun apply(project: Project) { if (project.hasNonJvmTargets() && project.usesNonJBComposeCompiler()) { project.logger.warn("...") } } } ``` This approach has a few issues: 1. When the Configuration Cache is enabled, project's configuration might get skipped altogether, and the warning won't be printed. 2. If a project contains multiple Gradle modules (subprojects), the warning might be printed multiple times. That might be OK for some warnings. But repeating exactly the same warning 10s or 100s is unnecessary. The only way to share the state between Gradle modules, while preserving compatibility with the Configuration Cache, is to define Gradle Build Service. In 1.5.0 we used Gradle Build Service mechanism for both warnings. However, I did not know that: * only the service's parameters are persisted in the Configuration Cache. The service itself is not persisted. * if a service instance is materialized during the configuration phase, then all changes made to its parameters will not be visible to that particular instance (but they will be visible to the next instance). So the only way to report diagnostics with configuration cache without repetition is to define a service that is not materialized during the configuration phase (i.e. serviceProvider.get() is not called), add to add warnings to a set property of the service. This change implements that. Resolves #3595
9 months ago
private fun initBuildServices(project: Project) {
abstract class ComposePlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
Fix reporting configuration problems with configuration cache (#3596) Sometimes we need to report warnings during the configuration phase. For example, when Androidx Compose Compiler is used with non-JVM targets (e.g. iOS/js), we want to warn users that using non-JB compiler with non-JVM targets is not supported. The default way of reporting warnings in Gradle is using a logger. For example we could write something like: ``` abstract class ComposePlugin : Plugin<Project> { override fun apply(project: Project) { if (project.hasNonJvmTargets() && project.usesNonJBComposeCompiler()) { project.logger.warn("...") } } } ``` This approach has a few issues: 1. When the Configuration Cache is enabled, project's configuration might get skipped altogether, and the warning won't be printed. 2. If a project contains multiple Gradle modules (subprojects), the warning might be printed multiple times. That might be OK for some warnings. But repeating exactly the same warning 10s or 100s is unnecessary. The only way to share the state between Gradle modules, while preserving compatibility with the Configuration Cache, is to define Gradle Build Service. In 1.5.0 we used Gradle Build Service mechanism for both warnings. However, I did not know that: * only the service's parameters are persisted in the Configuration Cache. The service itself is not persisted. * if a service instance is materialized during the configuration phase, then all changes made to its parameters will not be visible to that particular instance (but they will be visible to the next instance). So the only way to report diagnostics with configuration cache without repetition is to define a service that is not materialized during the configuration phase (i.e. serviceProvider.get() is not called), add to add warnings to a set property of the service. This change implements that. Resolves #3595
9 months ago
val composeExtension = project.extensions.create("compose",, project)
val desktopExtension = composeExtension.extensions.create("desktop",
val androidExtension = composeExtension.extensions.create("android",
val experimentalExtension = composeExtension.extensions.create("experimental",
project.dependencies.extensions.add("compose", Dependencies(project))
if (!project.buildFile.endsWith(".gradle.kts")) {
project.afterEvaluate {
configureDesktop(project, desktopExtension)
project.configureExperimental(composeExtension, experimentalExtension)
project.plugins.withId(KOTLIN_MPP_PLUGIN_ID) {
val mppExt = project.mppExt
project.tasks.withType( {
it.kotlinOptions.apply {
freeCompilerArgs = freeCompilerArgs +
composeExtension.kotlinCompilerPluginArgs.get().flatMap { arg ->
listOf("-P", "plugin:androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin:$arg")
private fun disableSignatureClashCheck(project: Project) {
val hasAnyWebTarget = project.mppExtOrNull?.targets?.firstOrNull {
it.platformType == KotlinPlatformType.js ||
it.platformType == KotlinPlatformType.wasm
} != null
if (hasAnyWebTarget) {
// currently k/wasm compile task is covered by KotlinJsCompile type
project.tasks.withType( {
it.kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += listOf(
class Dependencies(project: Project) {
val desktop = DesktopDependencies
val compiler = CompilerDependencies(project)
val animation get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.animation:animation")
val animationGraphics get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.animation:animation-graphics")
val foundation get() = composeDependency("")
val material get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.material:material")
val material3 get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.material3:material3")
val runtime get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.runtime:runtime")
val runtimeSaveable get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.runtime:runtime-saveable")
val ui get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.ui:ui")
@Deprecated("Use desktop.uiTestJUnit4", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("desktop.uiTestJUnit4"))
val uiTestJUnit4 get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4")
val uiTooling get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.ui:ui-tooling")
val uiUtil get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.ui:ui-util")
val preview get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.ui:ui-tooling-preview")
val materialIconsExtended get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.material:material-icons-extended")
val components get() = CommonComponentsDependencies
@Deprecated("Use compose.html", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("html"))
val web: WebDependencies get() = WebDependencies
val html: HtmlDependencies get() = HtmlDependencies
object DesktopDependencies {
val components = DesktopComponentsDependencies
val common = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.desktop:desktop")
val linux_x64 = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.desktop:desktop-jvm-linux-x64")
val linux_arm64 = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.desktop:desktop-jvm-linux-arm64")
val windows_x64 = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.desktop:desktop-jvm-windows-x64")
val macos_x64 = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.desktop:desktop-jvm-macos-x64")
val macos_arm64 = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.desktop:desktop-jvm-macos-arm64")
val uiTestJUnit4 get() = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4")
val currentOs by lazy {
class CompilerDependencies(private val project: Project) {
fun forKotlin(version: String) = "org.jetbrains.compose.compiler:compiler:" +
* Compose Compiler that is chosen by the version of Kotlin applied to the Gradle project
val auto get() = forKotlin(project.getKotlinPluginVersion())
object CommonComponentsDependencies {
val resources = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.components:components-resources")
object DesktopComponentsDependencies {
val splitPane = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.components:components-splitpane")
val animatedImage = composeDependency("org.jetbrains.compose.components:components-animatedimage")
@Deprecated("Use compose.html")
object WebDependencies {
val core by lazy {
val svg by lazy {
val testUtils by lazy {
object HtmlDependencies {
val core by lazy {
val svg by lazy {
val testUtils by lazy {
fun RepositoryHandler.jetbrainsCompose(): MavenArtifactRepository =
maven { repo -> repo.setUrl("") }
fun KotlinDependencyHandler.compose(groupWithArtifact: String) = composeDependency(groupWithArtifact)
fun DependencyHandler.compose(groupWithArtifact: String) = composeDependency(groupWithArtifact)
private fun composeDependency(groupWithArtifact: String) = "$groupWithArtifact:$composeVersion"
private fun setUpGroovyDslExtensions(project: Project) {
project.plugins.withId("org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform") {
(project.extensions.getByName("kotlin") as? ExtensionAware)?.apply {
extensions.add("compose", ComposePlugin.Dependencies(project))
(project.repositories as? ExtensionAware)?.extensions?.apply {
add("jetbrainsCompose", object : Closure<MavenArtifactRepository>(project.repositories) {
fun doCall(): MavenArtifactRepository =