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package example.imageviewer.utils
import androidx.compose.desktop.AppManager
import androidx.compose.desktop.AppWindow
import androidx.compose.desktop.WindowEvents
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.window.MenuBar
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.swing.Swing
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
fun Application(
content: @Composable ApplicationScope.() -> Unit
) {
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Swing + ImmediateFrameClock()) {
AppManager.setEvents(onWindowsEmpty = null)
withRunningRecomposer { recomposer ->
val latch = CompletableDeferred<Unit>()
val applier = ApplicationApplier { latch.complete(Unit) }
val composition = Composition(applier, recomposer)
try {
val scope = ApplicationScope(recomposer)
composition.setContent { scope.content() }
} finally {
class ApplicationScope internal constructor(private val recomposer: Recomposer) {
fun ComposableWindow(
title: String = "JetpackDesktopWindow",
size: IntSize = IntSize(800, 600),
location: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero,
centered: Boolean = true,
icon: BufferedImage? = null,
menuBar: MenuBar? = null,
undecorated: Boolean = false,
resizable: Boolean = true,
events: WindowEvents = WindowEvents(),
onDismissRequest: (() -> Unit)? = null,
content: @Composable () -> Unit = {}
) {
var isOpened by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
if (!isOpened) return
ComposeNode<AppWindow, ApplicationApplier>(
factory = {
val window = AppWindow(
title = title,
size = size,
location = location,
centered = centered,
icon = icon,
menuBar = menuBar,
undecorated = undecorated,
resizable = resizable,
events = events,
onDismissRequest = {
isOpened = false
), content)
update = {
set(title) { setTitle(it) }
set(size) { setSize(it.width, it.height) }
// set(location) { setLocation(it.x, it.y) }
set(icon) { setIcon(it) }
// set(menuBar) { if (it != null) setMenuBar(it) else removeMenuBar() }
// set(resizable) { setResizable(it) }
// set(events) { setEvents(it) }
// set(onDismissRequest) { setDismiss(it) }
private class ImmediateFrameClock : MonotonicFrameClock {
override suspend fun <R> withFrameNanos(
onFrame: (frameTimeNanos: Long) -> R
) = onFrame(System.nanoTime())
private class ApplicationApplier(
private val onWindowsEmpty: () -> Unit
) : Applier<AppWindow?> {
private val windows = mutableListOf<AppWindow>()
override var current: AppWindow? = null
override fun insertBottomUp(index: Int, instance: AppWindow?) {
check(current == null) { "Windows cannot be nested!" }
windows.add(index, instance)
override fun remove(index: Int, count: Int) {
repeat(count) {
val window = windows.removeAt(index)
if (!window.isClosed) {
override fun move(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int) {
if (from > to) {
var current = to
repeat(count) {
val node = windows.removeAt(from)
windows.add(current, node)
} else {
repeat(count) {
val node = windows.removeAt(from)
windows.add(to - 1, node)
override fun clear() {
windows.forEach { if (!it.isClosed) it.close() }
override fun onEndChanges() {
if (windows.isEmpty()) {
override fun down(node: AppWindow?) {
check(current == null) { "Windows cannot be nested!" }
current = node
override fun up() {
check(current != null) { "Windows cannot be nested!" }
current = null
override fun insertTopDown(index: Int, instance: AppWindow?) {
// ignored. Building tree bottom-up