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use crate::{
vm::{opcode::Operation, CallFrameFlags, CompletionType},
Context, JsResult, JsValue,
/// `This` implements the Opcode Operation for `Opcode::This`
/// Operation:
/// - Pushes `this` value.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct This;
impl Operation for This {
const NAME: &'static str = "This";
const INSTRUCTION: &'static str = "INST - This";
const COST: u8 = 1;
fn execute(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
let frame = context.vm.frame_mut();
let this_index = frame.fp();
if frame.has_this_value_cached() {
let this = context.vm.stack[this_index as usize].clone();
return Ok(CompletionType::Normal);
let this = context.vm.environments.get_this_binding()?;
context.vm.frame_mut().flags |= CallFrameFlags::THIS_VALUE_CACHED;
context.vm.stack[this_index as usize] = this.clone();
/// `Super` implements the Opcode Operation for `Opcode::Super`
/// Operation:
/// - Pushes the current `super` value to the stack.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct Super;
impl Operation for Super {
const NAME: &'static str = "Super";
const INSTRUCTION: &'static str = "INST - Super";
const COST: u8 = 3;
fn execute(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
let home_object = {
let env = context
.expect("super access must be in a function environment");
let this = env
.expect("`get_this_environment` ensures this returns `Some`");
.expect("must be function object")
let value = home_object
.map(|o| o.__get_prototype_of__(&mut InternalMethodContext::new(context)))
.map_or_else(JsValue::null, JsValue::from);
/// `SuperCallPrepare` implements the Opcode Operation for `Opcode::SuperCallPrepare`
/// Operation:
/// - Get the super constructor and the new target of the current environment.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct SuperCallPrepare;
impl Operation for SuperCallPrepare {
const NAME: &'static str = "SuperCallPrepare";
const INSTRUCTION: &'static str = "INST - SuperCallPrepare";
const COST: u8 = 3;
fn execute(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
let this_env = context
.expect("super call must be in function environment");
let active_function = this_env.slots().function_object().clone();
let super_constructor = active_function
.__get_prototype_of__(&mut InternalMethodContext::new(context))
.expect("function object must have prototype");
.push(super_constructor.map_or_else(JsValue::null, JsValue::from));
/// `SuperCall` implements the Opcode Operation for `Opcode::SuperCall`
/// Operation:
/// - Execute the `super()` method.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct SuperCall;
impl SuperCall {
fn operation(context: &mut Context, argument_count: usize) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
let super_constructor_index = context.vm.stack.len() - argument_count - 1;
let super_constructor = context.vm.stack[super_constructor_index].clone();
let Some(super_constructor) = super_constructor.as_constructor() else {
return Err(JsNativeError::typ()
.with_message("super constructor object must be constructor")
let this_env = context
.expect("super call must be in function environment");
let new_target = this_env
.expect("must have")
impl Operation for SuperCall {
const NAME: &'static str = "SuperCall";
const INSTRUCTION: &'static str = "INST - SuperCall";
const COST: u8 = 3;
fn execute(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
let value_count =<u8>() as usize;
Self::operation(context, value_count)
fn execute_with_u16_operands(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
let value_count =<u16>() as usize;
Self::operation(context, value_count)
fn execute_with_u32_operands(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
let value_count =<u32>() as usize;
Self::operation(context, value_count)
/// `SuperCallSpread` implements the Opcode Operation for `Opcode::SuperCallSpread`
/// Operation:
/// - Execute the `super()` method where the arguments contain spreads.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct SuperCallSpread;
impl Operation for SuperCallSpread {
const NAME: &'static str = "SuperCallSpread";
const INSTRUCTION: &'static str = "INST - SuperCallSpread";
const COST: u8 = 3;
fn execute(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
// Get the arguments that are stored as an array object on the stack.
let arguments_array = context.vm.pop();
let arguments_array_object = arguments_array
.expect("arguments array in call spread function must be an object");
let arguments = arguments_array_object
.expect("arguments array in call spread function must be dense");
let super_constructor = context.vm.pop();
let Some(super_constructor) = super_constructor.as_constructor() else {
return Err(JsNativeError::typ()
.with_message("super constructor object must be constructor")
let this_env = context
.expect("super call must be in function environment");
let new_target = this_env
.expect("must have")
/// `SuperCallDerived` implements the Opcode Operation for `Opcode::SuperCallDerived`
/// Operation:
/// - Execute the `super()` method when no constructor of the class is defined.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct SuperCallDerived;
impl Operation for SuperCallDerived {
const NAME: &'static str = "SuperCallDerived";
const INSTRUCTION: &'static str = "INST - SuperCallDerived";
const COST: u8 = 3;
fn execute(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
let argument_count = context.vm.frame().argument_count as usize;
let this_env = context
.expect("super call must be in function environment");
let new_target = this_env
.expect("must have new target")
let active_function = this_env.slots().function_object().clone();
let super_constructor = active_function
.__get_prototype_of__(&mut InternalMethodContext::new(context))
.expect("function object must have prototype")
.expect("function object must have prototype");
if !super_constructor.is_constructor() {
return Err(JsNativeError::typ()
.with_message("super constructor object must be constructor")
let arguments_start_index = context.vm.stack.len() - argument_count;
.insert(arguments_start_index, super_constructor.clone().into());
/// `BindThisValue` implements the Opcode Operation for `Opcode::BindThisValue`
/// Operation:
/// - Binds `this` value and initializes the instance elements.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct BindThisValue;
impl Operation for BindThisValue {
const NAME: &'static str = "BindThisValue";
const INSTRUCTION: &'static str = "INST - BindThisValue";
const COST: u8 = 6;
fn execute(context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<CompletionType> {
// Taken from `SuperCall : super Arguments` steps 7-12.
// <>
let result = context
.expect("construct result should be an object")
// 7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment().
let this_env = context
.expect("super call must be in function environment");
// 8. Perform ? thisER.BindThisValue(result).
// 9. Let F be thisER.[[FunctionObject]].
// SKIP: 10. Assert: F is an ECMAScript function object.
let active_function = this_env.slots().function_object().clone();
// 11. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F).
result.initialize_instance_elements(&active_function, context)?;
// 12. Return result.