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687 B

use crate::exec;
fn template_literal() {
let scenario = r#"
let a = 10;
`result: ${a} and ${a+10}`;
assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"result: 10 and 20\"");
fn tagged_template() {
let scenario = r#"
function tag(t, ...args) {
let a = []
a = a.concat([t[0], t[1], t[2]]);
a = a.concat([t.raw[0], t.raw[1], t.raw[2]]);
a = a.concat([args[0], args[1]]);
return a
let a = 10;
tag`result: ${a} \x26 ${a+10}`;
r#"[ "result: ", " & ", "", "result: ", " \x26 ", "", 10, 20 ]"#