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// This example shows how to manipulate a Javascript array using Rust code.
use boa_engine::{
object::builtins::{JsArrayBuffer, JsDataView, JsUint32Array, JsUint8Array},
Context, JsResult, JsValue,
fn main() -> JsResult<()> {
// We create a new `Context` to create a new Javascript executor.
let context = &mut Context::default();
// This create an array buffer of byte length 4
let array_buffer = JsArrayBuffer::new(4, context)?;
// We can now create an typed array to access the data.
let uint32_typed_array = JsUint32Array::from_array_buffer(array_buffer, context)?;
let value = 0x1234_5678_u32;
uint32_typed_array.set(0_u64, value, true, context)?;
assert_eq!(uint32_typed_array.get(0_u64, context)?, JsValue::new(value));
// We can also create array buffers from a user defined block of data.
// NOTE: The block data will not be cloned.
let blob_of_data: Vec<u8> = (0..=255).collect();
let array_buffer = JsArrayBuffer::from_byte_block(blob_of_data, context)?;
// This the byte length of the new array buffer will be the length of block of data.
let byte_length = array_buffer.byte_length();
assert_eq!(byte_length, 256);
// We can now create an typed array to access the data.
let uint8_typed_array = JsUint8Array::from_array_buffer(array_buffer.clone(), context)?;
for i in 0..byte_length {
assert_eq!(uint8_typed_array.get(i, context)?, JsValue::new(i));
// We can create a Dataview from a JsArrayBuffer
let dataview =
JsDataView::from_js_array_buffer(array_buffer.clone(), None, Some(100_u64), context)?;
let dataview_length = dataview.byte_length(context)?;
assert_eq!(dataview_length, 100);
let second_byte = dataview.get_uint8(2, true, context)?;
assert_eq!(second_byte, 2_u8);
// We can also register it as a global property
Attribute::WRITABLE | Attribute::ENUMERABLE | Attribute::CONFIGURABLE,
// We can also take the inner data from a JsArrayBuffer
let data_block: Vec<u8> = (0..5).collect();
let array_buffer = JsArrayBuffer::from_byte_block(data_block, context)?;
let internal_buffer = array_buffer.detach(&JsValue::undefined())?;
assert_eq!(internal_buffer, (0..5).collect::<Vec<u8>>());
let detached_err = array_buffer.detach(&JsValue::undefined());