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//! This module implements the JavaScript Value.
//! Javascript values, utility methods and conversion between Javascript values and Rust values.
mod tests;
use crate::builtins::{
function::{Function, NativeFunction, NativeFunctionData},
internal_methods_trait::ObjectInternalMethods, InternalState, InternalStateCell, Object,
use gc::{Gc, GcCell};
use gc_derive::{Finalize, Trace};
use serde_json::{map::Map, Number as JSONNumber, Value as JSONValue};
use std::{
fmt::{self, Display},
ops::{Add, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Deref, DerefMut, Div, Mul, Not, Rem, Shl, Shr, Sub},
/// The result of a Javascript expression is represented like this so it can succeed (`Ok`) or fail (`Err`)
pub type ResultValue = Result<Value, Value>;
/// A Garbage-collected Javascript value as represented in the interpreter.
pub type Value = Gc<ValueData>;
pub fn undefined() -> Value {
/// A Javascript value
#[derive(Trace, Finalize, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ValueData {
/// `null` - A null value, for when a value doesn't exist
/// `undefined` - An undefined value, for when a field or index doesn't exist
/// `boolean` - A `true` / `false` value, for if a certain criteria is met
/// `String` - A UTF-8 string, such as `"Hello, world"`
/// `Number` - A 64-bit floating point number, such as `3.1415`
/// `Number` - A 32-bit integer, such as `42`
/// `Object` - An object, such as `Math`, represented by a binary tree of string keys to Javascript values
/// `Function` - A runnable block of code, such as `Math.sqrt`, which can take some variables and return a useful value or act upon an object
/// `Symbol` - A Symbol Type - Internally Symbols are similar to objects, except there are no properties, only internal slots
impl ValueData {
/// Returns a new empty object
pub fn new_obj(global: Option<&Value>) -> Value {
if let Some(glob) = global {
let obj_proto = glob.get_field_slice("Object").get_field_slice(PROTOTYPE);
let obj = Object::create(obj_proto);
} else {
let obj = Object::default();
/// Similar to `new_obj`, but you can pass a prototype to create from,
/// plus a kind
pub fn new_obj_from_prototype(proto: Value, kind: ObjectKind) -> Value {
let mut obj = Object::default();
obj.kind = kind;
.insert(INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE.to_string(), proto);
/// This will tell us if we can exten an object or not, not properly implemented yet
/// For now always returns true.
/// For scalar types it should be false, for objects check the private field for extensibilaty.
/// By default true.
/// < would turn extensible to false/>
/// < would also turn extensible to false/>
pub fn is_extensible(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if the value is an object
pub fn is_object(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Object(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is a symbol
pub fn is_symbol(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Symbol(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is a function
pub fn is_function(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Function(_) => true,
Self::Object(ref o) => o.deref().borrow().get_internal_slot("call").is_function(),
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is undefined
pub fn is_undefined(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Undefined => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is null
pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Null => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is null or undefined
pub fn is_null_or_undefined(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Null | Self::Undefined => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is a 64-bit floating-point number
pub fn is_double(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Number(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is a number
pub fn is_num(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if the value is a string
pub fn is_string(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::String(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is a boolean
pub fn is_boolean(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Boolean(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is true
/// [toBoolean](
pub fn is_true(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Object(_) => true,
Self::String(ref s) if !s.is_empty() => true,
Self::Number(n) if n != 0.0 && !n.is_nan() => true,
Self::Integer(n) if n != 0 => true,
Self::Boolean(v) => v,
_ => false,
/// Converts the value into a 64-bit floating point number
pub fn to_num(&self) -> f64 {
match *self {
Self::Object(_) | Self::Symbol(_) | Self::Undefined | Self::Function(_) => NAN,
Self::String(ref str) => match FromStr::from_str(str) {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => NAN,
Self::Number(num) => num,
Self::Boolean(true) => 1.0,
Self::Boolean(false) | Self::Null => 0.0,
Self::Integer(num) => f64::from(num),
/// Converts the value into a 32-bit integer
pub fn to_int(&self) -> i32 {
match *self {
| Self::Undefined
| Self::Symbol(_)
| Self::Null
| Self::Boolean(false)
| Self::Function(_) => 0,
Self::String(ref str) => match FromStr::from_str(str) {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => 0,
Self::Number(num) => num as i32,
Self::Boolean(true) => 1,
Self::Integer(num) => num,
/// remove_prop removes a property from a Value object.
/// It will return a boolean based on if the value was removed, if there was no value to remove false is returned
pub fn remove_prop(&self, field: &str) {
match *self {
Self::Object(ref obj) => obj.borrow_mut().deref_mut().properties.remove(field),
// Accesing .object on borrow() seems to automatically dereference it, so we don't need the *
Self::Function(ref func) => match func.borrow_mut().deref_mut() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref mut func) =>,
Function::RegularFunc(ref mut func) =>,
_ => None,
/// Resolve the property in the object.
/// A copy of the Property is returned.
pub fn get_prop(&self, field: &str) -> Option<Property> {
// Spidermonkey has its own GetLengthProperty:
// This is only for primitive strings, String() objects have their lengths calculated in
if self.is_string() && field == "length" {
if let Self::String(ref s) = *self {
return Some(Property::default().value(to_value(s.len() as i32)));
let obj: Object = match *self {
Self::Object(ref obj) => {
let hash = obj.clone();
// TODO: This will break, we should return a GcCellRefMut instead
// into_inner will consume the wrapped value and remove it from the hashmap
// Accesing .object on borrow() seems to automatically dereference it, so we don't need the *
Self::Function(ref func) => match func.clone().into_inner() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref func) => func.object.clone(),
Function::RegularFunc(ref func) => func.object.clone(),
Self::Symbol(ref obj) => {
let hash = obj.clone();
_ => return None,
match {
Some(val) => Some(val.clone()),
None => match obj.internal_slots.get(&INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE.to_string()) {
Some(value) => value.get_prop(field),
None => None,
/// update_prop will overwrite individual [Property] fields, unlike
/// Set_prop, which will overwrite prop with a new Property
/// Mostly used internally for now
pub fn update_prop(
field: &str,
value: Option<Value>,
enumerable: Option<bool>,
writable: Option<bool>,
configurable: Option<bool>,
) {
let obj: Option<Object> = match self {
Self::Object(ref obj) => Some(obj.borrow_mut().deref_mut().clone()),
// Accesing .object on borrow() seems to automatically dereference it, so we don't need the *
Self::Function(ref func) => match func.borrow_mut().deref_mut() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref mut func) => Some(func.object.clone()),
Function::RegularFunc(ref mut func) => Some(func.object.clone()),
_ => None,
if let Some(mut obj_data) = obj {
// Use value, or walk up the prototype chain
if let Some(ref mut prop) = {
prop.value = value;
prop.enumerable = enumerable;
prop.writable = writable;
prop.configurable = configurable;
/// Resolve the property in the object.
/// Returns a copy of the Property.
pub fn get_internal_slot(&self, field: &str) -> Value {
let obj: Object = match *self {
Self::Object(ref obj) => {
let hash = obj.clone();
Self::Symbol(ref obj) => {
let hash = obj.clone();
_ => return Gc::new(Self::Undefined),
match obj.internal_slots.get(field) {
Some(val) => val.clone(),
None => Gc::new(Self::Undefined),
/// Resolve the property in the object and get its value, or undefined if this is not an object or the field doesn't exist
/// get_field recieves a Property from get_prop(). It should then return the [[Get]] result value if that's set, otherwise fall back to [[Value]]
/// TODO: this function should use the get Value if its set
pub fn get_field(&self, field: Value) -> Value {
match *field {
// Our field will either be a String or a Symbol
Self::String(ref s) => {
match self.get_prop(s) {
Some(prop) => {
// If the Property has [[Get]] set to a function, we should run that and return the Value
let prop_getter = match prop.get {
Some(_) => None,
None => None,
// If the getter is populated, use that. If not use [[Value]] instead
if let Some(val) = prop_getter {
} else {
let val = prop
.expect("Could not get property as reference");
None => Gc::new(Self::Undefined),
Self::Symbol(_) => unimplemented!(),
_ => Gc::new(Self::Undefined),
/// Check whether an object has an internal state set.
pub fn has_internal_state(&self) -> bool {
if let Self::Object(ref obj) = *self {
} else {
/// Get the internal state of an object.
pub fn get_internal_state(&self) -> Option<InternalStateCell> {
if let Self::Object(ref obj) = *self {
.map(|state| state.deref().clone())
} else {
/// Run a function with a reference to the internal state.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if this value doesn't have an internal state or if the internal state doesn't
/// have the concrete type `S`.
pub fn with_internal_state_ref<S: Any + InternalState, R, F: FnOnce(&S) -> R>(
f: F,
) -> R {
if let Self::Object(ref obj) = *self {
let o = obj.borrow();
let state = o
.expect("no state")
.expect("wrong state type");
} else {
panic!("not an object");
/// Run a function with a mutable reference to the internal state.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if this value doesn't have an internal state or if the internal state doesn't
/// have the concrete type `S`.
pub fn with_internal_state_mut<S: Any + InternalState, R, F: FnOnce(&mut S) -> R>(
f: F,
) -> R {
if let Self::Object(ref obj) = *self {
let mut o = obj.borrow_mut();
let state = o
.expect("no state")
.expect("wrong state type");
} else {
panic!("not an object");
/// Check to see if the Value has the field, mainly used by environment records
pub fn has_field(&self, field: &str) -> bool {
/// Resolve the property in the object and get its value, or undefined if this is not an object or the field doesn't exist
pub fn get_field_slice(&self, field: &str) -> Value {
// get_field used to accept strings, but now Symbols accept it needs to accept a value
// So this function will now need to Box strings back into values (at least for now)
let f = Gc::new(Self::String(field.to_string()));
/// Set the field in the value
/// Field could be a Symbol, so we need to accept a Value (not a string)
pub fn set_field(&self, field: Value, val: Value) -> Value {
match *self {
Self::Object(ref obj) => {
if obj.borrow().kind == ObjectKind::Array {
if let Ok(num) = field.to_string().parse::<usize>() {
if num > 0 {
let len: i32 = from_value(self.get_field_slice("length"))
.expect("Could not convert argument to i32");
if len < (num + 1) as i32 {
self.set_field_slice("length", to_value(num + 1));
// Symbols get saved into a different bucket to general properties
if field.is_symbol() {
obj.borrow_mut().set(field, val.clone());
} else {
.set(to_value(field.to_string()), val.clone());
Self::Function(ref func) => {
match *func.borrow_mut().deref_mut() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref mut f) => f
.insert(field.to_string(), Property::default().value(val.clone())),
Function::RegularFunc(ref mut f) => f
.insert(field.to_string(), Property::default().value(val.clone())),
_ => (),
/// Set the field in the value
pub fn set_field_slice<'a>(&self, field: &'a str, val: Value) -> Value {
// set_field used to accept strings, but now Symbols accept it needs to accept a value
// So this function will now need to Box strings back into values (at least for now)
let f = Gc::new(Self::String(field.to_string()));
self.set_field(f, val)
/// Set the private field in the value
pub fn set_internal_slot(&self, field: &str, val: Value) -> Value {
if let Self::Object(ref obj) = *self {
.insert(field.to_string(), val.clone());
/// Set the kind of an object
pub fn set_kind(&self, kind: ObjectKind) -> ObjectKind {
if let Self::Object(ref obj) = *self {
obj.borrow_mut().kind = kind.clone();
/// Set the property in the value
pub fn set_prop(&self, field: String, prop: Property) -> Property {
match *self {
Self::Object(ref obj) => {
obj.borrow_mut().properties.insert(field, prop.clone());
Self::Function(ref func) => {
match *func.borrow_mut().deref_mut() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref mut f) => {, prop.clone())
Function::RegularFunc(ref mut f) => {, prop.clone())
_ => (),
/// Set the property in the value
pub fn set_prop_slice<'t>(&self, field: &'t str, prop: Property) -> Property {
self.set_prop(field.to_string(), prop)
/// Set internal state of an Object. Discards the previous state if it was set.
pub fn set_internal_state<T: Any + InternalState>(&self, state: T) {
if let Self::Object(ref obj) = *self {
/// Convert from a JSON value to a JS value
pub fn from_json(json: JSONValue) -> Self {
match json {
JSONValue::Number(v) => {
Self::Number(v.as_f64().expect("Could not convert value to f64"))
JSONValue::String(v) => Self::String(v),
JSONValue::Bool(v) => Self::Boolean(v),
JSONValue::Array(vs) => {
let mut new_obj = Object::default();
for (idx, json) in vs.iter().enumerate() {
Property::default().value(to_value(vs.len() as i32)),
JSONValue::Object(obj) => {
let mut new_obj = Object::default();
for (key, json) in obj.iter() {
JSONValue::Null => Self::Null,
/// Conversts the `Value` to `JSON`.
pub fn to_json(&self) -> JSONValue {
match *self {
| ValueData::Symbol(_)
| ValueData::Undefined
| ValueData::Function(_) => JSONValue::Null,
ValueData::Boolean(b) => JSONValue::Bool(b),
ValueData::Object(ref obj) => {
let new_obj = obj
.map(|(k, _)| (k.clone(), self.get_field_slice(k).to_json()))
.collect::<Map<String, JSONValue>>();
Self::String(ref str) => JSONValue::String(str.clone()),
Self::Number(num) => JSONValue::Number(
JSONNumber::from_f64(num).expect("Could not convert to JSONNumber"),
Self::Integer(val) => JSONValue::Number(JSONNumber::from(val)),
/// Get the type of the value
pub fn get_type(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Self::Number(_) | Self::Integer(_) => "number",
Self::String(_) => "string",
Self::Boolean(_) => "boolean",
Self::Symbol(_) => "symbol",
Self::Null => "null",
Self::Undefined => "undefined",
Self::Function(_) => "function",
Self::Object(ref o) => {
if o.deref().borrow().get_internal_slot("call").is_null() {
} else {
pub fn as_num_to_power(&self, other: Self) -> Self {
impl Default for ValueData {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A helper macro for printing objects
/// Can be used to print both properties and internal slots
/// All of the overloads take:
/// - The object to be printed
/// - The function with which to print
/// - The indentation for the current level (for nested objects)
/// - A HashSet with the addresses of the already printed objects for the current branch
/// (used to avoid infinite loops when there are cyclic deps)
macro_rules! print_obj_value {
(all of $obj:expr, $display_fn:ident, $indent:expr, $encounters:expr) => {
let mut internals = print_obj_value!(internals of $obj, $display_fn, $indent, $encounters);
let mut props = print_obj_value!(props of $obj, $display_fn, $indent, $encounters, true);
props.append(&mut internals);
(internals of $obj:expr, $display_fn:ident, $indent:expr, $encounters:expr) => {
print_obj_value!(impl internal_slots, $obj, |(key, val)| {
"{}{}: {}",
String::from_utf8(vec![b' '; $indent])
.expect("Could not create indentation string"),
$display_fn(&val, $encounters, $indent.wrapping_add(4), true)
(props of $obj:expr, $display_fn:ident, $indent:expr, $encounters:expr, $print_internals:expr) => {
print_obj_value!(impl properties, $obj, |(key, val)| {
let v = &val
.expect("Could not get the property's value");
"{}{}: {}",
String::from_utf8(vec![b' '; $indent])
.expect("Could not create indentation string"),
$display_fn(v, $encounters, $indent.wrapping_add(4), $print_internals)
// A private overload of the macro
// DO NOT use directly
(impl $field:ident, $v:expr, $f:expr) => {
pub(crate) fn log_string_from(x: &ValueData, print_internals: bool) -> String {
match x {
// We don't want to print private (compiler) or prototype properties
ValueData::Object(ref v) => {
// Can use the private "type" field of an Object to match on
// which type of Object it represents for special printing
match v.borrow().kind {
ObjectKind::String => from_value(
.expect("Cannot get primitive value from String")
.expect("Cannot clone primitive value from String"),
ObjectKind::Boolean => {
let bool_data = v.borrow().get_internal_slot("BooleanData").to_string();
format!("Boolean {{ {} }}", bool_data)
ObjectKind::Array => {
let len: i32 = from_value(
.expect("Could not borrow value"),
.expect("Could not convert JS value to i32");
if len == 0 {
return String::from("[]");
let arr = (0..len)
.map(|i| {
// Introduce recursive call to stringify any objects
// which are part of the Array
.expect("Could not borrow value"),
.join(", ");
format!("[ {} ]", arr)
_ => display_obj(&x, print_internals),
ValueData::Symbol(ref sym) => {
let desc: Value = sym.borrow().get_internal_slot("Description");
match *desc {
ValueData::String(ref st) => format!("Symbol(\"{}\")", st.to_string()),
_ => String::from("Symbol()"),
_ => format!("{}", x),
/// A helper function for specifically printing object values
pub(crate) fn display_obj(v: &ValueData, print_internals: bool) -> String {
// A simple helper for getting the address of a value
// TODO: Find a more general place for this, as it can be used in other situations as well
fn address_of<T>(t: &T) -> usize {
let my_ptr: *const T = t;
my_ptr as usize
// We keep track of which objects we have encountered by keeping their
// in-memory address in this set
let mut encounters = HashSet::new();
fn display_obj_internal(
data: &ValueData,
encounters: &mut HashSet<usize>,
indent: usize,
print_internals: bool,
) -> String {
if let ValueData::Object(ref v) = *data {
// The in-memory address of the current object
let addr = address_of(v.borrow().deref());
// We need not continue if this object has already been
// printed up the current chain
if encounters.contains(&addr) {
return String::from("[Cycle]");
// Mark the current object as encountered
let result = if print_internals {
print_obj_value!(all of v, display_obj_internal, indent, encounters).join(",\n")
} else {
print_obj_value!(props of v, display_obj_internal, indent, encounters, print_internals)
// If the current object is referenced in a different branch,
// it will not cause an infinte printing loop, so it is safe to be printed again
let closing_indent = String::from_utf8(vec![b' '; indent.wrapping_sub(4)])
.expect("Could not create the closing brace's indentation string");
format!("{{\n{}\n{}}}", result, closing_indent)
} else {
// Every other type of data is printed as is
format!("{}", data)
display_obj_internal(v, &mut encounters, 4, print_internals)
impl Display for ValueData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Null => write!(f, "null"),
Self::Undefined => write!(f, "undefined"),
Self::Boolean(v) => write!(f, "{}", v),
Self::Symbol(ref v) => match *v.borrow().get_internal_slot("Description") {
// If a description exists use it
Self::String(ref v) => write!(f, "{}", format!("Symbol({})", v)),
_ => write!(f, "Symbol()"),
Self::String(ref v) => write!(f, "{}", v),
Self::Number(v) => write!(
match v {
_ if v.is_nan() => "NaN".to_string(),
_ if v.is_infinite() && v.is_sign_negative() => "-Infinity".to_string(),
_ if v.is_infinite() => "Infinity".to_string(),
_ => v.to_string(),
Self::Object(_) => write!(f, "{}", log_string_from(self, true)),
Self::Integer(v) => write!(f, "{}", v),
Self::Function(ref v) => match *v.borrow() {
Function::NativeFunc(_) => write!(f, "function() {{ [native code] }}"),
Function::RegularFunc(ref rf) => {
write!(f, "function{}(", if rf.args.is_empty() { "" } else { " " })?;
for (index, arg) in rf.args.iter().enumerate() {
write!(f, "{}", arg)?;
if index + 1 != rf.args.len() {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, ") {}", rf.node)
impl PartialEq for ValueData {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self.clone(), other.clone()) {
// TODO: fix this
// _ if self.ptr.to_inner() == &other.ptr.to_inner() => true,
_ if self.is_null_or_undefined() && other.is_null_or_undefined() => true,
(Self::String(_), _) | (_, Self::String(_)) => self.to_string() == other.to_string(),
(Self::Boolean(a), Self::Boolean(b)) if a == b => true,
(Self::Number(a), Self::Number(b)) if a == b && !a.is_nan() && !b.is_nan() => true,
(Self::Number(a), _) if a == other.to_num() => true,
(_, Self::Number(a)) if a == self.to_num() => true,
(Self::Integer(a), Self::Integer(b)) if a == b => true,
_ => false,
impl Add for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
match (self, other) {
(Self::String(ref s), ref o) => {
Self::String(format!("{}{}", s.clone(), &o.to_string()))
(ref s, Self::String(ref o)) => Self::String(format!("{}{}", s.to_string(), o)),
(ref s, ref o) => Self::Number(s.to_num() + o.to_num()),
impl Sub for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Number(self.to_num() - other.to_num())
impl Mul for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Number(self.to_num() * other.to_num())
impl Div for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Number(self.to_num() / other.to_num())
impl Rem for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn rem(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Number(self.to_num() % other.to_num())
impl BitAnd for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Integer(self.to_int() & other.to_int())
impl BitOr for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn bitor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Integer(self.to_int() | other.to_int())
impl BitXor for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn bitxor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Integer(self.to_int() ^ other.to_int())
impl Shl for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn shl(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Integer(self.to_int() << other.to_int())
impl Shr for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn shr(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self::Integer(self.to_int() >> other.to_int())
impl Not for ValueData {
type Output = Self;
fn not(self) -> Self {
/// Conversion to Javascript values from Rust values
pub trait ToValue {
/// Convert this value to a Rust value
fn to_value(&self) -> Value;
/// Conversion to Rust values from Javascript values
pub trait FromValue {
/// Convert this value to a Javascript value
fn from_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str>
Self: Sized;
impl ToValue for Value {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for Value {
fn from_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
impl ToValue for String {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for String {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
impl<'s> ToValue for &'s str {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
String::from_str(*self).expect("Could not convert string to self to String"),
impl ToValue for char {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for char {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
.expect("Could not get next char"))
impl ToValue for f64 {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for f64 {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
impl ToValue for i32 {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for i32 {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
impl ToValue for usize {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
Gc::new(ValueData::Integer(*self as i32))
impl FromValue for usize {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
Ok(v.to_int() as Self)
impl ToValue for bool {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for bool {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
impl<'s, T: ToValue> ToValue for &'s [T] {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
let mut arr = Object::default();
for (i, item) in self.iter().enumerate() {
.insert(i.to_string(), Property::default().value(item.to_value()));
impl<T: ToValue> ToValue for Vec<T> {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
let mut arr = Object::default();
for (i, item) in self.iter().enumerate() {
.insert(i.to_string(), Property::default().value(item.to_value()));
impl<T: FromValue> FromValue for Vec<T> {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
let len = v.get_field_slice("length").to_int();
let mut vec = Self::with_capacity(len as usize);
for i in 0..len {
impl ToValue for Object {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for Object {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
match *v {
ValueData::Object(ref obj) => Ok(obj.clone().into_inner()),
ValueData::Function(ref func) => Ok(match *func.borrow().deref() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref data) => data.object.clone(),
Function::RegularFunc(ref data) => data.object.clone(),
_ => Err("Value is not a valid object"),
impl ToValue for JSONValue {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for JSONValue {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
impl ToValue for () {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for () {
fn from_value(_: Value) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
impl<T: ToValue> ToValue for Option<T> {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
match *self {
Some(ref v) => v.to_value(),
None => Gc::new(ValueData::Null),
impl<T: FromValue> FromValue for Option<T> {
fn from_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
Ok(if value.is_null_or_undefined() {
} else {
impl ToValue for NativeFunctionData {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl FromValue for NativeFunctionData {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
match *v {
ValueData::Function(ref func) => match *func.borrow() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref data) => Ok(,
_ => Err("Value is not a native function"),
_ => Err("Value is not a function"),
/// A utility function that just calls `FromValue::from_value`
pub fn from_value<A: FromValue>(v: Value) -> Result<A, &'static str> {
/// A utility function that just calls `ToValue::to_value`
pub fn to_value<A: ToValue>(v: A) -> Value {
/// The internal comparison abstract operation SameValue(x, y),
/// where x and y are ECMAScript language values, produces true or false.
/// Such a comparison is performed as follows:
/// strict mode currently compares the pointers
pub fn same_value(x: &Value, y: &Value, strict: bool) -> bool {
if strict {
// Do both Values point to the same underlying valueData?
let x_ptr = Gc::into_raw(x.clone());
let y_ptr = Gc::into_raw(y.clone());
return x_ptr == y_ptr;
if x.get_type() != y.get_type() {
return false;
if x.get_type() == "number" {
let native_x: f64 = from_value(x.clone()).expect("failed to get value");
let native_y: f64 = from_value(y.clone()).expect("failed to get value");
return native_x.abs() - native_y.abs() == 0.0;
same_value_non_number(x, y)
pub fn same_value_non_number(x: &Value, y: &Value) -> bool {
debug_assert!(x.get_type() == y.get_type());
match x.get_type() {
"undefined" => true,
"null" => true,
"string" => {
if x.to_string() == y.to_string() {
return true;
"boolean" => {
from_value::<bool>(x.clone()).expect("failed to get value")
== from_value::<bool>(y.clone()).expect("failed to get value")
"object" => *x == *y,
_ => false,