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// This example implements a custom module handler which mimics
// the require/module.exports pattern
use boa_engine::{prelude::JsObject, property::Attribute, Context, JsResult, JsValue};
use std::fs::read_to_string;
fn main() {
let js_file_path = "./scripts/calctest.js";
let buffer = read_to_string(js_file_path);
if buffer.is_err() {
println!("Error: {}", buffer.unwrap_err());
// Creating the execution context
let mut ctx = Context::default();
// Adding custom implementation that mimics 'require'
ctx.register_global_function("require", 0, require);
// Adding custom object that mimics 'module.exports'
let moduleobj = JsObject::default();
.set("exports", JsValue::from(" "), false, &mut ctx)
ctx.register_global_property("module", JsValue::from(moduleobj), Attribute::default());
// Instantiating the engine with the execution context
// Loading, parsing and executing the JS code from the source file
// Custom implementation that mimics the 'require' module loader
fn require(_: &JsValue, args: &[JsValue], ctx: &mut Context) -> JsResult<JsValue> {
let arg = args.get(0).unwrap();
// BUG: Dev branch seems to be passing string arguments along with quotes
let libfile = arg
.expect("Failed to convert to string")
// Read the module source file
println!("Loading: {}", libfile);
let buffer = read_to_string(libfile);
if let Err(..) = buffer {
println!("Error: {}", buffer.unwrap_err());
} else {
// Load and parse the module source
// Access module.exports and return as ResultValue
let global_obj = ctx.global_object().to_owned();
let module = global_obj.get("module", ctx).unwrap();
module.as_object().unwrap().get("exports", ctx)