[workspace] members = [ "boa_cli", "boa_engine", "boa_gc", "boa_interner", "boa_profiler", "boa_tester", "boa_unicode", "boa_wasm", "boa_examples", ] [workspace.metadata.workspaces] allow_branch = "main" # The release profile, used for `cargo build --release`. [profile.release] # Enables "fat" LTO, for faster release builds lto = "fat" # Makes sure that all code is compiled together, for LTO codegen-units = 1 # The test profile, used for `cargo test`. [profile.test] # Enables thin local LTO and some optimizations. opt-level = 1 # The benchmark profile, used for `cargo bench`. [profile.bench] # Enables "fat" LTO, for faster benchmark builds lto = "fat" # Makes sure that all code is compiled together, for LTO codegen-units = 1