use crate::{ builtins::Number, check_output, exec, forward, forward_val, string::utf16, value::IntegerOrInfinity, Context, JsValue, TestAction, }; #[test] fn function_declaration_returns_undefined() { let scenario = r#" function abc() {} "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "undefined"); } #[test] fn empty_function_returns_undefined() { let scenario = "(function () {}) ()"; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "undefined"); } #[test] fn property_accessor_member_expression_dot_notation_on_string_literal() { let scenario = r#" typeof 'asd'.matchAll; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"function\""); } #[test] fn property_accessor_member_expression_bracket_notation_on_string_literal() { let scenario = r#" typeof 'asd'['matchAll']; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"function\""); } #[test] fn length_correct_value_on_string_literal() { let scenario = r#" 'hello'.length; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "5"); } #[test] fn property_accessor_member_expression_dot_notation_on_function() { let scenario = r#" function asd () {};; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"asd\""); } #[test] fn property_accessor_member_expression_bracket_notation_on_function() { let scenario = r#" function asd () {}; asd['name']; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"asd\""); } #[test] fn empty_let_decl_undefined() { let scenario = r#" let a; a === undefined; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "true"); } #[test] fn semicolon_expression_stop() { let scenario = r#" var a = 1; + 1; a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "1"); } #[test] fn empty_var_decl_undefined() { let scenario = r#" let b; b === undefined; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "true"); } #[test] fn identifier_on_global_object_undefined() { let scenario = r#" try { bar; } catch (err) { err.message } "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"bar is not defined\""); } #[test] fn object_field_set() { let scenario = r#" let m = {}; m['key'] = 22; m['key'] "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "22"); } #[test] fn object_spread() { let scenario = r#" var b = {x: -1, z: -3} var a = {x: 1, y: 2, ...b}; "#; check_output(&[ TestAction::Execute(scenario), TestAction::TestEq("a.x", "-1"), TestAction::TestEq("a.y", "2"), TestAction::TestEq("a.z", "-3"), ]); } #[test] fn spread_with_arguments() { let scenario = r#" const a = [1, "test", 3, 4]; function foo(...a) { return arguments; } var result = foo(...a); "#; check_output(&[ TestAction::Execute(scenario), TestAction::TestEq("result[0]", "1"), TestAction::TestEq("result[1]", "\"test\""), TestAction::TestEq("result[2]", "3"), TestAction::TestEq("result[3]", "4"), ]); } #[test] fn array_rest_with_arguments() { let scenario = r#" var b = [4, 5, 6] var a = [1, 2, 3, ...b]; "#; check_output(&[ TestAction::Execute(scenario), TestAction::TestEq("a", "[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]"), ]); } #[test] fn array_field_set() { let element_changes = r#" let m = [1, 2, 3]; m[1] = 5; m[1] "#; assert_eq!(&exec(element_changes), "5"); let length_changes = r#" let m = [1, 2, 3]; m[10] = 52; m.length "#; assert_eq!(&exec(length_changes), "11"); let negative_index_wont_affect_length = r#" let m = [1, 2, 3]; m[-11] = 5; m.length "#; assert_eq!(&exec(negative_index_wont_affect_length), "3"); let non_num_key_wont_affect_length = r#" let m = [1, 2, 3]; m["magic"] = 5; m.length "#; assert_eq!(&exec(non_num_key_wont_affect_length), "3"); } #[test] fn tilde_operator() { let float = r#" let f = -1.2; ~f "#; assert_eq!(&exec(float), "0"); let numeric = r#" let f = 1789; ~f "#; assert_eq!(&exec(numeric), "-1790"); let nan = r#" var m = NaN; ~m "#; assert_eq!(&exec(nan), "-1"); let object = r#" let m = {}; ~m "#; assert_eq!(&exec(object), "-1"); let boolean_true = r#" ~true "#; assert_eq!(&exec(boolean_true), "-2"); let boolean_false = r#" ~false "#; assert_eq!(&exec(boolean_false), "-1"); } #[test] fn early_return() { let early_return = r#" function early_return() { if (true) { return true; } return false; } early_return() "#; assert_eq!(&exec(early_return), "true"); let early_return = r#" function nested_fnct() { return "nested"; } function outer_fnct() { nested_fnct(); return "outer"; } outer_fnct() "#; assert_eq!(&exec(early_return), "\"outer\""); } #[test] fn short_circuit_evaluation() { // OR operation assert_eq!(&exec("true || true"), "true"); assert_eq!(&exec("true || false"), "true"); assert_eq!(&exec("false || true"), "true"); assert_eq!(&exec("false || false"), "false"); // the second operand must NOT be evaluated if the first one resolve to `true`. let short_circuit_eval = r#" function add_one(counter) { counter.value += 1; return true; } let counter = { value: 0 }; let _ = add_one(counter) || add_one(counter); counter.value "#; assert_eq!(&exec(short_circuit_eval), "1"); // the second operand must be evaluated if the first one resolve to `false`. let short_circuit_eval = r#" function add_one(counter) { counter.value += 1; return false; } let counter = { value: 0 }; let _ = add_one(counter) || add_one(counter); counter.value "#; assert_eq!(&exec(short_circuit_eval), "2"); // AND operation assert_eq!(&exec("true && true"), "true"); assert_eq!(&exec("true && false"), "false"); assert_eq!(&exec("false && true"), "false"); assert_eq!(&exec("false && false"), "false"); // the second operand must be evaluated if the first one resolve to `true`. let short_circuit_eval = r#" function add_one(counter) { counter.value += 1; return true; } let counter = { value: 0 }; let _ = add_one(counter) && add_one(counter); counter.value "#; assert_eq!(&exec(short_circuit_eval), "2"); // the second operand must NOT be evaluated if the first one resolve to `false`. let short_circuit_eval = r#" function add_one(counter) { counter.value += 1; return false; } let counter = { value: 0 }; let _ = add_one(counter) && add_one(counter); counter.value "#; assert_eq!(&exec(short_circuit_eval), "1"); } #[test] fn assign_operator_precedence() { let src = r#" let a = 1; a = a + 1; a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(src), "2"); } #[test] fn do_while_loop() { let simple_one = r#" a = 0; do { a += 1; } while (a < 10); a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(simple_one), "10"); let multiline_statement = r#" pow = 0; b = 1; do { pow += 1; b *= 2; } while (pow < 8); b "#; assert_eq!(&exec(multiline_statement), "256"); } #[test] fn do_while_loop_at_least_once() { let body_is_executed_at_least_once = r#" a = 0; do { a += 1; } while (false); a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(body_is_executed_at_least_once), "1"); } #[test] fn do_while_post_inc() { let with_post_incrementors = r#" var i = 0; do {} while(i++ < 10) i; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(with_post_incrementors), "11"); } #[test] fn do_while_in_block() { let in_block = r#" { var i = 0; do { i += 1; } while(false); i; } "#; assert_eq!(&exec(in_block), "1"); } #[test] fn for_loop() { let simple = r#" const a = ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']; let b = ''; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { b = b + a[i]; } b "#; assert_eq!(&exec(simple), "\"hello\""); let without_init_and_inc_step = r#" let a = 0; let i = 0; for (;i < 10;) { a = a + i; i++; } a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(without_init_and_inc_step), "45"); let body_should_not_execute_on_false_condition = r#" let a = 0 for (;false;) { a++; } a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(body_should_not_execute_on_false_condition), "0"); } #[test] fn for_loop_iteration_variable_does_not_leak() { let inner_scope = r#" for (let i = 0;false;) {} try { i } catch (err) { err.message } "#; assert_eq!(&exec(inner_scope), "\"i is not defined\""); } #[test] fn test_invalid_break_target() { let src = r#" while (false) { break nonexistent; } "#; assert!(Context::default().eval(src).is_err()); } #[test] fn test_invalid_break() { let mut context = Context::default(); let src = r#" break; "#; let string = forward(&mut context, src); assert_eq!( string, "Uncaught SyntaxError: unlabeled break must be inside loop or switch" ); } #[test] fn test_invalid_continue_target() { let mut context = Context::default(); let src = r#" while (false) { continue nonexistent; } "#; let string = forward(&mut context, src); assert_eq!( string, "Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use the undeclared label 'nonexistent'" ); } #[test] fn test_invalid_continue() { let mut context = Context::default(); let string = forward(&mut context, r"continue;"); assert_eq!(string, "Uncaught SyntaxError: continue must be inside loop"); } #[test] fn unary_pre() { let unary_inc = r#" let a = 5; ++a; a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(unary_inc), "6"); let unary_dec = r#" let a = 5; --a; a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(unary_dec), "4"); let inc_obj_prop = r#" const a = { b: 5 }; ++a.b; a['b']; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(inc_obj_prop), "6"); let inc_obj_field = r#" const a = { b: 5 }; ++a['b']; a.b; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(inc_obj_field), "6"); let execs_before_inc = r#" let a = 5; ++a === 6; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(execs_before_inc), "true"); let execs_before_dec = r#" let a = 5; --a === 4; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(execs_before_dec), "true"); } #[test] fn invalid_unary_access() { check_output(&[ TestAction::TestStartsWith("++[];", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("[]++;", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("--[];", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("[]--;", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), ]); } #[test] fn typeof_string() { let typeof_string = r#" const a = String(); typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_string), "\"string\""); } #[test] fn typeof_int() { let typeof_int = r#" let a = 5; typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_int), "\"number\""); } #[test] fn typeof_rational() { let typeof_rational = r#" let a = 0.5; typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_rational), "\"number\""); } #[test] fn typeof_undefined() { let typeof_undefined = r#" let a = undefined; typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_undefined), "\"undefined\""); } #[test] fn typeof_undefined_directly() { let typeof_undefined = r#" typeof undefined; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_undefined), "\"undefined\""); } #[test] fn typeof_boolean() { let typeof_boolean = r#" let a = true; typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_boolean), "\"boolean\""); } #[test] fn typeof_null() { let typeof_null = r#" let a = null; typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_null), "\"object\""); } #[test] fn typeof_object() { let typeof_object = r#" let a = {}; typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_object), "\"object\""); } #[test] fn typeof_symbol() { let typeof_symbol = r#" let a = Symbol(); typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_symbol), "\"symbol\""); } #[test] fn typeof_function() { let typeof_function = r#" let a = function(){}; typeof a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(typeof_function), "\"function\""); } #[test] fn unary_post() { let unary_inc = r#" let a = 5; a++; a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(unary_inc), "6"); let unary_dec = r#" let a = 5; a--; a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(unary_dec), "4"); let inc_obj_prop = r#" const a = { b: 5 }; a.b++; a['b']; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(inc_obj_prop), "6"); let inc_obj_field = r#" const a = { b: 5 }; a['b']++; a.b; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(inc_obj_field), "6"); let execs_after_inc = r#" let a = 5; a++ === 5; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(execs_after_inc), "true"); let execs_after_dec = r#" let a = 5; a-- === 5; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(execs_after_dec), "true"); } #[test] fn unary_void() { let void_should_return_undefined = r#" const a = 0; void a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(void_should_return_undefined), "undefined"); let void_invocation = r#" let a = 0; const test = () => a = 42; const b = void test() + ''; a + b "#; assert_eq!(&exec(void_invocation), "\"42undefined\""); } #[test] fn unary_delete() { let delete_var = r#" let a = 5; const b = delete a + ''; a + b "#; assert_eq!(&exec(delete_var), "\"5false\""); let delete_prop = r#" const a = { b: 5 }; const c = delete a.b + ''; a.b + c "#; assert_eq!(&exec(delete_prop), "\"undefinedtrue\""); let delete_not_existing_prop = r#" const a = { b: 5 }; const c = delete a.c + ''; a.b + c "#; assert_eq!(&exec(delete_not_existing_prop), "\"5true\""); let delete_field = r#" const a = { b: 5 }; const c = delete a['b'] + ''; a.b + c "#; assert_eq!(&exec(delete_field), "\"undefinedtrue\""); let delete_object = r#" const a = { b: 5 }; delete a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(delete_object), "false"); let delete_array = r#" delete []; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(delete_array), "true"); let delete_func = r#" delete function() {}; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(delete_func), "true"); let delete_recursive = r#" delete delete delete 1; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(delete_recursive), "true"); } #[cfg(test)] mod in_operator { use super::*; use crate::forward_val; #[test] fn propery_in_object() { let p_in_o = r#" var o = {a: 'a'}; var p = 'a'; p in o "#; assert_eq!(&exec(p_in_o), "true"); } #[test] fn property_in_property_chain() { let p_in_o = r#" var o = {}; var p = 'toString'; p in o "#; assert_eq!(&exec(p_in_o), "true"); } #[test] fn property_not_in_object() { let p_not_in_o = r#" var o = {a: 'a'}; var p = 'b'; p in o "#; assert_eq!(&exec(p_not_in_o), "false"); } #[test] fn number_in_array() { // Note: this is valid because the LHS is converted to a prop key with ToPropertyKey // and arrays are just fancy objects like {'0': 'a'} let num_in_array = r#" var n = 0; var a = ['a']; n in a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(num_in_array), "true"); } #[test] fn symbol_in_object() { let sym_in_object = r#" var sym = Symbol('hi'); var o = {}; o[sym] = 'hello'; sym in o "#; assert_eq!(&exec(sym_in_object), "true"); } #[test] fn should_type_error_when_rhs_not_object() { let scenario = r#" var x = false; try { 'fail' in undefined } catch(e) { x = true; } "#; check_output(&[ TestAction::Execute(scenario), TestAction::TestEq("x", "true"), ]); } #[test] fn should_set_this_value() { let scenario = r#" function Foo() { this.a = "a"; this.b = "b"; } var bar = new Foo(); "#; check_output(&[ TestAction::Execute(scenario), TestAction::TestEq("bar.a", "\"a\""), TestAction::TestEq("bar.b", "\"b\""), ]); } #[test] fn should_type_error_when_new_is_not_constructor() { let scenario = r#" const a = ""; new a(); "#; check_output(&[TestAction::TestEq( scenario, "Uncaught TypeError: not a constructor", )]); } #[test] fn new_instance_should_point_to_prototype() { // A new instance should point to a prototype object created with the constructor function let mut context = Context::default(); let scenario = r#" function Foo() {} var bar = new Foo(); "#; forward(&mut context, scenario); let bar_val = forward_val(&mut context, "bar").unwrap(); let bar_obj = bar_val.as_object().unwrap(); let foo_val = forward_val(&mut context, "Foo").unwrap(); assert_eq!( *bar_obj.prototype(), foo_val.as_object().and_then(|obj| obj .get("prototype", &mut context) .unwrap() .as_object() .cloned()) ); } } #[test] fn var_decl_hoisting_simple() { let scenario = r#" x = 5; var x; x; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "5"); } #[test] fn var_decl_hoisting_with_initialization() { let scenario = r#" x = 5; var x = 10; x; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "10"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn var_decl_hoisting_2_variables_hoisting() { let scenario = r#" x = y; var x = 10; var y = 5; x; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "10"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn var_decl_hoisting_2_variables_hoisting_2() { let scenario = r#" var x = y; var y = 5; x; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "undefined"); } #[test] #[ignore] fn var_decl_hoisting_2_variables_hoisting_3() { let scenario = r#" let y = x; x = 5; var x = 10; y; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "undefined"); } #[test] fn function_decl_hoisting() { let scenario = r#" let a = hello(); function hello() { return 5 } a; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "5"); let scenario = r#" x = hello(); function hello() {return 5} var x; x; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "5"); let scenario = r#" hello = function() { return 5 } x = hello(); x; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "5"); let scenario = r#" let x = b(); function a() {return 5} function b() {return a()} x; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "5"); let scenario = r#" let x = b(); function b() {return a()} function a() {return 5} x; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "5"); } #[test] fn to_bigint() { let mut context = Context::default(); assert!(JsValue::null().to_bigint(&mut context).is_err()); assert!(JsValue::undefined().to_bigint(&mut context).is_err()); assert!(JsValue::new(55).to_bigint(&mut context).is_err()); assert!(JsValue::new(10.0).to_bigint(&mut context).is_err()); assert!(JsValue::new("100").to_bigint(&mut context).is_ok()); } #[test] fn to_index() { let mut context = Context::default(); assert_eq!(JsValue::undefined().to_index(&mut context).unwrap(), 0); assert!(JsValue::new(-1).to_index(&mut context).is_err()); } #[test] fn to_integer_or_infinity() { let mut context = Context::default(); assert_eq!( JsValue::nan().to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context).unwrap(), 0 ); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(f64::NEG_INFINITY) .to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context) .unwrap(), IntegerOrInfinity::NegativeInfinity ); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(f64::INFINITY) .to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context) .unwrap(), IntegerOrInfinity::PositiveInfinity ); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(0.0) .to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context) .unwrap(), 0 ); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(-0.0) .to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context) .unwrap(), 0 ); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(20.9) .to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context) .unwrap(), 20 ); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(-20.9) .to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context) .unwrap(), -20 ); } #[test] fn to_length() { let mut context = Context::default(); assert_eq!(JsValue::new(f64::NAN).to_length(&mut context).unwrap(), 0); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(f64::NEG_INFINITY) .to_length(&mut context) .unwrap(), 0 ); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(f64::INFINITY).to_length(&mut context).unwrap(), Number::MAX_SAFE_INTEGER as u64 ); assert_eq!(JsValue::new(0.0).to_length(&mut context).unwrap(), 0); assert_eq!(JsValue::new(-0.0).to_length(&mut context).unwrap(), 0); assert_eq!(JsValue::new(20.9).to_length(&mut context).unwrap(), 20); assert_eq!(JsValue::new(-20.9).to_length(&mut context).unwrap(), 0); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(100000000000.0) .to_length(&mut context) .unwrap(), 100000000000 ); assert_eq!( JsValue::new(4010101101.0).to_length(&mut context).unwrap(), 4010101101 ); } #[test] fn to_int32() { let mut context = Context::default(); macro_rules! check_to_int32 { ($from:expr => $to:expr) => { assert_eq!(JsValue::new($from).to_i32(&mut context).unwrap(), $to); }; } check_to_int32!(f64::NAN => 0); check_to_int32!(f64::NEG_INFINITY => 0); check_to_int32!(f64::INFINITY => 0); check_to_int32!(0 => 0); check_to_int32!(-0.0 => 0); check_to_int32!(20.9 => 20); check_to_int32!(-20.9 => -20); check_to_int32!(Number::MIN_VALUE => 0); check_to_int32!(-Number::MIN_VALUE => 0); check_to_int32!(0.1 => 0); check_to_int32!(-0.1 => 0); check_to_int32!(1 => 1); check_to_int32!(1.1 => 1); check_to_int32!(-1 => -1); check_to_int32!(0.6 => 0); check_to_int32!(1.6 => 1); check_to_int32!(-0.6 => 0); check_to_int32!(-1.6 => -1); check_to_int32!(2147483647.0 => 2147483647); check_to_int32!(2147483648.0 => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(2147483649.0 => -2147483647); check_to_int32!(4294967295.0 => -1); check_to_int32!(4294967296.0 => 0); check_to_int32!(4294967297.0 => 1); check_to_int32!(-2147483647.0 => -2147483647); check_to_int32!(-2147483648.0 => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(-2147483649.0 => 2147483647); check_to_int32!(-4294967295.0 => 1); check_to_int32!(-4294967296.0 => 0); check_to_int32!(-4294967297.0 => -1); check_to_int32!(2147483648.25 => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(2147483648.5 => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(2147483648.75 => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(4294967295.25 => -1); check_to_int32!(4294967295.5 => -1); check_to_int32!(4294967295.75 => -1); check_to_int32!(3000000000.25 => -1294967296); check_to_int32!(3000000000.5 => -1294967296); check_to_int32!(3000000000.75 => -1294967296); check_to_int32!(-2147483648.25 => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(-2147483648.5 => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(-2147483648.75 => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(-4294967295.25 => 1); check_to_int32!(-4294967295.5 => 1); check_to_int32!(-4294967295.75 => 1); check_to_int32!(-3000000000.25 => 1294967296); check_to_int32!(-3000000000.5 => 1294967296); check_to_int32!(-3000000000.75 => 1294967296); let base = 2f64.powf(64.0); check_to_int32!(base + 0.0 => 0); check_to_int32!(base + 1117.0 => 0); check_to_int32!(base + 2234.0 => 4096); check_to_int32!(base + 3351.0 => 4096); check_to_int32!(base + 4468.0 => 4096); check_to_int32!(base + 5585.0 => 4096); check_to_int32!(base + 6702.0 => 8192); check_to_int32!(base + 7819.0 => 8192); check_to_int32!(base + 8936.0 => 8192); check_to_int32!(base + 10053.0 => 8192); check_to_int32!(base + 11170.0 => 12288); check_to_int32!(base + 12287.0 => 12288); check_to_int32!(base + 13404.0 => 12288); check_to_int32!(base + 14521.0 => 16384); check_to_int32!(base + 15638.0 => 16384); check_to_int32!(base + 16755.0 => 16384); check_to_int32!(base + 17872.0 => 16384); check_to_int32!(base + 18989.0 => 20480); check_to_int32!(base + 20106.0 => 20480); check_to_int32!(base + 21223.0 => 20480); check_to_int32!(base + 22340.0 => 20480); check_to_int32!(base + 23457.0 => 24576); check_to_int32!(base + 24574.0 => 24576); check_to_int32!(base + 25691.0 => 24576); check_to_int32!(base + 26808.0 => 28672); check_to_int32!(base + 27925.0 => 28672); check_to_int32!(base + 29042.0 => 28672); check_to_int32!(base + 30159.0 => 28672); check_to_int32!(base + 31276.0 => 32768); // bignum is (2^53 - 1) * 2^31 - highest number with bit 31 set. let bignum = 2f64.powf(84.0) - 2f64.powf(31.0); check_to_int32!(bignum => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(-bignum => -2147483648); check_to_int32!(2.0 * bignum => 0); check_to_int32!(-(2.0 * bignum) => 0); check_to_int32!(bignum - 2f64.powf(31.0) => 0); check_to_int32!(-(bignum - 2f64.powf(31.0)) => 0); // max_fraction is largest number below 1. let max_fraction = 1.0 - 2f64.powf(-53.0); check_to_int32!(max_fraction => 0); check_to_int32!(-max_fraction => 0); } #[test] fn to_string() { let mut context = Context::default(); assert_eq!( &JsValue::null().to_string(&mut context).unwrap(), utf16!("null") ); assert_eq!( &JsValue::undefined().to_string(&mut context).unwrap(), utf16!("undefined") ); assert_eq!( &JsValue::new(55).to_string(&mut context).unwrap(), utf16!("55") ); assert_eq!( &JsValue::new(55.0).to_string(&mut context).unwrap(), utf16!("55") ); assert_eq!( &JsValue::new("hello").to_string(&mut context).unwrap(), utf16!("hello") ); } #[test] fn calling_function_with_unspecified_arguments() { let mut context = Context::default(); let scenario = r#" function test(a, b) { return b; } test(10) "#; assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, scenario), "undefined"); } #[test] fn check_this_binding_in_object_literal() { let mut context = Context::default(); let init = r#" var foo = { a: 3, bar: function () { return this.a + 5 } }; "#; assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, init), "8"); } #[test] fn array_creation_benchmark() { let mut context = Context::default(); let init = r#" (function(){ let testArr = []; for (let a = 0; a <= 500; a++) { testArr[a] = ('p' + a); } return testArr; })(); "#; assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, init), "[ \"p0\", \"p1\", \"p2\", \"p3\", \"p4\", \"p5\", \"p6\", \"p7\", \"p8\", \"p9\", \"p10\", \"p11\", \"p12\", \"p13\", \"p14\", \"p15\", \"p16\", \"p17\", \"p18\", \"p19\", \"p20\", \"p21\", \"p22\", \"p23\", \"p24\", \"p25\", \"p26\", \"p27\", \"p28\", \"p29\", \"p30\", \"p31\", \"p32\", \"p33\", \"p34\", \"p35\", \"p36\", \"p37\", \"p38\", \"p39\", \"p40\", \"p41\", \"p42\", \"p43\", \"p44\", \"p45\", \"p46\", \"p47\", \"p48\", \"p49\", \"p50\", \"p51\", \"p52\", \"p53\", \"p54\", \"p55\", \"p56\", \"p57\", \"p58\", \"p59\", \"p60\", \"p61\", \"p62\", \"p63\", \"p64\", \"p65\", \"p66\", \"p67\", \"p68\", \"p69\", \"p70\", \"p71\", \"p72\", \"p73\", \"p74\", \"p75\", \"p76\", \"p77\", \"p78\", \"p79\", \"p80\", \"p81\", \"p82\", \"p83\", \"p84\", \"p85\", \"p86\", \"p87\", \"p88\", \"p89\", \"p90\", \"p91\", \"p92\", \"p93\", \"p94\", \"p95\", \"p96\", \"p97\", \"p98\", \"p99\", \"p100\", \"p101\", \"p102\", \"p103\", \"p104\", \"p105\", \"p106\", \"p107\", \"p108\", \"p109\", \"p110\", \"p111\", \"p112\", \"p113\", \"p114\", \"p115\", \"p116\", \"p117\", \"p118\", \"p119\", \"p120\", \"p121\", \"p122\", \"p123\", \"p124\", \"p125\", \"p126\", \"p127\", \"p128\", \"p129\", \"p130\", \"p131\", \"p132\", \"p133\", \"p134\", \"p135\", \"p136\", \"p137\", \"p138\", \"p139\", \"p140\", \"p141\", \"p142\", \"p143\", \"p144\", \"p145\", \"p146\", \"p147\", \"p148\", \"p149\", \"p150\", \"p151\", \"p152\", \"p153\", \"p154\", \"p155\", \"p156\", \"p157\", \"p158\", \"p159\", \"p160\", \"p161\", \"p162\", \"p163\", \"p164\", \"p165\", \"p166\", \"p167\", \"p168\", \"p169\", \"p170\", \"p171\", \"p172\", \"p173\", \"p174\", \"p175\", \"p176\", \"p177\", \"p178\", \"p179\", \"p180\", \"p181\", \"p182\", \"p183\", \"p184\", \"p185\", \"p186\", \"p187\", \"p188\", \"p189\", \"p190\", \"p191\", \"p192\", \"p193\", \"p194\", \"p195\", \"p196\", \"p197\", \"p198\", \"p199\", \"p200\", \"p201\", \"p202\", \"p203\", \"p204\", \"p205\", \"p206\", \"p207\", \"p208\", \"p209\", \"p210\", \"p211\", \"p212\", \"p213\", \"p214\", \"p215\", \"p216\", \"p217\", \"p218\", \"p219\", \"p220\", \"p221\", \"p222\", \"p223\", \"p224\", \"p225\", \"p226\", \"p227\", \"p228\", \"p229\", \"p230\", \"p231\", \"p232\", \"p233\", \"p234\", \"p235\", \"p236\", \"p237\", \"p238\", \"p239\", \"p240\", \"p241\", \"p242\", \"p243\", \"p244\", \"p245\", \"p246\", \"p247\", \"p248\", \"p249\", \"p250\", \"p251\", \"p252\", \"p253\", \"p254\", \"p255\", \"p256\", \"p257\", \"p258\", \"p259\", \"p260\", \"p261\", \"p262\", \"p263\", \"p264\", \"p265\", \"p266\", \"p267\", \"p268\", \"p269\", \"p270\", \"p271\", \"p272\", \"p273\", \"p274\", \"p275\", \"p276\", \"p277\", \"p278\", \"p279\", \"p280\", \"p281\", \"p282\", \"p283\", \"p284\", \"p285\", \"p286\", \"p287\", \"p288\", \"p289\", \"p290\", \"p291\", \"p292\", \"p293\", \"p294\", \"p295\", \"p296\", \"p297\", \"p298\", \"p299\", \"p300\", \"p301\", \"p302\", \"p303\", \"p304\", \"p305\", \"p306\", \"p307\", \"p308\", \"p309\", \"p310\", \"p311\", \"p312\", \"p313\", \"p314\", \"p315\", \"p316\", \"p317\", \"p318\", \"p319\", \"p320\", \"p321\", \"p322\", \"p323\", \"p324\", \"p325\", \"p326\", \"p327\", \"p328\", \"p329\", \"p330\", \"p331\", \"p332\", \"p333\", \"p334\", \"p335\", \"p336\", \"p337\", \"p338\", \"p339\", \"p340\", \"p341\", \"p342\", \"p343\", \"p344\", \"p345\", \"p346\", \"p347\", \"p348\", \"p349\", \"p350\", \"p351\", \"p352\", \"p353\", \"p354\", \"p355\", \"p356\", \"p357\", \"p358\", \"p359\", \"p360\", \"p361\", \"p362\", \"p363\", \"p364\", \"p365\", \"p366\", \"p367\", \"p368\", \"p369\", \"p370\", \"p371\", \"p372\", \"p373\", \"p374\", \"p375\", \"p376\", \"p377\", \"p378\", \"p379\", \"p380\", \"p381\", \"p382\", \"p383\", \"p384\", \"p385\", \"p386\", \"p387\", \"p388\", \"p389\", \"p390\", \"p391\", \"p392\", \"p393\", \"p394\", \"p395\", \"p396\", \"p397\", \"p398\", \"p399\", \"p400\", \"p401\", \"p402\", \"p403\", \"p404\", \"p405\", \"p406\", \"p407\", \"p408\", \"p409\", \"p410\", \"p411\", \"p412\", \"p413\", \"p414\", \"p415\", \"p416\", \"p417\", \"p418\", \"p419\", \"p420\", \"p421\", \"p422\", \"p423\", \"p424\", \"p425\", \"p426\", \"p427\", \"p428\", \"p429\", \"p430\", \"p431\", \"p432\", \"p433\", \"p434\", \"p435\", \"p436\", \"p437\", \"p438\", \"p439\", \"p440\", \"p441\", \"p442\", \"p443\", \"p444\", \"p445\", \"p446\", \"p447\", \"p448\", \"p449\", \"p450\", \"p451\", \"p452\", \"p453\", \"p454\", \"p455\", \"p456\", \"p457\", \"p458\", \"p459\", \"p460\", \"p461\", \"p462\", \"p463\", \"p464\", \"p465\", \"p466\", \"p467\", \"p468\", \"p469\", \"p470\", \"p471\", \"p472\", \"p473\", \"p474\", \"p475\", \"p476\", \"p477\", \"p478\", \"p479\", \"p480\", \"p481\", \"p482\", \"p483\", \"p484\", \"p485\", \"p486\", \"p487\", \"p488\", \"p489\", \"p490\", \"p491\", \"p492\", \"p493\", \"p494\", \"p495\", \"p496\", \"p497\", \"p498\", \"p499\", \"p500\" ]"); } #[test] fn array_pop_benchmark() { let mut context = Context::default(); let init = r#" (function(){ let testArray = [83, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28, 93, 27, 29, 2828, 234, 23, 56, 32, 56, 67, 77, 32, 45, 93, 17, 28, 83, 62, 99, 36, 28]; while (testArray.length > 0) { testArray.pop(); } return testArray; })(); "#; assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, init), "[]"); } #[test] fn number_object_access_benchmark() { let mut context = Context::default(); let init = r#" new Number( new Number( new Number( new Number(100).valueOf() - 10.5 ).valueOf() + 100 ).valueOf() * 1.6 ) "#; assert!(forward_val(&mut context, init).is_ok()); } #[test] fn not_a_function() { let init = r#" let a = {}; let b = true; "#; let scenario1 = r#" try { a(); } catch(e) { e.toString() } "#; let scenario2 = r#" try { a.a(); } catch(e) { e.toString() } "#; let scenario3 = r#" try { b(); } catch(e) { e.toString() } "#; check_output(&[ TestAction::Execute(init), TestAction::TestEq(scenario1, "\"TypeError: not a callable function\""), TestAction::TestEq(scenario2, "\"TypeError: not a callable function\""), TestAction::TestEq(scenario3, "\"TypeError: not a callable function\""), ]); } #[test] fn comma_operator() { let scenario = r#" var a, b; b = 10; a = (b++, b); a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "11"); let scenario = r#" var a, b; b = 10; a = (b += 5, b /= 3, b - 3); a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "2"); } #[test] fn assignment_to_non_assignable() { // Relates to the behaviour described at // let mut context = Context::default(); // Tests all assignment operators as per [spec] and [mdn] // // [mdn]: // [spec]: let test_cases = [ "3 -= 5", "3 *= 5", "3 /= 5", "3 %= 5", "3 &= 5", "3 ^= 5", "3 |= 5", "3 += 5", "3 = 5", ]; for case in &test_cases { let string = forward(&mut context, case); assert!(string.starts_with("Uncaught SyntaxError: ")); assert!(string.contains("1:3")); } } #[test] fn assignment_to_non_assignable_ctd() { check_output(&[ TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() -= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() *= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() /= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() %= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() &= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() ^= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() |= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() += 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() = 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), ]); } #[test] fn multicharacter_assignment_to_non_assignable() { // Relates to the behaviour described at // let mut context = Context::default(); let test_cases = ["3 **= 5", "3 <<= 5", "3 >>= 5"]; for case in &test_cases { let string = forward(&mut context, case); assert!(string.starts_with("Uncaught SyntaxError: ")); assert!(string.contains("1:3")); } } #[test] fn multicharacter_assignment_to_non_assignable_ctd() { check_output(&[ TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() **= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() <<= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() >>= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), ]); } #[test] fn multicharacter_bitwise_assignment_to_non_assignable() { let mut context = Context::default(); // Disabled - awaiting implementation. let test_cases = ["3 >>>= 5", "3 &&= 5", "3 ||= 5", "3 ??= 5"]; for case in &test_cases { let string = forward(&mut context, case); assert!(string.starts_with("Uncaught SyntaxError: ")); assert!(string.contains("1:3")); } } #[test] fn multicharacter_bitwise_assignment_to_non_assignable_ctd() { check_output(&[ TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() >>>= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() &&= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() ||= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("(()=>{})() ??= 5", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), ]); } #[test] fn assign_to_array_decl() { check_output(&[ TestAction::TestStartsWith("[1] = [2]", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("[3, 5] = [7, 8]", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("[6, 8] = [2]", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), TestAction::TestStartsWith("[6] = [2, 9]", "Uncaught SyntaxError: "), ]); } #[test] fn assign_to_object_decl() { const ERR_MSG: &str = "Uncaught SyntaxError: unexpected token '=', primary expression at line 1, col 8"; let mut context = Context::default(); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "{a: 3} = {a: 5};"), ERR_MSG); } #[test] fn multiline_str_concat() { let scenario = r#" let a = 'hello ' + 'world'; a"#; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"hello world\""); } #[test] fn test_result_of_empty_block() { let scenario = "{}"; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "undefined"); } #[test] fn test_undefined_constant() { let scenario = "undefined"; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "undefined"); } #[test] fn test_undefined_type() { let scenario = "typeof undefined"; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"undefined\""); } #[test] fn test_conditional_op() { let scenario = "1 === 2 ? 'a' : 'b'"; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "\"b\""); } #[test] fn test_identifier_op() { let scenario = "break = 1"; assert_eq!(&exec(scenario), "SyntaxError: expected token \'identifier\', got \'=\' in binding identifier at line 1, col 7"); } #[test] fn test_strict_mode_octal() { // Checks as per that 0 prefix // octal number literal syntax is a syntax error in strict mode. let scenario = r#" 'use strict'; var n = 023; "#; check_output(&[TestAction::TestStartsWith( scenario, "Uncaught SyntaxError: ", )]); } #[test] fn test_strict_mode_with() { // Checks as per // that a with statement is an error in strict mode code. let scenario = r#" 'use strict'; function f(x, o) { with (o) { console.log(x); } } "#; check_output(&[TestAction::TestStartsWith( scenario, "Uncaught SyntaxError: ", )]); } #[test] fn test_strict_mode_delete() { // Checks as per // that delete on a variable name is an error in strict mode code. let scenario = r#" 'use strict'; let x = 10; delete x; "#; check_output(&[TestAction::TestStartsWith( scenario, "Uncaught SyntaxError: ", )]); } #[test] fn test_strict_mode_reserved_name() { // Checks that usage of a reserved keyword for an identifier name is // an error in strict mode code as per let test_cases = [ "var implements = 10;", "var interface = 10;", "var package = 10;", "var private = 10;", "var protected = 10;", "var public = 10;", "var static = 10;", "var eval = 10;", "var arguments = 10;", "var let = 10;", "var yield = 10;", ]; for case in &test_cases { let mut context = Context::default(); let scenario = format!("'use strict'; \n {case}"); let string = forward(&mut context, &scenario); assert!(string.starts_with("Uncaught SyntaxError: ")); } } #[test] fn test_strict_mode_dup_func_parameters() { // Checks that a function cannot contain duplicate parameter // names in strict mode code as per let scenario = r#" 'use strict'; function f(a, b, b) {} "#; check_output(&[TestAction::TestStartsWith( scenario, "Uncaught SyntaxError: ", )]); } #[test] fn test_empty_statement() { let src = r#" ;;;let a = 10;; if(a) ; a "#; assert_eq!(&exec(src), "10"); } #[test] fn test_labelled_block() { let src = r#" let result = true; { let x = 2; L: { let x = 3; result &&= (x === 3); break L; result &&= (false); } result &&= (x === 2); } result; "#; assert_eq!(&exec(src), "true"); }