use boa_engine::{ object::{FunctionBuilder, JsArray}, Context, JsValue, }; fn main() -> Result<(), JsValue> { // We create a new `Context` to create a new Javascript executor. let context = &mut Context::default(); // Create an empty array. let array = JsArray::new(context); assert!(array.is_empty(context)?); array.push("Hello, world", context)?; // [ "Hello, world" ] array.push(true, context)?; // [ "Hello, world", true ] assert!(!array.is_empty(context)?); assert_eq!(array.pop(context)?, JsValue::new(true)); // [ "Hello, world" ] assert_eq!(array.pop(context)?, JsValue::new("Hello, world")); // [ ] assert_eq!(array.pop(context)?, JsValue::undefined()); // [ ] array.push(1, context)?; // [ 1 ] assert_eq!(array.pop(context)?, JsValue::new(1)); // [ ] assert_eq!(array.pop(context)?, JsValue::undefined()); // [ ] array.push_items( &[ JsValue::new(10), JsValue::new(11), JsValue::new(12), JsValue::new(13), JsValue::new(14), ], context, )?; // [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ] array.reverse(context)?; // [ 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 ] assert_eq!(array.index_of(12, None, context)?, Some(2)); // We can also use JsObject method `.get()` through the Deref trait. let element = array.get(2, context)?; // array[ 0 ] assert_eq!(element, JsValue::new(12)); // Or we can use the `.at(index)` method. assert_eq!(, context)?, JsValue::new(14)); // first element assert_eq!(, context)?, JsValue::new(10)); // last element // Join the array with an optional separator (default ","). let joined_array = array.join(None, context)?; assert_eq!(joined_array, "14,13,12,11,10"); array.fill(false, Some(1), Some(4), context)?; let joined_array = array.join(Some("::".into()), context)?; assert_eq!(joined_array, "14::false::false::false::10"); let filter_callback = FunctionBuilder::native(context, |_this, args, _context| { Ok(args.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_default().is_number().into()) }) .build(); let map_callback = FunctionBuilder::native(context, |_this, args, context| { args.get(0) .cloned() .unwrap_or_default() .pow(&JsValue::new(2), context) }) .build(); let mut data = Vec::new(); for i in 1..=5 { data.push(JsValue::new(i)); } let another_array = JsArray::from_iter(data, context); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] let chained_array = array // [ 14, false, false, false, 10 ] .filter(filter_callback, None, context)? // [ 14, 10 ] .map(map_callback, None, context)? // [ 196, 100 ] .sort(None, context)? // [ 100, 196 ] .concat(&[another_array.into()], context)? // [ 100, 196, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] .slice(Some(1), Some(5), context)?; // [ 196, 1, 2, 3 ] assert_eq!(chained_array.join(None, context)?, "196,1,2,3"); let reduce_callback = FunctionBuilder::native(context, |_this, args, context| { let accumulator = args.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); let value = args.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); accumulator.add(&value, context) }) .build(); assert_eq!( chained_array.reduce(reduce_callback, Some(JsValue::new(0)), context)?, JsValue::new(202) ); context .global_object() .clone() .set("myArray", array, true, context)?; Ok(()) }