#![allow(clippy::float_cmp)] use super::*; use crate::{forward, forward_val, Context}; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; #[test] fn is_object() { let context = Context::new(); let val = Value::new_object(&context); assert_eq!(val.is_object(), true); } #[test] fn string_to_value() { let s = String::from("Hello"); let v = Value::from(s); assert_eq!(v.is_string(), true); assert_eq!(v.is_null(), false); } #[test] fn undefined() { let u = Value::Undefined; assert_eq!(u.get_type(), Type::Undefined); assert_eq!(u.display().to_string(), "undefined"); } #[test] fn get_set_field() { let mut context = Context::new(); let obj = Value::new_object(&context); // Create string and convert it to a Value let s = Value::from("bar"); obj.set_field("foo", s, &mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!( obj.get_field("foo", &mut context) .unwrap() .display() .to_string(), "\"bar\"" ); } #[test] fn integer_is_true() { assert_eq!(Value::from(1).to_boolean(), true); assert_eq!(Value::from(0).to_boolean(), false); assert_eq!(Value::from(-1).to_boolean(), true); } #[test] fn number_is_true() { assert_eq!(Value::from(1.0).to_boolean(), true); assert_eq!(Value::from(0.1).to_boolean(), true); assert_eq!(Value::from(0.0).to_boolean(), false); assert_eq!(Value::from(-0.0).to_boolean(), false); assert_eq!(Value::from(-1.0).to_boolean(), true); assert_eq!(Value::from(NAN).to_boolean(), false); } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Equality_comparisons_and_sameness #[test] fn abstract_equality_comparison() { let mut context = Context::new(); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "undefined == undefined"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "null == null"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "true == true"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "false == false"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "'foo' == 'foo'"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "0 == 0"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "+0 == -0"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "+0 == 0"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "-0 == 0"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "0 == false"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "'' == false"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "'' == 0"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "'17' == 17"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "[1,2] == '1,2'"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "new String('foo') == 'foo'"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "null == undefined"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "undefined == null"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "null == false"), "false"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "[] == ![]"), "true"); assert_eq!( forward( &mut context, "a = { foo: 'bar' }; b = { foo: 'bar'}; a == b" ), "false" ); assert_eq!( forward(&mut context, "new String('foo') == new String('foo')"), "false" ); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "0 == null"), "false"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "0 == '-0'"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "0 == '+0'"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "'+0' == 0"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "'-0' == 0"), "true"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "0 == NaN"), "false"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "'foo' == NaN"), "false"); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "NaN == NaN"), "false"); assert_eq!( forward( &mut context, "Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY" ), "true" ); assert_eq!( forward( &mut context, "Number.NEGAVIVE_INFINITY === Number.NEGAVIVE_INFINITY" ), "true" ); } /// Helper function to get the hash of a `Value`. fn hash_value(value: &Value) -> u64 { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); value.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() } #[test] fn hash_undefined() { let value1 = Value::undefined(); let value_clone = value1.clone(); assert_eq!(value1, value_clone); let value2 = Value::undefined(); assert_eq!(value1, value2); assert_eq!(hash_value(&value1), hash_value(&value_clone)); assert_eq!(hash_value(&value2), hash_value(&value_clone)); } #[test] #[allow(clippy::eq_op)] fn hash_rational() { let value1 = Value::rational(1.0); let value2 = Value::rational(1.0); assert_eq!(value1, value2); assert_eq!(hash_value(&value1), hash_value(&value2)); let nan = Value::nan(); assert_eq!(nan, nan); assert_eq!(hash_value(&nan), hash_value(&nan)); assert_ne!(hash_value(&nan), hash_value(&Value::rational(1.0))); } #[test] #[allow(clippy::eq_op)] fn hash_object() { let object1 = Value::object(Object::default()); assert_eq!(object1, object1); assert_eq!(object1, object1.clone()); let object2 = Value::object(Object::default()); assert_ne!(object1, object2); assert_eq!(hash_value(&object1), hash_value(&object1.clone())); assert_ne!(hash_value(&object1), hash_value(&object2)); } #[test] fn get_types() { let mut context = Context::new(); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "undefined").unwrap().get_type(), Type::Undefined ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "1").unwrap().get_type(), Type::Number ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "1.5").unwrap().get_type(), Type::Number ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "BigInt(\"123442424242424424242424242\")") .unwrap() .get_type(), Type::BigInt ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "true").unwrap().get_type(), Type::Boolean ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "false").unwrap().get_type(), Type::Boolean ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "function foo() {console.log(\"foo\");}") .unwrap() .get_type(), Type::Undefined ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "null").unwrap().get_type(), Type::Null ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "var x = {arg: \"hi\", foo: \"hello\"}; x") .unwrap() .get_type(), Type::Object ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "\"Hi\"").unwrap().get_type(), Type::String ); assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut context, "Symbol()").unwrap().get_type(), Type::Symbol ); } #[test] fn to_string() { let f64_to_str = |f| Value::Rational(f).display().to_string(); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(f64::NAN), "NaN"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(0.0), "0"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(f64::INFINITY), "Infinity"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(f64::NEG_INFINITY), "-Infinity"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(90.12), "90.12"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(111111111111111111111.0), "111111111111111110000"); assert_eq!( f64_to_str(1111111111111111111111.0), "1.1111111111111111e+21" ); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(-90.12), "-90.12"); assert_eq!( f64_to_str(-111111111111111111111.0), "-111111111111111110000" ); assert_eq!( f64_to_str(-1111111111111111111111.0), "-1.1111111111111111e+21" ); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(0.0000001), "1e-7"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(0.000001), "0.000001"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(0.0000002), "2e-7"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(-0.0000001), "-1e-7"); assert_eq!(f64_to_str(3e50), "3e+50"); } #[test] fn string_length_is_not_enumerable() { let mut context = Context::new(); let object = Value::from("foo").to_object(&mut context).unwrap(); let length_desc = object .get_own_property(&PropertyKey::from("length")) .unwrap(); assert!(!length_desc.enumerable()); } #[test] fn string_length_is_in_utf16_codeunits() { let mut context = Context::new(); // 😀 is one Unicode code point, but 2 UTF-16 code units let object = Value::from("😀").to_object(&mut context).unwrap(); let length_desc = object .get_own_property(&PropertyKey::from("length")) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( length_desc .as_data_descriptor() .unwrap() .value() .to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context) .unwrap(), IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(2) ); } #[test] fn add_number_and_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "1 + 2").unwrap(); let value = value.to_i32(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, 3); } #[test] fn add_number_and_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "1 + \" + 2 = 3\"").unwrap(); let value = value.to_string(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, "1 + 2 = 3"); } #[test] fn add_string_and_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "\"Hello\" + \", world\"").unwrap(); let value = value.to_string(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, "Hello, world"); } #[test] fn add_number_object_and_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "new Number(10) + 6").unwrap(); let value = value.to_i32(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, 16); } #[test] fn add_number_object_and_string_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "new Number(10) + new String(\"0\")").unwrap(); let value = value.to_string(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, "100"); } #[test] fn sub_number_and_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "1 - 999").unwrap(); let value = value.to_i32(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, -998); } #[test] fn sub_number_object_and_number_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "new Number(1) - new Number(999)").unwrap(); let value = value.to_i32(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, -998); } #[test] fn sub_string_and_number_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "'Hello' - new Number(999)").unwrap(); let value = value.to_number(&mut context).unwrap(); assert!(value.is_nan()); } #[test] fn div_by_zero() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "1 / 0").unwrap(); let value = value.to_number(&mut context).unwrap(); assert!(value.is_infinite()); } #[test] fn rem_by_zero() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "1 % 0").unwrap(); let value = value.to_number(&mut context).unwrap(); assert!(value.is_nan()); } #[test] fn bitand_integer_and_integer() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "0xFFFF & 0xFF").unwrap(); let value = value.to_i32(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, 255); } #[test] fn bitand_integer_and_rational() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "0xFFFF & 255.5").unwrap(); let value = value.to_i32(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, 255); } #[test] fn bitand_rational_and_rational() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "255.772 & 255.5").unwrap(); let value = value.to_i32(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, 255); } #[test] #[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] fn pow_number_and_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "3 ** 3").unwrap(); let value = value.to_number(&mut context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, 27.0); } #[test] fn pow_number_and_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "3 ** 'Hello'").unwrap(); let value = value.to_number(&mut context).unwrap(); assert!(value.is_nan()); } #[test] fn assign_pow_number_and_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val( &mut context, r" let a = 3; a **= 'Hello' a ", ) .unwrap(); let value = value.to_number(&mut context).unwrap(); assert!(value.is_nan()); } #[test] fn display_string() { let s = String::from("Hello"); let v = Value::from(s); assert_eq!(v.display().to_string(), "\"Hello\""); } #[test] fn display_array_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "[\"Hello\"]").unwrap(); assert_eq!(value.display().to_string(), "[ \"Hello\" ]"); } #[test] fn display_boolean_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); let d_obj = r#" let bool = new Boolean(0); bool "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, d_obj).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value.display().to_string(), "Boolean { false }") } #[test] fn display_number_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); let d_obj = r#" let num = new Number(3.14); num "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, d_obj).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value.display().to_string(), "Number { 3.14 }") } #[test] fn display_negative_zero_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); let d_obj = r#" let num = new Number(-0); num "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, d_obj).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value.display().to_string(), "Number { -0 }") } #[test] fn debug_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); let value = forward_val(&mut context, "new Array([new Date()])").unwrap(); // We don't care about the contents of the debug display (it is *debug* after all). In the commit that this test was // added, this would cause a stack overflow, so executing Debug::fmt is the assertion. // // However, we want to make sure that no data is being left in the internal hashset, so executing this twice should // result in the same output. assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", value), format!("{:?}", value)); } #[test] #[ignore] // TODO: Once objects are printed in a simpler way this test can be simplified and used fn display_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); let d_obj = r#" let o = {a: 'a'}; o "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, d_obj).unwrap(); assert_eq!( value.display().to_string(), r#"{ a: "a", __proto__: { constructor: { setPrototypeOf: { length: 2 }, prototype: [Cycle], name: "Object", length: 1, defineProperty: { length: 3 }, getPrototypeOf: { length: 1 }, is: { length: 2 }, __proto__: { constructor: { name: "Function", prototype: [Cycle], length: 1, __proto__: undefined }, __proto__: undefined } }, hasOwnProperty: { length: 0 }, propertyIsEnumerable: { length: 0 }, toString: { length: 0 } } }"# ); } #[test] fn to_integer_or_infinity() { let mut context = Context::new(); assert_eq!( Value::undefined().to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(0)) ); assert_eq!( Value::from(NAN).to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(0)) ); assert_eq!( Value::from(0.0).to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(0)) ); assert_eq!( Value::from(-0.0).to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(0)) ); assert_eq!( Value::from(f64::INFINITY).to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::PositiveInfinity) ); assert_eq!( Value::from(f64::NEG_INFINITY).to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::NegativeInfinity) ); assert_eq!( Value::from(10).to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(10)) ); assert_eq!( Value::from(11.0).to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(11)) ); assert_eq!( Value::from("12").to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(12)) ); assert_eq!( Value::from(true).to_integer_or_infinity(&mut context), Ok(IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(1)) ); } #[test] fn test_accessors() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let arr = []; let a = { get b() { return "c" }, set b(value) { arr = arr.concat([value]) }} ; a.b = "a"; "#; context.eval(src).unwrap(); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "a.b"), r#""c""#); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "arr"), r#"[ "a" ]"#); } #[test] fn to_primitive() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let a = {}; a[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() { return 42; }; let primitive = a + 0; "#; context.eval(src).unwrap(); assert_eq!(forward(&mut context, "primitive"), "42"); } /// Test cyclic conversions that previously caused stack overflows /// Relevant mitigations for these are in `GcObject::ordinary_to_primitive` and /// `GcObject::to_json` mod cyclic_conversions { use super::*; #[test] fn to_json_cyclic() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let a = []; a[0] = a; JSON.stringify(a) "#; assert_eq!( forward(&mut context, src), r#"Uncaught "TypeError": "cyclic object value""#, ); } #[test] fn to_json_noncyclic() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let b = []; let a = [b, b]; JSON.stringify(a) "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, src).unwrap(); let result = value.as_string().unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, "[[],[]]",); } // These tests don't throw errors. Instead we mirror Chrome / Firefox behavior for these conversions #[test] fn to_string_cyclic() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let a = []; a[0] = a; a.toString() "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, src).unwrap(); let result = value.as_string().unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, ""); } #[test] fn to_number_cyclic() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let a = []; a[0] = a; +a "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, src).unwrap(); let result = value.as_number().unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, 0.0); } #[test] fn to_boolean_cyclic() { // this already worked before the mitigation, but we don't want to cause a regression let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let a = []; a[0] = a; !!a "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, src).unwrap(); // There isn't an as_boolean function for some reason? assert_eq!(value, Value::Boolean(true)); } #[test] fn to_bigint_cyclic() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let a = []; a[0] = a; BigInt(a) "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, src).unwrap(); let result = value.as_bigint().unwrap().to_f64(); assert_eq!(result, 0.); } #[test] fn to_u32_cyclic() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let a = []; a[0] = a; a | 0 "#; let value = forward_val(&mut context, src).unwrap(); let result = value.as_number().unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, 0.); } #[test] fn console_log_cyclic() { let mut context = Context::new(); let src = r#" let a = [1]; a[1] = a; console.log(a); "#; let _ = forward(&mut context, src); // Should not stack overflow } } mod abstract_relational_comparison { use super::*; macro_rules! check_comparison { ($context:ident, $string:expr => $expect:expr) => { assert_eq!( forward_val(&mut $context, $string).unwrap().to_boolean(), $expect ); }; } #[test] fn number_less_than_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1 < 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2 < 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "3 < 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2 < 2.5" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2.5 < 2" => false); } #[test] fn string_less_than_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'1' < 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'2' < 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'3' < 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'2' < 2.5" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'2.5' < 2" => false); } #[test] fn number_less_than_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1 < '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2 < '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "3 < '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2 < '2.5'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2.5 < '2'" => false); } #[test] fn number_object_less_than_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(1) < '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) < '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(3) < '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) < '2.5'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2.5) < '2'" => false); } #[test] fn number_object_less_than_number_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(1) < new Number(2)" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) < new Number(2)" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(3) < new Number(2)" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) < new Number(2.5)" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2.5) < new Number(2)" => false); } #[test] fn string_less_than_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'hello' < 'hello'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'hell' < 'hello'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'hello, world' < 'world'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'aa' < 'ab'" => true); } #[test] fn string_object_less_than_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello') < 'hello'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hell') < 'hello'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello, world') < 'world'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('aa') < 'ab'" => true); } #[test] fn string_object_less_than_string_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello') < new String('hello')" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hell') < new String('hello')" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello, world') < new String('world')" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('aa') < new String('ab')" => true); } #[test] fn bigint_less_than_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1n < 10" => true); check_comparison!(context, "10n < 10" => false); check_comparison!(context, "100n < 10" => false); check_comparison!(context, "10n < 10.9" => true); } #[test] fn number_less_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "10 < 1n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "1 < 1n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "-1 < -1n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "-1.9 < -1n" => true); } #[test] fn negative_infnity_less_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "-Infinity < -10000000000n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "-Infinity < (-1n << 100n)" => true); } #[test] fn bigint_less_than_infinity() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n < NaN" => false); check_comparison!(context, "(1n << 100n) < NaN" => false); } #[test] fn nan_less_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "NaN < -10000000000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "NaN < (-1n << 100n)" => false); } #[test] fn bigint_less_than_nan() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n < Infinity" => true); check_comparison!(context, "(1n << 100n) < Infinity" => true); } #[test] fn bigint_less_than_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n < '1000'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "1000n < '2000'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "1n < '-1'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2n < '-1'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "-100n < 'InvalidBigInt'" => false); } #[test] fn string_less_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'1000' < 1000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'2000' < 1000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'500' < 1000n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'-1' < 1n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'-1' < 2n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'InvalidBigInt' < -100n" => false); } // ------------------------------------------- #[test] fn number_less_than_or_equal_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1 <= 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2 <= 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "3 <= 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2 <= 2.5" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2.5 <= 2" => false); } #[test] fn string_less_than_or_equal_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'1' <= 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'2' <= 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'3' <= 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'2' <= 2.5" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'2.5' < 2" => false); } #[test] fn number_less_than_or_equal_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1 <= '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2 <= '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "3 <= '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2 <= '2.5'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2.5 <= '2'" => false); } #[test] fn number_object_less_than_or_equal_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(1) <= '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) <= '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(3) <= '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) <= '2.5'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2.5) <= '2'" => false); } #[test] fn number_object_less_than_number_or_equal_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(1) <= new Number(2)" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) <= new Number(2)" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(3) <= new Number(2)" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) <= new Number(2.5)" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2.5) <= new Number(2)" => false); } #[test] fn string_less_than_or_equal_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'hello' <= 'hello'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'hell' <= 'hello'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'hello, world' <= 'world'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'aa' <= 'ab'" => true); } #[test] fn string_object_less_than_or_equal_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello') <= 'hello'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hell') <= 'hello'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello, world') <= 'world'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('aa') <= 'ab'" => true); } #[test] fn string_object_less_than_string_or_equal_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello') <= new String('hello')" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hell') <= new String('hello')" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello, world') <= new String('world')" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('aa') <= new String('ab')" => true); } #[test] fn bigint_less_than_or_equal_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1n <= 10" => true); check_comparison!(context, "10n <= 10" => true); check_comparison!(context, "100n <= 10" => false); check_comparison!(context, "10n <= 10.9" => true); } #[test] fn number_less_than_or_equal_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "10 <= 1n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "1 <= 1n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "-1 <= -1n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "-1.9 <= -1n" => true); } #[test] fn negative_infnity_less_than_or_equal_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "-Infinity <= -10000000000n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "-Infinity <= (-1n << 100n)" => true); } #[test] fn bigint_less_than_or_equal_infinity() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n <= NaN" => false); check_comparison!(context, "(1n << 100n) <= NaN" => false); } #[test] fn nan_less_than_or_equal_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "NaN <= -10000000000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "NaN <= (-1n << 100n)" => false); } #[test] fn bigint_less_than_or_equal_nan() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n <= Infinity" => true); check_comparison!(context, "(1n << 100n) <= Infinity" => true); } #[test] fn bigint_less_than_or_equal_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n <= '1000'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "1000n <= '2000'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "1n <= '-1'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2n <= '-1'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "-100n <= 'InvalidBigInt'" => false); } #[test] fn string_less_than_or_equal_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'1000' <= 1000n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'2000' <= 1000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'500' <= 1000n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'-1' <= 1n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'-1' <= 2n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'InvalidBigInt' <= -100n" => false); } // ------------------------------------------- #[test] fn number_greater_than_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1 > 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2 > 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "3 > 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2 > 2.5" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2.5 > 2" => true); } #[test] fn string_greater_than_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'1' > 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'2' > 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'3' > 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'2' > 2.5" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'2.5' > 2" => true); } #[test] fn number_less_greater_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1 > '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2 > '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "3 > '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2 > '2.5'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2.5 > '2'" => true); } #[test] fn number_object_greater_than_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(1) > '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) > '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(3) > '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) > '2.5'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2.5) > '2'" => true); } #[test] fn number_object_greater_than_number_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(1) > new Number(2)" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) > new Number(2)" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(3) > new Number(2)" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) > new Number(2.5)" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2.5) > new Number(2)" => true); } #[test] fn string_greater_than_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'hello' > 'hello'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'hell' > 'hello'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'hello, world' > 'world'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'aa' > 'ab'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'ab' > 'aa'" => true); } #[test] fn string_object_greater_than_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello') > 'hello'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hell') > 'hello'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello, world') > 'world'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('aa') > 'ab'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('ab') > 'aa'" => true); } #[test] fn string_object_greater_than_string_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello') > new String('hello')" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hell') > new String('hello')" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello, world') > new String('world')" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('aa') > new String('ab')" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('ab') > new String('aa')" => true); } #[test] fn bigint_greater_than_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1n > 10" => false); check_comparison!(context, "10n > 10" => false); check_comparison!(context, "100n > 10" => true); check_comparison!(context, "10n > 10.9" => false); } #[test] fn number_greater_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "10 > 1n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "1 > 1n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "-1 > -1n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "-1.9 > -1n" => false); } #[test] fn negative_infnity_greater_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "-Infinity > -10000000000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "-Infinity > (-1n << 100n)" => false); } #[test] fn bigint_greater_than_infinity() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n > NaN" => false); check_comparison!(context, "(1n << 100n) > NaN" => false); } #[test] fn nan_greater_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "NaN > -10000000000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "NaN > (-1n << 100n)" => false); } #[test] fn bigint_greater_than_nan() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n > Infinity" => false); check_comparison!(context, "(1n << 100n) > Infinity" => false); } #[test] fn bigint_greater_than_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n > '1000'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "1000n > '2000'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "1n > '-1'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2n > '-1'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "-100n > 'InvalidBigInt'" => false); } #[test] fn string_greater_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'1000' > 1000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'2000' > 1000n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'500' > 1000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'-1' > 1n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'-1' > 2n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'InvalidBigInt' > -100n" => false); } // ---------------------------------------------- #[test] fn number_greater_than_or_equal_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1 >= 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2 >= 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "3 >= 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2 >= 2.5" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2.5 >= 2" => true); } #[test] fn string_greater_than_or_equal_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'1' >= 2" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'2' >= 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'3' >= 2" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'2' >= 2.5" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'2.5' >= 2" => true); } #[test] fn number_less_greater_or_equal_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1 >= '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2 >= '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "3 >= '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2 >= '2.5'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "2.5 >= '2'" => true); } #[test] fn number_object_greater_than_or_equal_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(1) >= '2'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) >= '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(3) >= '2'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) >= '2.5'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2.5) >= '2'" => true); } #[test] fn number_object_greater_than_or_equal_number_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(1) >= new Number(2)" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) >= new Number(2)" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(3) >= new Number(2)" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2) >= new Number(2.5)" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new Number(2.5) >= new Number(2)" => true); } #[test] fn string_greater_than_or_equal_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'hello' >= 'hello'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'hell' >= 'hello'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'hello, world' >= 'world'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'aa' >= 'ab'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'ab' >= 'aa'" => true); } #[test] fn string_object_greater_or_equal_than_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello') >= 'hello'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hell') >= 'hello'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello, world') >= 'world'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('aa') >= 'ab'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('ab') >= 'aa'" => true); } #[test] fn string_object_greater_than_or_equal_string_object() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello') >= new String('hello')" => true); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hell') >= new String('hello')" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('hello, world') >= new String('world')" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('aa') >= new String('ab')" => false); check_comparison!(context, "new String('ab') >= new String('aa')" => true); } #[test] fn bigint_greater_than_or_equal_number() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1n >= 10" => false); check_comparison!(context, "10n >= 10" => true); check_comparison!(context, "100n >= 10" => true); check_comparison!(context, "10n >= 10.9" => false); } #[test] fn number_greater_than_or_equal_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "10 >= 1n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "1 >= 1n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "-1 >= -1n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "-1.9 >= -1n" => false); } #[test] fn negative_infnity_greater_or_equal_than_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "-Infinity >= -10000000000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "-Infinity >= (-1n << 100n)" => false); } #[test] fn bigint_greater_than_or_equal_infinity() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n >= NaN" => false); check_comparison!(context, "(1n << 100n) >= NaN" => false); } #[test] fn nan_greater_than_or_equal_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "NaN >= -10000000000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "NaN >= (-1n << 100n)" => false); } #[test] fn bigint_greater_than_or_equal_nan() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n >= Infinity" => false); check_comparison!(context, "(1n << 100n) >= Infinity" => false); } #[test] fn bigint_greater_than_or_equal_string() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "1000n >= '1000'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "1000n >= '2000'" => false); check_comparison!(context, "1n >= '-1'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "2n >= '-1'" => true); check_comparison!(context, "-100n >= 'InvalidBigInt'" => false); } #[test] fn string_greater_than_or_equal_bigint() { let mut context = Context::new(); check_comparison!(context, "'1000' >= 1000n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'2000' >= 1000n" => true); check_comparison!(context, "'500' >= 1000n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'-1' >= 1n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'-1' >= 2n" => false); check_comparison!(context, "'InvalidBigInt' >= -100n" => false); } }