#![allow(unused_crate_dependencies, missing_docs)] //! Benchmarks of the whole execution engine in Boa. use boa_engine::{ context::DefaultHooks, object::shape::RootShape, optimizer::OptimizerOptions, realm::Realm, script::Script, Context, Source, }; use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use std::hint::black_box; #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_os = "linux", target_env = "gnu"))] #[cfg_attr( all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_os = "linux", target_env = "gnu"), global_allocator )] static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc; fn create_realm(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("Create Realm", move |b| { let root_shape = RootShape::default(); b.iter(|| Realm::create(&DefaultHooks, &root_shape)); }); } macro_rules! full_benchmarks { ($({$id:literal, $name:ident}),*) => { fn bench_parser(c: &mut Criterion) { $( { static CODE: &str = include_str!(concat!("bench_scripts/", stringify!($name), ".js")); let mut context = Context::default(); // Disable optimizations context.set_optimizer_options(OptimizerOptions::empty()); c.bench_function(concat!($id, " (Parser)"), move |b| { b.iter(|| { Script::parse( black_box(Source::from_bytes(CODE)), None, &mut context, ).unwrap() }) }); } )* } fn bench_compile(c: &mut Criterion) { $( { static CODE: &str = include_str!(concat!("bench_scripts/", stringify!($name), ".js")); let context = &mut Context::default(); // Disable optimizations context.set_optimizer_options(OptimizerOptions::empty()); let script = Script::parse( black_box(Source::from_bytes(CODE)), None, context, ).unwrap(); c.bench_function(concat!($id, " (Compiler)"), move |b| { b.iter(|| { script.codeblock(context).unwrap() }) }); } )* } fn bench_execution(c: &mut Criterion) { $( { static CODE: &str = include_str!(concat!("bench_scripts/", stringify!($name), ".js")); let context = &mut Context::default(); // Disable optimizations context.set_optimizer_options(OptimizerOptions::empty()); let script = Script::parse( black_box(Source::from_bytes(CODE)), None, context, ).unwrap(); script.codeblock(context).unwrap(); c.bench_function(concat!($id, " (Execution)"), move |b| { b.iter(|| { script.evaluate(context).unwrap(); }) }); } )* } }; } full_benchmarks!( {"Symbols", symbol_creation}, {"For loop", for_loop}, {"Fibonacci", fibonacci}, {"Object Creation", object_creation}, {"Static Object Property Access", object_prop_access_const}, {"Dynamic Object Property Access", object_prop_access_dyn}, {"RegExp Literal Creation", regexp_literal_creation}, {"RegExp Creation", regexp_creation}, {"RegExp Literal", regexp_literal}, {"RegExp", regexp}, {"Array access", array_access}, {"Array creation", array_create}, {"Array pop", array_pop}, {"String concatenation", string_concat}, {"String comparison", string_compare}, {"String copy", string_copy}, {"Number Object Access", number_object_access}, {"Boolean Object Access", boolean_object_access}, {"String Object Access", string_object_access}, {"Arithmetic operations", arithmetic_operations}, {"Clean js", clean_js}, {"Mini js", mini_js} ); criterion_group!( benches, create_realm, bench_parser, bench_compile, bench_execution, ); criterion_main!(benches);