# Not implemented yet: flags = [] features = [ # Non-implemented features: "json-modules", "SharedArrayBuffer", "resizable-arraybuffer", "Temporal", "ShadowRealm", "FinalizationRegistry", "Atomics", "decorators", "array-grouping", "IsHTMLDDA", "legacy-regexp", "symbols-as-weakmap-keys", # Non-implemented Intl features "intl-normative-optional", "Intl.DurationFormat", "Intl.DisplayNames", "Intl.RelativeTimeFormat", # Stage 3 proposals # https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-locale-info "Intl.Locale-info", # https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-enumeration "Intl-enumeration", # https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-from-async "Array.fromAsync", # Non-standard "caller", # RegExp tests that check individual codepoints. # They are not useful considering the cpu time they waste. "regexp-unicode-property-escapes", ] # RegExp tests that check individual codepoints. # They are not useful considering the cpu time they waste. tests = ["CharacterClassEscapes", "NumberFormat"]