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Add more utility traits and funtions to boa_interop (#3773)

* Add more utility traits and funtions to boa_interop

* cargo clippy

* Readd the safe version for Fn which also implements Copy

* Use a new trait for converting a Rust type to a JsResult<JsValue>

* cargo clippy

* Add a test for returning result and Fn()

* Seal both IntoJsFunction and IntoJsFunctionUnsafe

* Try Borrowing and return a nice error instead of panicking

* Address comments

* Rename into_js_function to into_js_function_copied

* Move TryIntoJsResult to boa_engine

* Move JsRest to be at the end only of arguments and add JsAll

* use from_copy_closure and remove unsafe
Hans Larsen 4 weeks ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
  1. 16
  2. 33
  3. 240
  4. 396


@ -141,6 +141,22 @@ pub use prelude::*;
/// The result of a Javascript expression is represented like this so it can succeed (`Ok`) or fail (`Err`)
pub type JsResult<T> = StdResult<T, JsError>;
/// Create a [`JsResult`] from a Rust value. This trait is used to
/// convert Rust types to JS types, including [`JsResult`] of
/// Rust values and [`JsValue`]s.
/// This trait is implemented for any that can be converted into a [`JsValue`].
pub trait TryIntoJsResult {
/// Try to convert a Rust value into a `JsResult<JsValue>`.
/// # Errors
/// Any parsing errors that may occur during the conversion, or any
/// error that happened during the call to a function.
fn try_into_js_result(self, context: &mut Context) -> JsResult<JsValue>;
mod try_into_js_result_impls;
/// A utility trait to make working with function arguments easier.
pub trait JsArgs {
/// Utility function to `get` a parameter from a `[JsValue]` or default to `JsValue::Undefined`


@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
//! Declare implementations of [`TryIntoJsResult`] trait for various types.
use crate::{Context, JsResult, JsValue, TryIntoJsResult};
impl<T> TryIntoJsResult for T
T: Into<JsValue>,
fn try_into_js_result(self, _cx: &mut Context) -> JsResult<JsValue> {
impl<T> TryIntoJsResult for Option<T>
T: TryIntoJsResult,
fn try_into_js_result(self, cx: &mut Context) -> JsResult<JsValue> {
match self {
Some(value) => value.try_into_js_result(cx),
None => Ok(JsValue::undefined()),
impl<T> TryIntoJsResult for JsResult<T>
T: TryIntoJsResult,
fn try_into_js_result(self, cx: &mut Context) -> JsResult<JsValue> {
self.and_then(|value| value.try_into_js_result(cx))


@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
//! Implementations of the `IntoJsFunction` trait for various function signatures.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use boa_engine::{js_string, Context, JsError, NativeFunction, TryIntoJsResult};
use crate::private::IntoJsFunctionSealed;
use crate::{IntoJsFunctionCopied, JsRest, TryFromJsArgument, UnsafeIntoJsFunction};
/// A token to represent the context argument in the function signature.
/// This should not be used directly and has no external meaning.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ContextArgToken;
macro_rules! impl_into_js_function {
($($id: ident: $t: ident),*) => {
impl<$($t,)* R, T> IntoJsFunctionSealed<($($t,)*), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: FnMut($($t,)*) -> R + 'static
impl<$($t,)* R, T> IntoJsFunctionSealed<($($t,)* ContextArgToken,), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: FnMut($($t,)* &mut Context) -> R + 'static
impl<$($t,)* R, T> IntoJsFunctionSealed<($($t,)* JsRest,), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: FnMut($($t,)* JsRest) -> R + 'static
impl<$($t,)* R, T> IntoJsFunctionSealed<($($t,)* JsRest, ContextArgToken), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: FnMut($($t,)* JsRest, &mut Context) -> R + 'static
impl<$($t,)* R, T> UnsafeIntoJsFunction<($($t,)*), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: FnMut($($t,)*) -> R + 'static,
unsafe fn into_js_function_unsafe(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let s = RefCell::new(self);
unsafe {
NativeFunction::from_closure(move |this, args, ctx| {
let rest = args;
let ($id, rest) = $t::try_from_js_argument(this, rest, ctx)?;
match s.try_borrow_mut() {
Ok(mut r) => r( $($id,)* ).try_into_js_result(ctx),
Err(_) => {
Err(JsError::from_opaque(js_string!("recursive calls to this function not supported").into()))
impl<$($t,)* R, T> UnsafeIntoJsFunction<($($t,)* JsRest,), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: FnMut($($t,)* JsRest) -> R + 'static,
unsafe fn into_js_function_unsafe(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let s = RefCell::new(self);
unsafe {
NativeFunction::from_closure(move |this, args, ctx| {
let rest = args;
let ($id, rest) = $t::try_from_js_argument(this, rest, ctx)?;
match s.try_borrow_mut() {
Ok(mut r) => r( $($id,)* rest.into() ).try_into_js_result(ctx),
Err(_) => {
Err(JsError::from_opaque(js_string!("recursive calls to this function not supported").into()))
impl<$($t,)* R, T> UnsafeIntoJsFunction<($($t,)* ContextArgToken,), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: FnMut($($t,)* &mut Context) -> R + 'static,
unsafe fn into_js_function_unsafe(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let s = RefCell::new(self);
unsafe {
NativeFunction::from_closure(move |this, args, ctx| {
let rest = args;
let ($id, rest) = $t::try_from_js_argument(this, rest, ctx)?;
let r = s.borrow_mut()( $($id,)* ctx);
impl<$($t,)* R, T> UnsafeIntoJsFunction<($($t,)* JsRest, ContextArgToken), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: FnMut($($t,)* JsRest, &mut Context) -> R + 'static,
unsafe fn into_js_function_unsafe(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let s = RefCell::new(self);
unsafe {
NativeFunction::from_closure(move |this, args, ctx| {
let rest = args;
let ($id, rest) = $t::try_from_js_argument(this, rest, ctx)?;
let r = s.borrow_mut()( $($id,)* rest.into(), ctx);
// Safe versions for `Fn(..) -> ...`.
impl<$($t,)* R, T> IntoJsFunctionCopied<($($t,)*), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: Fn($($t,)*) -> R + 'static + Copy,
fn into_js_function_copied(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let s = self;
NativeFunction::from_copy_closure(move |this, args, ctx| {
let rest = args;
let ($id, rest) = $t::try_from_js_argument(this, rest, ctx)?;
let r = s( $($id,)* );
impl<$($t,)* R, T> IntoJsFunctionCopied<($($t,)* JsRest,), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: Fn($($t,)* JsRest) -> R + 'static + Copy,
fn into_js_function_copied(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let s = self;
NativeFunction::from_copy_closure(move |this, args, ctx| {
let rest = args;
let ($id, rest) = $t::try_from_js_argument(this, rest, ctx)?;
let r = s( $($id,)* rest.into() );
impl<$($t,)* R, T> IntoJsFunctionCopied<($($t,)* ContextArgToken,), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: Fn($($t,)* &mut Context) -> R + 'static + Copy,
fn into_js_function_copied(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let s = self;
NativeFunction::from_copy_closure(move |this, args, ctx| {
let rest = args;
let ($id, rest) = $t::try_from_js_argument(this, rest, ctx)?;
let r = s( $($id,)* ctx);
impl<$($t,)* R, T> IntoJsFunctionCopied<($($t,)* JsRest, ContextArgToken), R> for T
$($t: TryFromJsArgument + 'static,)*
R: TryIntoJsResult,
T: Fn($($t,)* JsRest, &mut Context) -> R + 'static + Copy,
fn into_js_function_copied(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let s = self;
NativeFunction::from_copy_closure(move |this, args, ctx| {
let rest = args;
let ($id, rest) = $t::try_from_js_argument(this, rest, ctx)?;
let r = s( $($id,)* rest.into(), ctx);
// Currently implemented up to 12 arguments. The empty argument list
// is implemented separately above.
// Consider that JsRest and JsThis are part of this list, but Context
// is not, as it is a special specialization of the template.
impl_into_js_function!(a: A);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I, j: J);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I, j: J, k: K);
impl_into_js_function!(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I, j: J, k: K, l: L);


@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
//! Interop utilities between Boa and its host.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use boa_engine::module::SyntheticModuleInitializer;
use boa_engine::{Context, JsString, JsValue, Module, NativeFunction};
use boa_engine::value::TryFromJs;
use boa_engine::{Context, JsResult, JsString, JsValue, Module, NativeFunction};
pub mod loaders;
/// Internal module only.
pub(crate) mod private {
/// A sealed trait to prevent users from implementing the `IntoJsModuleFunction`
/// and `IntoJsFunctionUnsafe` traits to their own types.
pub trait IntoJsFunctionSealed<A, R> {}
/// A trait to convert a type into a JS module.
pub trait IntoJsModule {
/// Converts the type into a JS module.
@ -40,37 +46,271 @@ impl<T: IntoIterator<Item = (JsString, NativeFunction)> + Clone> IntoJsModule fo
/// This trait does not require the implementing type to be `Copy`, which
/// can lead to undefined behaviour if it contains Garbage Collected objects.
/// # Safety
/// For this trait to be implemented safely, the implementing type must not contain any
/// garbage collected objects (from [`boa_gc`]).
pub unsafe trait IntoJsFunctionUnsafe {
/// This trait is implemented for functions with various signatures.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// # use boa_engine::{Context, JsValue, NativeFunction};
/// # use boa_interop::UnsafeIntoJsFunction;
/// # let mut context = Context::default();
/// let f = |a: i32, b: i32| a + b;
/// let f = unsafe { f.into_js_function_unsafe(&mut context) };
/// let result =, &[JsValue::from(1), JsValue::from(2)], &mut context).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, JsValue::new(3));
/// ```
/// Since the `IntoJsFunctionUnsafe` trait is implemented for `FnMut`, you can
/// also use closures directly:
/// ```
/// # use boa_engine::{Context, JsValue, NativeFunction};
/// # use boa_interop::UnsafeIntoJsFunction;
/// # use std::cell::RefCell;
/// # use std::rc::Rc;
/// # let mut context = Context::default();
/// let mut x = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
/// // Because NativeFunction takes ownership of the closure,
/// // the compiler cannot be certain it won't outlive `x`, so
/// // we need to create a `Rc<RefCell>` and share it.
/// let f = unsafe {
/// let x = x.clone();
/// move |a: i32| *x.borrow_mut() += a
/// };
/// let f = unsafe { f.into_js_function_unsafe(&mut context) };
///, &[JsValue::from(1)], &mut context).unwrap();
///, &[JsValue::from(4)], &mut context).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(*x.borrow(), 5);
/// ```
pub trait UnsafeIntoJsFunction<Args, Ret>: private::IntoJsFunctionSealed<Args, Ret> {
/// Converts the type into a JS function.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe to ensure the callee knows the risks of using this trait.
/// The implementing type must not contain any garbage collected objects.
unsafe fn into_js_function(self, context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction;
unsafe fn into_js_function_unsafe(self, context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction;
/// The safe equivalent of the [`UnsafeIntoJsFunction`] trait.
/// This can only be used on closures that have the `Copy` trait.
/// Since this function is implemented for `Fn(...)` closures, we can use
/// it directly when defining a function:
/// ```
/// # use boa_engine::{Context, JsValue, NativeFunction};
/// # use boa_interop::IntoJsFunctionCopied;
/// # let mut context = Context::default();
/// let f = |a: i32, b: i32| a + b;
/// let f = f.into_js_function_copied(&mut context);
/// let result =
/// &JsValue::undefined(),
/// &[JsValue::from(1), JsValue::from(2)],
/// &mut context
/// ).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, JsValue::new(3));
/// ```
pub trait IntoJsFunctionCopied<Args, Ret>: private::IntoJsFunctionSealed<Args, Ret> + Copy {
/// Converts the type into a JS function.
fn into_js_function_copied(self, context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction;
/// Create a Rust value from a JS argument. This trait is used to
/// convert arguments from JS to Rust types. It allows support
/// for optional arguments or rest arguments.
pub trait TryFromJsArgument: Sized {
/// Try to convert a JS argument into a Rust value, returning the
/// value and the rest of the arguments to be parsed.
/// # Errors
/// Any parsing errors that may occur during the conversion.
fn try_from_js_argument<'a>(
this: &'a JsValue,
rest: &'a [JsValue],
context: &mut Context,
) -> JsResult<(Self, &'a [JsValue])>;
impl<T: TryFromJs> TryFromJsArgument for T {
fn try_from_js_argument<'a>(
_: &'a JsValue,
rest: &'a [JsValue],
context: &mut Context,
) -> JsResult<(Self, &'a [JsValue])> {
match rest.split_first() {
Some((first, rest)) => Ok((first.try_js_into(context)?, rest)),
None => T::try_from_js(&JsValue::undefined(), context).map(|v| (v, rest)),
/// An argument that when used in a JS function will empty the list
/// of JS arguments as `JsValue`s. This can be used for having the
/// rest of the arguments in a function. It should be the last
/// argument of your function, before the `Context` argument if any.
/// For example,
/// ```
/// # use boa_engine::{Context, JsValue};
/// # use boa_interop::{IntoJsFunctionCopied, JsRest};
/// # let mut context = Context::default();
/// let sums = (|args: JsRest, context: &mut Context| -> i32 {
/// args.iter().map(|i| i.try_js_into::<i32>(context).unwrap()).sum::<i32>()
/// }).into_js_function_copied(&mut context);
/// let result =
/// &JsValue::undefined(),
/// &[JsValue::from(1), JsValue::from(2), JsValue::from(3)],
/// &mut context
/// ).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, JsValue::new(6));
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct JsRest(pub Vec<JsValue>);
impl JsRest {
/// Consumes the `JsRest` and returns the inner list of `JsValue`.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> Vec<JsValue> {
/// Returns an iterator over the inner list of `JsValue`.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &JsValue> {
/// Returns a mutable iterator over the inner list of `JsValue`.
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut JsValue> {
/// Returns the length of the inner list of `JsValue`.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns `true` if the inner list of `JsValue` is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl From<&[JsValue]> for JsRest {
fn from(values: &[JsValue]) -> Self {
impl IntoIterator for JsRest {
type Item = JsValue;
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<JsValue>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
/// An argument that when used in a JS function will capture all
/// the arguments that can be converted to `T`. The first argument
/// that cannot be converted to `T` will stop the conversion.
/// For example,
/// ```
/// # use boa_engine::{Context, JsValue};
/// # use boa_interop::{IntoJsFunctionCopied, JsAll};
/// # let mut context = Context::default();
/// let sums = (|args: JsAll<i32>, context: &mut Context| -> i32 {
/// args.iter().sum()
/// }).into_js_function_copied(&mut context);
/// let result =
/// &JsValue::undefined(),
/// &[JsValue::from(1), JsValue::from(2), JsValue::from(3), JsValue::Boolean(true), JsValue::from(4)],
/// &mut context
/// ).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, JsValue::new(6));
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct JsAll<T: TryFromJs>(pub Vec<T>);
impl<T: TryFromJs> JsAll<T> {
/// Consumes the `JsAll` and returns the inner list of `T`.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> Vec<T> {
/// Returns an iterator over the inner list of `T`.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
/// Returns a mutable iterator over the inner list of `T`.
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut T> {
/// Returns the length of the inner list of `T`.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns `true` if the inner list of `T` is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
unsafe impl<T: FnMut() + 'static> IntoJsFunctionUnsafe for T {
unsafe fn into_js_function(self, _context: &mut Context) -> NativeFunction {
let cell = RefCell::new(self);
unsafe {
NativeFunction::from_closure(move |_, _, _| {
impl<T: TryFromJs> TryFromJsArgument for JsAll<T> {
fn try_from_js_argument<'a>(
_this: &'a JsValue,
mut rest: &'a [JsValue],
context: &mut Context,
) -> JsResult<(Self, &'a [JsValue])> {
let mut values = Vec::new();
while !rest.is_empty() {
match rest[0].try_js_into(context) {
Ok(value) => {
rest = &rest[1..];
Err(_) => break,
Ok((JsAll(values), rest))
/// Captures the `this` value in a JS function. Although this can be
/// specified multiple times as argument, it will always be filled
/// with clone of the same value.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct JsThis<T: TryFromJs>(pub T);
impl<T: TryFromJs> TryFromJsArgument for JsThis<T> {
fn try_from_js_argument<'a>(
this: &'a JsValue,
rest: &'a [JsValue],
context: &mut Context,
) -> JsResult<(Self, &'a [JsValue])> {
Ok((JsThis(this.try_js_into(context)?), rest))
// Implement `IntoJsFunction` for functions with a various list of
// arguments.
mod into_js_function_impls;
pub fn into_js_module() {
use boa_engine::builtins::promise::PromiseState;
use boa_engine::{js_string, JsValue, Source};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
let loader = Rc::new(loaders::HashMapModuleLoader::new());
let mut context = Context::builder()
@ -78,29 +318,58 @@ pub fn into_js_module() {
let foo_count = Rc::new(AtomicU32::new(0));
let bar_count = Rc::new(AtomicU32::new(0));
let foo_count = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
let bar_count = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
let dad_count = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
let result = Rc::new(RefCell::new(JsValue::undefined()));
let module = unsafe {
let counter = foo_count.clone();
move || {
*counter.borrow_mut() += 1;
let result = *counter.borrow();
.into_js_function_unsafe(&mut context),
let counter = foo_count.clone();
move || {
counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let counter = bar_count.clone();
move |i: i32| {
*counter.borrow_mut() += i;
&mut context,
let counter = bar_count.clone();
move || {
counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let counter = dad_count.clone();
move |args: JsRest, context: &mut Context| {
*counter.borrow_mut() += args
.map(|i| i.try_js_into::<i32>(context).unwrap())
&mut context,
let result = result.clone();
move |value: JsValue| {
*result.borrow_mut() = value;
&mut context,
@ -116,11 +385,15 @@ pub fn into_js_module() {
import * as test from 'test';
let result =;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {;;
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {;
for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {, 2, 3);
let root_module = Module::parse(source, None, &mut context).unwrap();
@ -129,11 +402,58 @@ pub fn into_js_module() {
// Checking if the final promise didn't return an error.
let PromiseState::Fulfilled(v) = promise_result.state() else {
panic!("module didn't execute successfully!")
"module didn't execute successfully! Promise: {:?}",
assert_eq!(foo_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
assert_eq!(bar_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 10);
assert_eq!(v, JsValue::undefined());
assert_eq!(*foo_count.borrow(), 2);
assert_eq!(*bar_count.borrow(), 15);
assert_eq!(*dad_count.borrow(), 24);
assert_eq!(result.borrow().clone().try_js_into(&mut context), Ok(1u32));
fn can_throw_exception() {
use boa_engine::{js_string, JsError, JsValue, Source};
use std::rc::Rc;
let loader = Rc::new(loaders::HashMapModuleLoader::new());
let mut context = Context::builder()
let module = vec![(
|message: JsValue| -> JsResult<()> { Err(JsError::from_opaque(message)) },
&mut context,
.into_js_module(&mut context);
loader.register(js_string!("test"), module);
let source = Source::from_bytes(
import * as test from 'test';
try {
} catch(e) {
throw 'from ' + e;
let root_module = Module::parse(source, None, &mut context).unwrap();
let promise_result = root_module.load_link_evaluate(&mut context);
// Checking if the final promise didn't return an error.
Some(&JsString::from("from javascript").into())
