@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use std ::path ::{ Path , PathBuf } ;
use std ::path ::{ Component , Path , PathBuf } ;
use rustc_hash ::FxHashMap ;
@ -13,6 +13,97 @@ use crate::{
use super ::Module ;
/// Resolves paths from the referrer and the specifier, normalize the paths and ensure the path
/// is within a base. If the base is empty, that last verification will be skipped.
/// The returned specifier is a resolved absolute path that is guaranteed to be
/// a descendant of `base`. All path component that are either empty or `.` and
/// `..` have been resolved.
/// # Errors
/// This predicate will return an error if the specifier is relative but the referrer
/// does not have a path, or if the resolved path is outside `base`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
/// # {
/// # use std::path::Path;
/// # use boa_engine::{Context, js_string};
/// # use boa_engine::module::resolve_module_specifier;
/// assert_eq!(
/// resolve_module_specifier(
/// Some(Path::new("/base")),
/// &js_string!("../a.js"),
/// Some(Path::new("/base/hello/ref.js")),
/// &mut Context::default()
/// ),
/// Ok("/base/a.js".into())
/// );
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn resolve_module_specifier (
base : Option < & Path > ,
specifier : & JsString ,
referrer : Option < & Path > ,
_context : & mut Context ,
) -> JsResult < PathBuf > {
let base = base . map_or_else ( | | PathBuf ::from ( "" ) , PathBuf ::from ) ;
let referrer_dir = referrer . and_then ( | p | p . parent ( ) ) ;
let specifier = specifier . to_std_string_escaped ( ) ;
let short_path = Path ::new ( & specifier ) ;
// In ECMAScript, a path is considered relative if it starts with
// `./` or `../`. In Rust it's any path that start with `/`.
let is_relative = short_path . starts_with ( "." ) | | short_path . starts_with ( ".." ) ;
let long_path = if is_relative {
if let Some ( r_path ) = referrer_dir {
base . join ( r_path ) . join ( short_path )
} else {
return Err ( JsError ::from_opaque (
js_string ! ( "relative path without referrer" ) . into ( ) ,
) ) ;
} else {
base . join ( & specifier )
} ;
if long_path . is_relative ( ) {
return Err ( JsError ::from_opaque (
js_string ! ( "resolved path is relative" ) . into ( ) ,
) ) ;
// Normalize the path. We cannot use `canonicalize` here because it will fail
// if the path doesn't exist.
let path = long_path
. components ( )
. filter ( | c | c ! = & Component ::CurDir | | c = = & Component ::Normal ( "" . as_ref ( ) ) )
. try_fold ( PathBuf ::new ( ) , | mut acc , c | {
if c = = Component ::ParentDir {
if acc . as_os_str ( ) . is_empty ( ) {
return Err ( JsError ::from_opaque (
js_string ! ( "path is outside the module root" ) . into ( ) ,
) ) ;
acc . pop ( ) ;
} else {
acc . push ( c ) ;
Ok ( acc )
} ) ? ;
if path . starts_with ( & base ) {
Ok ( path )
} else {
Err ( JsError ::from_opaque (
js_string ! ( "path is outside the module root" ) . into ( ) ,
) )
/// The referrer from which a load request of a module originates.
#[ derive(Debug, Clone) ]
pub enum Referrer {
@ -31,7 +122,7 @@ impl Referrer {
match self {
Self ::Module ( module ) = > module . path ( ) ,
Self ::Realm ( _ ) = > None ,
Self ::Script ( _ script) = > None ,
Self ::Script ( script ) = > script . path ( ) ,
@ -194,53 +285,21 @@ impl ModuleLoader for SimpleModuleLoader {
context : & mut Context ,
) {
let result = ( | | {
// If the referrer has a path, we use it as the base for the specifier.
let path = specifier
. to_std_string ( )
. map_err ( | err | JsNativeError ::typ ( ) . with_message ( err . to_string ( ) ) ) ? ;
let short_path = Path ::new ( & path ) ;
let path = if let Some ( p ) = referrer . path ( ) . and_then ( | p | p . parent ( ) ) {
let root = if p . is_absolute ( ) {
p . to_path_buf ( )
} else {
self . root . join ( p )
} ;
root . join ( short_path )
} else {
self . root . join ( short_path )
} ;
// Make sure we don't exit the root.
if ! path . starts_with ( & self . root ) {
return Err ( JsNativeError ::typ ( )
. with_message ( format! (
"path `{}` is outside the module root" ,
path . display ( )
) )
. into ( ) ) ;
let path = path . canonicalize ( ) . map_err ( | err | {
JsNativeError ::typ ( )
. with_message ( format! (
"could not canonicalize path `{}`" ,
short_path . display ( )
) )
. with_cause ( JsError ::from_opaque ( js_string ! ( err . to_string ( ) ) . into ( ) ) )
} ) ? ;
let short_path = specifier . to_std_string_escaped ( ) ;
let path =
resolve_module_specifier ( Some ( & self . root ) , & specifier , referrer . path ( ) , context ) ? ;
if let Some ( module ) = self . get ( & path ) {
return Ok ( module ) ;
let source = Source ::from_filepath ( & path ) . map_err ( | err | {
JsNativeError ::typ ( )
. with_message ( format! ( "could not open file `{}`" , short_path . display ( ) ) )
. with_message ( format! ( "could not open file `{short_path}`" ) )
. with_cause ( JsError ::from_opaque ( js_string ! ( err . to_string ( ) ) . into ( ) ) )
} ) ? ;
let module = Module ::parse ( source , None , context ) . map_err ( | err | {
JsNativeError ::syntax ( )
. with_message ( format! ( "could not parse module `{}`" , short_path . display ( ) ) )
. with_message ( format! ( "could not parse module `{short_path}`" ) )
. with_cause ( err )
} ) ? ;
self . insert ( path , module . clone ( ) ) ;
@ -250,3 +309,82 @@ impl ModuleLoader for SimpleModuleLoader {
finish_load ( result , context ) ;
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
use std ::path ::PathBuf ;
use test_case ::test_case ;
use super ::* ;
// Tests on Windows and Linux are different because of the path separator and the definition
// of absolute paths.
#[ rustfmt::skip ]
#[ cfg(target_family = " unix " ) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " /hello/ref.js " ), " a.js " , Ok( " /base/a.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " /base/ref.js " ), " ./b.js " , Ok( " /base/b.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " /base/other/ref.js " ), " ./c.js " , Ok( " /base/other/c.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " /base/other/ref.js " ), " ../d.js " , Ok( " /base/d.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " /base/ref.js " ), " e.js " , Ok( " /base/e.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " /base/ref.js " ), " ./f.js " , Ok( " /base/f.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " ./ref.js " ), " ./g.js " , Ok( " /base/g.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " ./other/ref.js " ), " ./other/h.js " , Ok( " /base/other/other/h.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " ./other/ref.js " ), " ./other/../h1.js " , Ok( " /base/other/h1.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " ./other/ref.js " ), " ./../h2.js " , Ok( " /base/h2.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(None, " ./i.js " , Err(())) ]
#[ test_case(None, " j.js " , Ok( " /base/j.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(None, " other/k.js " , Ok( " /base/other/k.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(None, " other/../../l.js " , Err(())) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " /base/ref.js " ), " other/../../m.js " , Err(())) ]
#[ test_case(None, " ../n.js " , Err(())) ]
fn resolve_test ( ref_path : Option < & str > , spec : & str , expected : Result < & str , ( ) > ) {
let base = PathBuf ::from ( "/base" ) ;
let mut context = Context ::default ( ) ;
let spec = js_string ! ( spec ) ;
let ref_path = ref_path . map ( PathBuf ::from ) ;
let actual = resolve_module_specifier (
Some ( & base ) ,
& spec ,
ref_path . as_deref ( ) ,
& mut context ,
) ;
assert_eq! ( actual . map_err ( | _ | ( ) ) , expected . map ( PathBuf ::from ) ) ;
#[ rustfmt::skip ]
#[ cfg(target_family = " windows " ) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " a: \\ hello \\ ref.js " ), " a.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ a.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " a: \\ base \\ ref.js " ), " . \\ b.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ b.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " a: \\ base \\ other \\ ref.js " ), " . \\ c.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ other \\ c.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " a: \\ base \\ other \\ ref.js " ), " .. \\ d.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ d.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " a: \\ base \\ ref.js " ), " e.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ e.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " a: \\ base \\ ref.js " ), " . \\ f.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ f.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " . \\ ref.js " ), " . \\ g.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ g.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " . \\ other \\ ref.js " ), " . \\ other \\ h.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ other \\ other \\ h.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " . \\ other \\ ref.js " ), " . \\ other \\ .. \\ h1.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ other \\ h1.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " . \\ other \\ ref.js " ), " . \\ .. \\ h2.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ h2.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(None, " . \\ i.js " , Err(())) ]
#[ test_case(None, " j.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ j.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(None, " other \\ k.js " , Ok( " a: \\ base \\ other \\ k.js " )) ]
#[ test_case(None, " other \\ .. \\ .. \\ l.js " , Err(())) ]
#[ test_case(Some( " \\ base \\ ref.js " ), " other \\ .. \\ .. \\ m.js " , Err(())) ]
#[ test_case(None, " .. \\ n.js " , Err(())) ]
fn resolve_test ( ref_path : Option < & str > , spec : & str , expected : Result < & str , ( ) > ) {
let base = PathBuf ::from ( "a:\\base" ) ;
let mut context = Context ::default ( ) ;
let spec = js_string ! ( spec ) ;
let ref_path = ref_path . map ( PathBuf ::from ) ;
let actual = resolve_module_specifier (
Some ( & base ) ,
& spec ,
ref_path . as_deref ( ) ,
& mut context ,
) ;
assert_eq! ( actual . map_err ( | _ | ( ) ) , expected . map ( PathBuf ::from ) ) ;