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Fix remaining TypedArray bugs (#3186)

raskad 1 year ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 18
  2. 527
  3. 15
  4. 2
  5. 1


@ -66,6 +66,18 @@ impl IntrinsicObject for Array {
let to_string_function = BuiltInBuilder::callable_with_object(
let unscopables_object = Self::unscopables_object();
@ -107,7 +119,11 @@ impl IntrinsicObject for Array {
.method(Self::filter, "filter", 1)
.method(Self::pop, "pop", 0)
.method(Self::join, "join", 1)
.method(Self::to_string, "toString", 0)
Attribute::WRITABLE | Attribute::NON_ENUMERABLE | Attribute::CONFIGURABLE,
.method(Self::reverse, "reverse", 0)
.method(Self::shift, "shift", 0)
.method(Self::unshift, "unshift", 1)


@ -18,12 +18,15 @@ use crate::{
array_buffer::{ArrayBuffer, SharedMemoryOrder},
typed_array::integer_indexed_object::{ContentType, IntegerIndexed},
Array, BuiltInBuilder, BuiltInConstructor, BuiltInObject, IntrinsicObject,
BuiltInBuilder, BuiltInConstructor, BuiltInObject, IntrinsicObject,
context::intrinsics::{Intrinsics, StandardConstructor, StandardConstructors},
object::{internal_methods::get_prototype_from_constructor, JsObject, ObjectData, ObjectKind},
internal_methods::{get_prototype_from_constructor, integer_indexed_element_set},
JsObject, ObjectData, ObjectKind,
property::{Attribute, PropertyNameKind},
@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ use crate::{
Context, JsArgs, JsResult,
use boa_profiler::Profiler;
use num_traits::{Signed, Zero};
use num_traits::Zero;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
pub mod integer_indexed_object;
@ -338,15 +341,20 @@ impl IntrinsicObject for TypedArray {
.method(Self::some, "some", 1)
.method(Self::sort, "sort", 1)
.method(Self::subarray, "subarray", 2)
.method(Self::to_locale_string, "toLocaleString", 0)
// %TypedArray%.prototype.toString ( )
// The initial value of the %TypedArray%.prototype.toString data property is the same
// built-in function object as the Array.prototype.toString method defined in
Attribute::WRITABLE | Attribute::NON_ENUMERABLE | Attribute::CONFIGURABLE,
Attribute::WRITABLE | Attribute::NON_ENUMERABLE | Attribute::CONFIGURABLE,
// %TypedArray%.prototype.toString ( )
// The initial value of the %TypedArray%.prototype.toString data property is the same
// built-in function object as the Array.prototype.toString method defined in
.method(Array::to_string, "toString", 0)
@ -2114,7 +2122,7 @@ impl TypedArray {
let target_offset = args.get_or_undefined(1).to_integer_or_infinity(context)?;
// 5. If targetOffset < 0, throw a RangeError exception.
match target_offset {
let target_offset = match target_offset {
IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(i) if i < 0 => {
return Err(JsNativeError::range()
.with_message("TypedArray.set called with negative offset")
@ -2125,20 +2133,21 @@ impl TypedArray {
.with_message("TypedArray.set called with negative offset")
_ => {}
IntegerOrInfinity::PositiveInfinity => U64OrPositiveInfinity::PositiveInfinity,
IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(i) => U64OrPositiveInfinity::U64(i as u64),
let source = args.get_or_undefined(0);
match source {
// 6. If source is an Object that has a [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot, then
JsValue::Object(source) if source.is_typed_array() => {
// a. Perform ? SetTypedArrayFromTypedArray(target, targetOffset, source).
Self::set_typed_array_from_typed_array(target, target_offset, source, context)?;
Self::set_typed_array_from_typed_array(target, &target_offset, source, context)?;
// 7. Else,
_ => {
// a. Perform ? SetTypedArrayFromArrayLike(target, targetOffset, source).
Self::set_typed_array_from_array_like(target, target_offset, source, context)?;
Self::set_typed_array_from_array_like(target, &target_offset, source, context)?;
@ -2154,7 +2163,7 @@ impl TypedArray {
/// [spec]:
fn set_typed_array_from_typed_array(
target: &JsObject,
target_offset: IntegerOrInfinity,
target_offset: &U64OrPositiveInfinity,
source: &JsObject,
context: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> JsResult<()> {
@ -2222,13 +2231,12 @@ impl TypedArray {
// 15. If targetOffset is +∞, throw a RangeError exception.
let target_offset = match target_offset {
IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(i) if i >= 0 => i as u64,
IntegerOrInfinity::PositiveInfinity => {
U64OrPositiveInfinity::U64(target_offset) => target_offset,
U64OrPositiveInfinity::PositiveInfinity => {
return Err(JsNativeError::range()
.with_message("Target offset cannot be Infinity")
_ => unreachable!(),
// 16. If srcLength + targetOffset > targetLength, throw a RangeError exception.
@ -2371,121 +2379,68 @@ impl TypedArray {
/// [spec]:
fn set_typed_array_from_array_like(
target: &JsObject,
target_offset: IntegerOrInfinity,
target_offset: &U64OrPositiveInfinity,
source: &JsValue,
context: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> JsResult<()> {
let target_borrow = target.borrow();
let target_array = target_borrow
.expect("Target must be a typed array");
// 1. Let targetBuffer be target.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].
// 2. If IsDetachedBuffer(targetBuffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception.
if target_array.is_detached() {
return Err(JsNativeError::typ()
.with_message("Buffer of the typed array is detached")
// 3. Let targetLength be target.[[ArrayLength]].
let target_length = target_array.array_length();
// 4. Let targetName be the String value of target.[[TypedArrayName]].
// 6. Let targetType be the Element Type value in Table 73 for targetName.
let target_name = target_array.typed_array_name();
// 5. Let targetElementSize be the Element Size value specified in Table 73 for targetName.
let target_element_size = target_name.element_size();
let target_length = {
let target_borrow = target.borrow();
let target_array = target_borrow
.expect("Target must be a typed array");
// 7. Let targetByteOffset be target.[[ByteOffset]].
let target_byte_offset = target_array.byte_offset();
// 1. Let targetBuffer be target.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].
// 2. If IsDetachedBuffer(targetBuffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception.
if target_array.is_detached() {
return Err(JsNativeError::typ()
.with_message("Buffer of the typed array is detached")
// 3. Let targetLength be target.[[ArrayLength]].
// 8. Let src be ? ToObject(source).
// 4. Let src be ? ToObject(source).
let src = source.to_object(context)?;
// 9. Let srcLength be ? LengthOfArrayLike(src).
// 5. Let srcLength be ? LengthOfArrayLike(src).
let src_length = src.length_of_array_like(context)?;
// 6. If targetOffset = +∞, throw a RangeError exception.
let target_offset = match target_offset {
// 10. If targetOffset is +∞, throw a RangeError exception.
IntegerOrInfinity::PositiveInfinity => {
U64OrPositiveInfinity::U64(target_offset) => target_offset,
U64OrPositiveInfinity::PositiveInfinity => {
return Err(JsNativeError::range()
.with_message("Target offset cannot be Infinity")
.with_message("Target offset cannot be positive infinity")
IntegerOrInfinity::Integer(i) if i >= 0 => i as u64,
_ => unreachable!(),
// 11. If srcLength + targetOffset > targetLength, throw a RangeError exception.
// 7. If srcLength + targetOffset > targetLength, throw a RangeError exception.
if src_length + target_offset > target_length {
return Err(JsNativeError::range()
.with_message("Source object and target offset longer than target typed array")
// 12. Let targetByteIndex be targetOffset × targetElementSize + targetByteOffset.
let mut target_byte_index = target_offset * target_element_size + target_byte_offset;
// 13. Let k be 0.
let mut k = 0;
// 14. Let limit be targetByteIndex + targetElementSize × srcLength.
let limit = target_byte_index + target_element_size * src_length;
// 15. Repeat, while targetByteIndex < limit,
while target_byte_index < limit {
// 8. Let k be 0.
// 9. Repeat, while k < srcLength,
for k in 0..src_length {
// a. Let Pk be ! ToString(𝔽(k)).
// b. Let value be ? Get(src, Pk).
let value = src.get(k, context)?;
// c. If target.[[ContentType]] is BigInt, set value to ? ToBigInt(value).
// d. Otherwise, set value to ? ToNumber(value).
let value = if target_name.content_type() == ContentType::BigInt {
} else {
// c. Let targetIndex be 𝔽(targetOffset + k).
let target_index = target_offset + k;
let target_borrow = target.borrow();
let target_array = target_borrow
.expect("Target must be a typed array");
let target_buffer_obj = target_array
.expect("Already checked for detached buffer");
let mut target_buffer_obj_borrow = target_buffer_obj.borrow_mut();
let target_buffer = target_buffer_obj_borrow
.expect("Already checked for detached buffer");
// d. Perform ? IntegerIndexedElementSet(target, targetIndex, value).
integer_indexed_element_set(target, target_index as f64, &value, context)?;
// e. If IsDetachedBuffer(targetBuffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception.
if target_buffer.is_detached_buffer() {
return Err(JsNativeError::typ()
.with_message("Cannot set value on detached array buffer")
// f. Perform SetValueInBuffer(targetBuffer, targetByteIndex, targetType, value, true, Unordered).
// g. Set k to k + 1.
k += 1;
// h. Set targetByteIndex to targetByteIndex + targetElementSize.
target_byte_index += target_element_size;
// e. Set k to k + 1.
// 10. Return unused.
@ -2764,16 +2719,14 @@ impl TypedArray {
// 2. Let obj be the this value.
// 3. Perform ? ValidateTypedArray(obj).
// 4. Let len be obj.[[ArrayLength]].
let obj = this.as_object().ok_or_else(|| {
.with_message("TypedArray.sort must be called on typed array object")
// 4. Let buffer be obj.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]].
// 5. Let len be obj.[[ArrayLength]].
let (buffer, len) =
let len =
// 3. Perform ? ValidateTypedArray(obj).
let obj_borrow = obj.borrow();
let o = obj_borrow.as_typed_array().ok_or_else(|| {
@ -2781,148 +2734,49 @@ impl TypedArray {
if o.is_detached() {
return Err(JsNativeError::typ().with_message(
"TypedArray.sort called on typed array object with detached array buffer",
"TypedArray.sort called on typed array object with detached array buffer",
.expect("Already checked for detached buffer")
// 4. Let items be a new empty List.
let mut items = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);
// 5. Let k be 0.
// 6. Repeat, while k < len,
for k in 0..len {
// a. Let Pk be ! ToString(𝔽(k)).
// b. Let kPresent be ? HasProperty(obj, Pk).
// c. If kPresent is true, then
if obj.has_property(k, context)? {
// i. Let kValue be ? Get(obj, Pk).
let k_val = obj.get(k, context)?;
// ii. Append kValue to items.
// d. Set k to k + 1.
// 7. Let itemCount be the number of elements in items.
let item_count = items.len();
// 5. NOTE: The following closure performs a numeric comparison rather than the string comparison used in
// 6. Let SortCompare be a new Abstract Closure with parameters (x, y) that captures comparefn and performs the following steps when called:
let sort_compare = |x: &JsValue,
y: &JsValue,
compare_fn: Option<&JsObject>,
context: &mut Context<'_>|
-> JsResult<Ordering> {
// 1. Assert: Both Type(x) and Type(y) are Number or both are BigInt.
// 2. If comparefn is not undefined, then
if let Some(obj) = compare_fn {
// a. Let v be ? ToNumber(? Call(comparefn, undefined, « x, y »)).
let v = obj
.call(&JsValue::undefined(), &[x.clone(), y.clone()], context)?
// b. If IsDetachedBuffer(buffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception.
if buffer
.expect("Must be array buffer")
return Err(JsNativeError::typ()
.with_message("Cannot sort typed array with detached buffer")
// c. If v is NaN, return +0𝔽.
// d. Return v.
return Ok(v.partial_cmp(&0.0).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal));
if let (JsValue::BigInt(x), JsValue::BigInt(y)) = (x, y) {
// 6. If x < y, return -1𝔽.
if x < y {
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
// 7. If x > y, return 1𝔽.
if x > y {
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
// 8. If x is -0𝔽 and y is +0𝔽, return -1𝔽.
if x.is_zero()
&& y.is_zero()
&& x.as_inner().is_negative()
&& y.as_inner().is_positive()
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
// 9. If x is +0𝔽 and y is -0𝔽, return 1𝔽.
if x.is_zero()
&& y.is_zero()
&& x.as_inner().is_positive()
&& y.as_inner().is_negative()
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
} else {
let x = x
.expect("Typed array can only contain number or bigint");
let y = y
.expect("Typed array can only contain number or bigint");
// 3. If x and y are both NaN, return +0𝔽.
if x.is_nan() && y.is_nan() {
return Ok(Ordering::Equal);
// 4. If x is NaN, return 1𝔽.
if x.is_nan() {
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
// 5. If y is NaN, return -1𝔽.
if y.is_nan() {
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
// 6. If x < y, return -1𝔽.
if x < y {
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
// 7. If x > y, return 1𝔽.
if x > y {
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
// a. Return ? CompareTypedArrayElements(x, y, comparefn).
compare_typed_array_elements(x, y, compare_fn, context)
// 8. If x is -0𝔽 and y is +0𝔽, return -1𝔽.
if x.is_zero() && y.is_zero() && x.is_sign_negative() && y.is_sign_positive() {
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
// Note: This step is currently inlined.
// 7. Let sortedList be ? SortIndexedProperties(obj, len, SortCompare, read-through-holes).
// 1. Let items be a new empty List.
let mut items = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);
// 9. If x is +0𝔽 and y is -0𝔽, return 1𝔽.
if x.is_zero() && y.is_zero() && x.is_sign_positive() && y.is_sign_negative() {
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
// 2. Let k be 0.
// 3. Repeat, while k < len,
for k in 0..len {
// a. Let Pk be ! ToString(𝔽(k)).
// b. If holes is skip-holes, then
// i. Let kRead be ? HasProperty(obj, Pk).
// c. Else,
// i. Assert: holes is read-through-holes.
// ii. Let kRead be true.
// d. If kRead is true, then
// i. Let kValue be ? Get(obj, Pk).
let k_value = obj.get(k, context)?;
// 10. Return +0𝔽.
// ii. Append kValue to items.
// e. Set k to k + 1.
// 8. Sort items using an implementation-defined sequence of calls to SortCompare.
// If any such call returns an abrupt completion, stop before performing any further
// calls to SortCompare or steps in this algorithm and return that completion.
// 4. Sort items using an implementation-defined sequence of calls to SortCompare. If any such call returns an abrupt completion, stop before performing any further calls to SortCompare and return that Completion Record.
// 5. Return items.
let mut sort_err = Ok(());
items.sort_by(|x, y| {
if sort_err.is_ok() {
@ -2936,22 +2790,17 @@ impl TypedArray {
// 9. Let j be 0.
// 10. Repeat, while j < itemCount,
// 8. Let j be 0.
// 9. Repeat, while j < len,
for (j, item) in items.into_iter().enumerate() {
// a. Perform ? Set(obj, ! ToString(𝔽(j)), items[j], true).
obj.set(j, item, true, context)?;
// b. Set j to j + 1.
// a. Perform ! Set(obj, ! ToString(𝔽(j)), sortedList[j], true).
obj.set(j, item, true, context)
.expect("cannot fail per spec");
// 11. Repeat, while j < len,
for j in item_count..(len as usize) {
// a. Perform ? DeletePropertyOrThrow(obj, ! ToString(𝔽(j))).
obj.delete_property_or_throw(j, context)?;
// b. Set j to j + 1.
// 12. Return obj.
// 10. Return obj.
@ -3042,7 +2891,95 @@ impl TypedArray {
// TODO: %TypedArray%.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ reserved1 [ , reserved2 ] ] )
/// `%TypedArray%.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ reserved1 [ , reserved2 ] ] )`
/// `Array.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ locales [ , options ] ] )`
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// - [ECMA-402 reference][spec-402]
/// [spec]:
/// [spec-402]:
fn to_locale_string(
this: &JsValue,
args: &[JsValue],
context: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> JsResult<JsValue> {
// 1. Let array be ? ToObject(this value).
// Note: ValidateTypedArray is applied to the this value prior to evaluating the algorithm.
let array = this.as_object().ok_or_else(|| {
JsNativeError::typ().with_message("Value is not a typed array object")
let len = {
let obj_borrow = array.borrow();
let o = obj_borrow.as_typed_array().ok_or_else(|| {
JsNativeError::typ().with_message("Value is not a typed array object")
if o.is_detached() {
return Err(JsNativeError::typ()
.with_message("Buffer of the typed array is detached")
// 2. Let len be array.[[ArrayLength]]
// 3. Let separator be the implementation-defined list-separator String value
// appropriate for the host environment's current locale (such as ", ").
let separator = {
#[cfg(feature = "intl")]
// TODO: this should eventually return a locale-sensitive separator.
utf16!(", ")
#[cfg(not(feature = "intl"))]
utf16!(", ")
// 4. Let R be the empty String.
let mut r = Vec::new();
// 5. Let k be 0.
// 6. Repeat, while k < len,
for k in 0..len {
// a. If k > 0, then
if k > 0 {
// i. Set R to the string-concatenation of R and separator.
// b. Let nextElement be ? Get(array, ! ToString(k)).
let next_element = array.get(k, context)?;
// c. If nextElement is not undefined or null, then
if !next_element.is_null_or_undefined() {
// i. Let S be ? ToString(? Invoke(nextElement, "toLocaleString", « locales, options »)).
let s = next_element
// ii. Set R to the string-concatenation of R and S.
// d. Increase k by 1.
// 7. Return R.
/// ` %TypedArray%.prototype.values ( )`
@ -3605,6 +3542,102 @@ impl TypedArray {
/// `CompareTypedArrayElements ( x, y, comparefn )`
/// More information:
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// [spec]:
fn compare_typed_array_elements(
x: &JsValue,
y: &JsValue,
compare_fn: Option<&JsObject>,
context: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> JsResult<Ordering> {
// 1. Assert: x is a Number and y is a Number, or x is a BigInt and y is a BigInt.
// 2. If comparefn is not undefined, then
if let Some(compare_fn) = compare_fn {
// a. Let v be ? ToNumber(? Call(comparefn, undefined, « x, y »)).
let v = compare_fn
.call(&JsValue::undefined(), &[x.clone(), y.clone()], context)?
// b. If v is NaN, return +0𝔽.
if v.is_nan() {
return Ok(Ordering::Equal);
// c. Return v.
if v.is_sign_positive() {
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
match (x, y) {
(JsValue::BigInt(x), JsValue::BigInt(y)) => {
// Note: Other steps are not relevant for BigInts.
// 6. If x < y, return -1𝔽.
// 7. If x > y, return 1𝔽.
// 10. Return +0𝔽.
(JsValue::Integer(x), JsValue::Integer(y)) => {
// Note: Other steps are not relevant for integers.
// 6. If x < y, return -1𝔽.
// 7. If x > y, return 1𝔽.
// 10. Return +0𝔽.
(JsValue::Rational(x), JsValue::Rational(y)) => {
// 3. If x and y are both NaN, return +0𝔽.
if x.is_nan() && y.is_nan() {
return Ok(Ordering::Equal);
// 4. If x is NaN, return 1𝔽.
if x.is_nan() {
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
// 5. If y is NaN, return -1𝔽.
if y.is_nan() {
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
// 6. If x < y, return -1𝔽.
if x < y {
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
// 7. If x > y, return 1𝔽.
if x > y {
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
// 8. If x is -0𝔽 and y is +0𝔽, return -1𝔽.
if x.is_sign_negative() && x.is_zero() && y.is_sign_positive() && y.is_zero() {
return Ok(Ordering::Less);
// 9. If x is +0𝔽 and y is -0𝔽, return 1𝔽.
if x.is_sign_positive() && x.is_zero() && y.is_sign_negative() && y.is_zero() {
return Ok(Ordering::Greater);
// 10. Return +0𝔽.
_ => unreachable!("x and y must be both Numbers or BigInts"),
enum U64OrPositiveInfinity {
/// Names of all the typed arrays.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum TypedArrayKind {


@ -821,6 +821,9 @@ pub struct IntrinsicObjects {
/// [`%Array.prototype.values%`](
array_prototype_values: JsFunction,
/// [`%Array.prototype.toString%`](
array_prototype_to_string: JsFunction,
/// Cached iterator prototypes.
iterator_prototypes: IteratorPrototypes,
@ -873,6 +876,7 @@ impl Default for IntrinsicObjects {
json: JsObject::default(),
throw_type_error: JsFunction::empty_intrinsic_function(false),
array_prototype_values: JsFunction::empty_intrinsic_function(false),
array_prototype_to_string: JsFunction::empty_intrinsic_function(false),
iterator_prototypes: IteratorPrototypes::default(),
generator: JsObject::default(),
async_generator: JsObject::default(),
@ -904,7 +908,7 @@ impl IntrinsicObjects {
/// Gets the [`%Array.prototype.values%`][spec] intrinsic object.
/// Gets the [`%Array.prototype.values%`][spec] intrinsic function.
/// [spec]:
@ -913,6 +917,15 @@ impl IntrinsicObjects {
/// Gets the [`%Array.prototype.toString%`][spec] intrinsic function.
/// [spec]:
pub fn array_prototype_to_string(&self) -> JsFunction {
/// Gets the cached iterator prototypes.


@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ fn integer_indexed_element_get(obj: &JsObject, index: f64) -> Option<JsValue> {
/// - [ECMAScript reference][spec]
/// [spec]:
fn integer_indexed_element_set(
pub(crate) fn integer_indexed_element_set(
obj: &JsObject,
index: f64,
value: &JsValue,


@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ pub(super) mod proxy;
pub(super) mod string;
pub(crate) use array::ARRAY_EXOTIC_INTERNAL_METHODS;
pub(crate) use integer_indexed::integer_indexed_element_set;
impl JsObject {
/// Internal method `[[GetPrototypeOf]]`
