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starting from a more recent commit

Jason Williams 6 years ago
  1. 23
  2. 9
  3. 41
  4. 505
  5. 3


@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ use gc::GcCell;
use js::object::ObjectData;
use js::value::{ResultValue, Value, ValueData};
use js::{function, json, object};
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use syntax::ast::expr::Expr;
/// An execution engine
@ -17,8 +19,7 @@ pub trait Executor {
fn make_scope(&mut self) -> GcCell<RefCell<ObjectData>>;
/// Destroy the current scope
fn destroy_scope(&mut self) -> ();
/// Run an expression
fn run(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> ResultValue;
// fn run(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> ResultValue;
/// A Javascript intepreter
@ -40,4 +41,22 @@ impl Executor for Interpreter {
scopes: Vec::new(),
fn set_global(&mut self, name: String, val: Value) -> Value {, val)
fn get_global(&self, name: String) -> Value {
fn make_scope(&mut self) -> GcCell<RefCell<ObjectData>> {
let value = GcCell::new(RefCell::new(HashMap::new()));
fn destroy_scope(&mut self) -> () {


@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
extern crate gc;
extern crate serde_json;
/// The global `Function` object and function value representations
pub mod function;
/// The global `JSON` object
pub mod json;
// /// The global `Function` object and function value representations
// pub mod function;
// /// The global `JSON` object
// pub mod json;
/// The global `Object` object
pub mod object;
/// Javascript values, utility methods and conversion between Javascript values and Rust values


@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
use gc::GcCell;
use js::value::{to_value, ResultValue, Value, ValueData};
use js::value::Value;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub static PROTOTYPE: &'static str = "prototype";
pub static INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE: &'static str = "__proto__";
@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ pub type ObjectData = HashMap<String, Property>;
/// [Attributes of an Accessor Property](
/// A data property associates a key value with an ECMAScript language value and a set of Boolean attributes.
/// An accessor property associates a key value with one or two accessor functions, and a set of Boolean attributes.
#[derive(Trace, Finalize)]
pub struct Property {
/// If the type of this can be changed and this can be deleted
pub configurable: bool,
@ -20,49 +20,20 @@ pub struct Property {
pub writable: bool,
/// The value associated with the property
pub value: Value,
/// The function serving as getter
pub get: Value,
/// The function serving as setter
pub set: Value,
// pub get: Value,
// pub set: Value,
impl Property {
/// Make a new property with the given value
/// [Default Attributes](
pub fn new(value: Value) -> Property {
Property {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: value,
get: GcCell::new(Value::Undefined),
set: GcCell::new(Value::Undefined),
// get: Value::undefined(),
// set: Value::undefined(),
/// Create a new object
pub fn make_object() -> ResultValue {
/// Create a new `Object` object
pub fn _create(global: Value) -> Value {
let object = to_value(make_object);
let object_ptr = object.borrow();
let prototype = ValueData::new_obj(Some(global));
// prototype.borrow().set_field_slice("hasOwnProperty", to_value(has_own_prop));
// prototype.borrow().set_field_slice("toString", to_value(to_string));
object_ptr.set_field_slice("length", to_value(1i32));
// object_ptr.set_field_slice(PROTOTYPE, prototype);
// object_ptr.set_field_slice("setPrototypeOf", to_value(set_proto_of));
// object_ptr.set_field_slice("getPrototypeOf", to_value(get_proto_of));
// object_ptr.set_field_slice("defineProperty", to_value(define_prop));
/// Initialise the `Object` object on the global object
pub fn init(global: Value) {
let global_ptr = global.borrow();
global_ptr.set_field_slice("Object", _create(global));


@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
use gc::GcCell;
use js::function::Function;
use gc::{Gc, GcCell};
use js::object::{ObjectData, Property, INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE, PROTOTYPE};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::str::FromStr;
/// The result of a Javascript expression is represented like this so it can succeed (`Ok`) or fail (`Err`)
pub type ResultValue = Result<Value, Value>;
/// A Garbage-collected Javascript value as represented in the interpreter
pub type Value = GcCell<ValueData>;
#[derive(Trace, Finalize)]
pub struct Value {
/// The garbage-collected pointer
pub ptr: Gc<ValueData>,
/// A Javascript value
#[derive(Trace, Finalize)]
pub enum ValueData {
/// `null` - A null value, for when a value doesn't exist
@ -27,508 +27,83 @@ pub enum ValueData {
/// `Number` - A 32-bit integer, such as `42`
/// `Object` - An object, such as `Math`, represented by a binary tree of string keys to Javascript values
/// `Function` - A runnable block of code, such as `Math.sqrt`, which can take some variables and return a useful value or act upon an object
impl ValueData {
impl Value {
/// Returns a new empty object
pub fn new_obj(global: Option<Value>) -> Value {
let mut obj: ObjectData = HashMap::new();
if global.is_some() {
let obj_proto = global
obj.insert(INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE.into_String(), Property::new(obj_proto));
obj.insert(INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE.to_string(), Property::new(obj_proto));
Value {
ptr: Gc::new(ValueData::Object(GcCell::new(obj))),
/// Returns true if the value is an object
pub fn is_object(&self) -> bool {
return match *self {
match *self.ptr {
ValueData::Object(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is undefined
pub fn is_undefined(&self) -> bool {
return match *self {
match *self.ptr {
ValueData::Undefined => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is null
pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool {
return match *self {
match *self.ptr {
ValueData::Null => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is null or undefined
pub fn is_null_or_undefined(&self) -> bool {
return match *self {
match *self.ptr {
ValueData::Null | ValueData::Undefined => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is a 64-bit floating-point number
pub fn is_double(&self) -> bool {
return match *self {
match *self.ptr {
ValueData::Number(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is a string
pub fn is_string(&self) -> bool {
match *self.ptr {
ValueData::String(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the value is true
/// [toBoolean](
pub fn is_true(&self) -> bool {
return match *self {
match *self.ptr {
ValueData::Object(_) => true,
ValueData::String(ref s) if s.as_slice() == "1" => true,
ValueData::String(ref s) if !s.is_empty() => true,
ValueData::Number(n) if n >= 1.0 && n % 1.0 == 0.0 => true,
ValueData::Integer(n) if n > 1 => true,
ValueData::Boolean(v) => v,
_ => false,
/// Converts the value into a 64-bit floating point number
pub fn to_num(&self) -> f64 {
return match *self {
ValueData::Object(_) | ValueData::Undefined | ValueData::Function(_) => f64::NAN,
ValueData::String(ref str) => match FromStr::from_str(str.as_slice()) {
Some(num) => num,
None => f64::NAN,
ValueData::Number(num) => num,
ValueData::Boolean(true) => 1.0,
ValueData::Boolean(false) | ValueData::Null => 0.0,
ValueData::Integer(num) => num as f64,
/// Converts the value into a 32-bit integer
pub fn to_int(&self) -> i32 {
return match *self {
| ValueData::Undefined
| ValueData::Null
| ValueData::Boolean(false)
| ValueData::Function(_) => 0,
ValueData::String(ref str) => match FromStr::from_str(str.as_slice()) {
Some(num) => num,
None => 0,
ValueData::Number(num) => num as i32,
ValueData::Boolean(true) => 1,
ValueData::Integer(num) => num,
/// Resolve the property in the object
pub fn get_prop(&self, field: String) -> Option<Property> {
let obj: ObjectData = match *self {
ValueData::Object(ref obj) => obj.borrow().clone(),
ValueData::Function(ref func) => {
let func = func.borrow().clone();
match func {
Function::NativeFunc(f) => f.object.clone(),
Function::RegularFunc(f) => f.object.clone(),
_ => return None,
match obj.find(&field) {
Some(val) => Some(*val),
None => match obj.find(&PROTOTYPE.into_String()) {
Some(prop) => prop.value.borrow().get_prop(field),
None => None,
/// Resolve the property in the object and get its value, or undefined if this is not an object or the field doesn't exist
pub fn get_field(&self, field: String) -> Value {
match self.get_prop(field) {
Some(prop) => prop.value,
None => GcCell::new(ValueData::Undefined),
/// Resolve the property in the object and get its value, or undefined if this is not an object or the field doesn't exist
pub fn get_field_slice<'t>(&self, field: &'t str) -> Value {
/// Set the field in the value
pub fn set_field(&self, field: String, val: Value) -> Value {
match *self {
ValueData::Object(ref obj) => {
obj.borrow_mut().insert(field.clone(), Property::new(val));
ValueData::Function(ref func) => {
match *func.borrow_mut().deref_mut() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref mut f) => {
f.object.insert(field.clone(), Property::new(val))
Function::RegularFunc(ref mut f) => {
f.object.insert(field.clone(), Property::new(val))
_ => (),
/// Set the field in the value
pub fn set_field_slice<'t>(&self, field: &'t str, val: Value) -> Value {
self.set_field(field.into_String(), val)
/// Set the property in the value
pub fn set_prop(&self, field: String, prop: Property) -> Property {
match *self {
ValueData::Object(ref obj) => {
obj.borrow_mut().insert(field.clone(), prop);
ValueData::Function(ref func) => {
match *func.borrow_mut().deref_mut() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref mut f) => f.object.insert(field.clone(), prop),
Function::RegularFunc(ref mut f) => f.object.insert(field.clone(), prop),
_ => (),
/// Set the property in the value
pub fn set_prop_slice<'t>(&self, field: &'t str, prop: Property) -> Property {
self.set_prop(field.into_String(), prop)
/// Convert from a JSON value to a JS value
pub fn from_json(json: serde_json::Value) -> ValueData {
match json {
serde_json::Value::Number(v) => ValueData::Number(v),
serde_json::Value::String(v) => ValueData::String(v),
serde_json::Value::Boolean(v) => ValueData::Boolean(v),
serde_json::Value::List(vs) => {
let mut i = 0;
let mut data: ObjectData = FromIterator::from_iter(vs.iter().map(|json| {
i += 1;
(i - 1).to_str().into_String(),
Property::new(to_value(vs.len() as i32)),
serde_json::Value::Object(obj) => {
let data: ObjectData = FromIterator::from_iter(
.map(|(key, json)| (key.clone(), Property::new(to_value(json.clone())))),
Null => ValueData::Null,
pub fn to_json(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
match *self {
ValueData::Null | ValueData::Undefined => serde_json::Value::Null,
ValueData::Boolean(b) => serde_json::Value::Boolean(b),
ValueData::Object(ref obj) => {
let mut nobj = HashMap::new();
for (k, v) in obj.borrow().iter() {
if k.as_slice() != INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE.as_slice() {
nobj.insert(k.clone(), v.value.borrow().to_json());
ValueData::String(ref str) => serde_json::Value::String(str.clone()),
ValueData::Number(num) => serde_json::Value::Number(num),
ValueData::Integer(val) => serde_json::Value::Number(val as f64),
ValueData::Function(_) => serde_json::Value::Null,
impl fmt::Display for ValueData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
ValueData::Null => write!(f, "null"),
ValueData::Undefined => write!(f, "undefined"),
ValueData::Boolean(v) => write!(f, "{}", v),
ValueData::String(ref v) => write!(f, "{}", v),
ValueData::Number(v) => write!(
match v {
_ if v.is_nan() => "NaN".into_String(),
f64::INFINITY => "Infinity".into_String(),
f64::NEG_INFINITY => "-Infinity".into_String(),
_ => f64::to_str_digits(v, 15),
ValueData::Object(ref v) => {
try!(write!(f, "{}", "{"));
match v.borrow().iter().last() {
Some((last_key, _)) => {
for (key, val) in v.borrow().iter() {
try!(write!(f, "{}: {}", key, val.value.borrow()));
if key != last_key {
try!(write!(f, "{}", ", "));
None => (),
write!(f, "{}", "}")
ValueData::Integer(v) => write!(f, "{}", v),
ValueData::Function(ref v) => match v.borrow().clone() {
Function::NativeFunc(_) => write!(f, "{}", "function() { [native code] }"),
Function::RegularFunc(rf) => {
write!(f, "function({}){}", rf.args.connect(", "), rf.expr)
impl PartialEq for ValueData {
fn eq(&self, other: &ValueData) -> bool {
match (self.clone(), other.clone()) {
(ref a, ref b) if a.is_null_or_undefined() && b.is_null_or_undefined() => true,
(ValueData::String(ref a), ValueData::String(ref b)) if a == b => true,
(ValueData::String(ref a), ref b) | (ref b, ValueData::String(ref a))
if *a == b.to_str() =>
(ValueData::Boolean(a), ValueData::Boolean(b)) if a == b => true,
(ValueData::Number(a), ValueData::Number(b))
if a == b && !a.is_nan() && !b.is_nan() =>
(ValueData::Number(a), ref b) | (ref b, ValueData::Number(a)) if a == b.to_num() => {
(ValueData::Integer(a), ValueData::Integer(b)) if a == b => true,
_ => false,
// impl Add<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn add(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// return match (self.clone(), other.clone()) {
// (ValueData::String(s), other) | (other, ValueData::String(s)) => {
// ValueData::String(s.clone().append(other.to_str().as_slice()))
// }
// (_, _) => ValueData::Number(self.to_num() + other.to_num()),
// };
// }
// }
// impl Sub<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn sub(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Number(self.to_num() - other.to_num())
// }
// }
// impl Mul<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn mul(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Number(self.to_num() * other.to_num())
// }
// }
// impl Div<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn div(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Number(self.to_num() / other.to_num())
// }
// }
// impl Rem<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn rem(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Number(self.to_num() % other.to_num())
// }
// }
// impl BitAnd<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn bitand(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Integer(self.to_int() & other.to_int())
// }
// }
// impl BitOr<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn bitor(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Integer(self.to_int() | other.to_int())
// }
// }
// impl BitXor<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn bitxor(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Integer(self.to_int() ^ other.to_int())
// }
// }
// impl Shl<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn shl(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Integer(self.to_int() << other.to_int())
// }
// }
// impl Shr<ValueData, ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn shr(&self, other: &ValueData) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Integer(self.to_int() >> other.to_int())
// }
// }
// impl Not<ValueData> for ValueData {
// fn not(&self) -> ValueData {
// ValueData::Boolean(!self.is_true())
// }
// }
/// Conversion to Javascript values from Rust values
pub trait ToValue {
/// Convert this value to a Rust value
fn to_value(&self) -> Value;
/// Conversion to Rust values from Javascript values
pub trait FromValue<T: std::marker::Sized> {
/// Convert this value to a Javascript value
fn from_value(value: Value) -> Result<T, &'static str>;
impl ToValue for String {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl<T> FromValue<T> for String {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<String, &'static str> {
impl<'s> ToValue for &'s str {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl ToValue for char {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
GcCell::new(ValueData::String(String::from_char(1, *self)))
impl<T> FromValue<T> for char {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<char, &'static str> {
impl ToValue for f64 {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl<T> FromValue<T> for f64 {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<f64, &'static str> {
impl ToValue for i32 {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl<T> FromValue<T> for i32 {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
impl ToValue for bool {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl<T> FromValue<T> for bool {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<bool, &'static str> {
impl<'s, T: ToValue> ToValue for &'s [T] {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
let mut arr = HashMap::new();
let mut i = 0;
for item in self.iter() {
arr.insert(i.to_str().into_String(), Property::new(item.to_value()));
i += 1;
impl<T: ToValue> ToValue for Vec<T> {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
let mut arr = HashMap::new();
let mut i = 0;
for item in self.iter() {
arr.insert(i.to_str().into_String(), Property::new(item.to_value()));
i += 1;
impl<T: FromValue<T>, R> FromValue<R> for Vec<T> {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Vec<T>, &'static str> {
let len = v.borrow().get_field_slice("length").borrow().to_int();
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(len);
for i in 0..len {
impl ToValue for Function {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl<T> FromValue<T> for Function {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<Function, &'static str> {
match *v.borrow() {
ValueData::Function(ref func) => match *func.borrow() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref data) => Ok(,
_ => Err("Value is not a native function"),
_ => Err("Value is not a function"),
impl ToValue for ObjectData {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl<T> FromValue<T> for ObjectData {
fn from_value(v: Value) -> Result<ObjectData, &'static str> {
match *v.borrow() {
ValueData::Object(ref obj) => Ok(obj.clone().borrow().deref().clone()),
ValueData::Function(ref func) => Ok(match *func.borrow().deref() {
Function::NativeFunc(ref data) => data.object.clone(),
Function::RegularFunc(ref data) => data.object.clone(),
_ => Err("Value is not a valid object"),
impl ToValue for () {
fn to_value(&self) -> Value {
impl<T> FromValue<T> for () {
fn from_value(_: Value) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
/// A utility function that just calls FromValue::from_value
pub fn from_value<A: FromValue<T>>(v: Value) -> Result<A, &'static str> {
/// A utility function that just calls ToValue::to_value
pub fn to_value<A: ToValue>(v: A) -> Value {


@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
extern crate gc;
extern crate gc_derive;
pub mod exec;
// pub mod exec;
pub mod js;
pub mod syntax;
