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# Debugging
There are multiple ways to debug what Boa is doing. Or maybe you just want to
know how it works under the hood. Or even test some JavaScript.
One way to do so is to create a file in the root of the repository. For example
`test.js`. Then execute `cargo run -- test.js` to run the file with boa. You can
compile a list of JavaScript files by running `cargo run -- file1.js file2.js`
and so on.
You can also run boa interactively by simply calling `cargo run` without any
arguments to start a shell to execute JS.
These are added in order of how the code is read:
## Tokens and AST nodes
The first thing boa will do is to generate tokens from the source code.
These tokens are then parsed into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
Any syntax errors should be thrown while the AST is generated.
You can use the `boa_cli` command-line flag `--dump-ast` to print the AST.
The flag supports these formats: `Debug`, `Json`, `JsonPretty`. By default
it is the `Debug` format.
Dumping the AST of a file:
cargo run -- test.js --dump-ast # AST dump format is Debug by default.
or with interactive mode (REPL):
cargo run -- --dump-ast # AST dump format is Debug by default.
## Bytecode generation and Execution
Once the AST has been generated boa will compile it into bytecode.
The bytecode is then executed by the vm.
You can print the bytecode and the executed instructions with the command-line flag `--trace`.
For more detailed information about the vm and the trace output look [here](./
Implement instruction flowgraph generator (#2422) This PR is a WIP implementation of a vm instruction flowgraph generator This aims to make the vm easier to debug and understand for both newcomers and experienced devs. For example if we have the following code: ```js let i = 0; while (i < 10) { if (i == 3) { break; } i++; } ``` It generates the following instructions (which is hard to read, especially jumps): <details> ``` ----------------------Compiled Output: '<main>'----------------------- Location Count Opcode Operands 000000 0000 PushZero 000001 0001 DefInitLet 0000: 'i' 000006 0002 LoopStart 000007 0003 LoopContinue 000008 0004 GetName 0000: 'i' 000013 0005 PushInt8 10 000015 0006 LessThan 000016 0007 JumpIfFalse 78 000021 0008 PushDeclarativeEnvironment 0, 1 000030 0009 GetName 0000: 'i' 000035 0010 PushInt8 3 000037 0011 Eq 000038 0012 JumpIfFalse 58 000043 0013 PushDeclarativeEnvironment 0, 0 000052 0014 Jump 78 000057 0015 PopEnvironment 000058 0016 GetName 0000: 'i' 000063 0017 IncPost 000064 0018 RotateRight 2 000066 0019 SetName 0000: 'i' 000071 0020 Pop 000072 0021 PopEnvironment 000073 0022 Jump 7 000078 0023 LoopEnd Literals: <empty> Bindings: 0000: i Functions: <empty> ``` </details> And the flow graph is generated: ![flowgraph]( The beginning of the function is marked by the `start` node (in green) and end (in red). In branching the "yes" branch is marked in green and "no" in red. ~~This only generates in [graphviz format]( (a widely used format) but it would be nice to also generate to a format that `mermaid.js` can understand and that could be put in articles TODO: - [x] Generate graphviz format - [x] Generate mermaid format - [x] Programmatically generate colors push and pop env instructions - [x] Display nested functions in sub-sub-graphs. - [x] Put under a feature (`"flowgraph"`) - [x] Handle try/catch, switch instructions - [x] CLI option for configuring direction of flow (by default it is top down) - [x] Handle `Throw` instruction (requires keeping track of try blocks) - [x] Documentation - [x] Prevent node name collisions (functions with the same name)
2 years ago
## Instruction flowgraph
We can to get the vm instructions flowgraph, which is a visual representation of the instruction flow.
The `Start` (in green) and `End` (in red) node in the graph represents the start and end point of execution.
They are not instructions, just markers.
The conditional instructions are diamond shaped, with the `"YES"` branch in green and the `"NO"` branch in red.
The push and pop evironment pairs match colors and are connected by a dotted line.
You can use the `--flowgraph` (or `--flowgraph=mermaid` for [mermaid][mermaid] format) flag which outputs
[graphviz][graphviz] format by default, and pipe it to `dot` (from the `graphviz` package which is installed
on most linux distros by default) or use an online editor like: <> to
view the graph.
cargo run -- test.js --flowgraph | dot -Tpng > test.png
You can specify the `-Tsvg` to generate a `svg` instead of a `png` file.
![Graphviz flowgraph](./img/graphviz_flowgraph.svg)
Mermaid graphs can be displayed on github [natively without third-party programs][gihub-mermaid].
By using a `mermaid` block as seen below.
// graph contents here...
Additionaly you can specify the direction of "flow" by using the `--flowgraph-direction` cli option,
for example `--flowgraph-direction=left-to-right`, the default is `top-to-bottom`.
## Compiler panics
In the case of a compiler panic, to get a full backtrace you will need to set
the environment variable `RUST_BACKTRACE=1`.
## Debugger
### VS Code Debugger
The quickest way to get debugging is to use the CodeLLDB plugin and add breakpoints. You can get
more information [here][blog_debugging].
### LLDB Manual debugging
You can also use rust-lldb. The `Dockerfile` already has this enabled, you
should be able to use that environment to run your code.
rust-lldb ./target/debug/boa [arguments]